
Danmachi: The Great Unique Sorcerer

The great goddess and titan, Hecate, remained hidden for the vast majority of the time she spent on the mortal world, her curiosity for the humans never failing to amuse her even though hundreds of years have passed since she first descended. Attracted by the stories of the adventurers of Orario, she now wishes to create her own Familia, unknow to others that her Arcanun powers aren't as limited as that of the other gods, she uses her witchcraft to summon the soul of a boy from the distant realm of Earth. -- OBS: The protagonist is the one summoned, Hecate is one of the main characters. DISCLAIMER: A/N: The cover and Damnachi don't belong to me, but the girl in it represents pretty well Hecate's appearance in my vision, just that her eyes are of a different color.

GreatMageHarkan · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Am I going to be using magic soon?

A/N: Hey fellas, I feel like I'm going to die of headache and toothache! Unfortunately, I already saw a doctor and what he said is "well, gotta wait till the time to remove the stitches (it's because I had to remove one of my teeth)", apparently everything is fine on the surface, so I'm probably just very weak to pain and deprivation of sleep, a gift of the pain in my mouth, oh yeah, let's not forget that I can barely eat food unless it's pasty or liquid I'm forced to pretend it doesn't exist... ah, hell is having to remove your teeth, nobody will convince me otherwise.

Anyway, gimme your thoughts on the story so far. I have prepared some things for the future but I want to know where you guys would like to see this story going, I wanted to focus more on my original characters rather than making my protagonist being best buddies with Bell, Hestia, and those other frequent characters. Not saying that they wouldn't be around, just that they would never be the actual focus of the plot unless I ended up making one of them connected with either Hecate or Leofric.

This whole story is kind of a mold or test trial to my original one that I plan to write in the future after all. Anyway, nothing is set in stone yet, not even if there'll be a harem or not. For now, I can only say, forget any thoughts on NTR, I hate that stuff with every energy cell in my being, I swear to any god, if I had the power, I would erase this concept from the human mind.

Oh well, have a good day, and please, if you see any grammar mistakes in the story, point them out and I'll fix them as soon as I can.


I was nearing the end of my second week at the Dungeon.

The time I spent here was honestly horrifying, at first, I got injured very easily and constantly. But as confidence built up inside me, my mentality towards the Dungeon changed slightly, whether or not it was a mistake on my part, I started to notice patterns, the enemies, the map, the behavior, everything reminded me of the times I spent playing games.

Avoiding, parrying, thrusting, rolling, those were all familiar scenes I had witnessed before, and I could easily translate them all into my movements.

It was like playing dark souls but in real life. Once I grasped the enemy move set everything became instantly predictable, and just like dark souls, my status was as shitty as it could be, but I could exchange attribute-based collisions to skill-based ones!

Imagine my surprise when I started to notice patterns in their behaviors as well. It's a group of four?


They are goblins?


The corridor is wide?


Oh my, did I just predict the leader would strike first while the other two would rush to surround me?

Puck! My blade pierced the leader's head and he fell back, the other tried to slash at me but I jumped and quickly threw them back with a kick.

At first, I almost died for a single kobold, now I could take on entire groups of enemies on my own simply by understanding them!

If I had to put it in words, I'd say my hunting proficiency was raising beside my Pokedex of monsters, by gathering information on them, I could attack, defend, avoid and plan ahead to face anything they might try easier and quicker than ever.

Heck, now I could even defend their attacks in a way that didn't make my arms feel like they had just punched a tree bare-handed!

I couldn't tell if I was talented or just lucky, but damn, this sure made my days easier, I went from miserable 500 Valis from a single run on the first day, to 1500 yesterday!

Seriously, what the fuck!? How could real life have more sense of progression than those MMOs I used to play? My status has barely changed and I feel like my character has gone from level 1 to level 15, while in a game like ESO I felt like I was doing the same amount of damage from the very beginning till the day I reached the endgame...

Fufufu! I won't lie, call me a cry baby if you want to, or maybe just call me a prick who picks on the weak and cower at the sight of the strong, but I'm getting addicted to this feeling! This must be how my bullies felt in pre-school! Ah! Such freedom! Such ecstasy!

If this continued, it wouldn't be long before I was swimming in money.

Sure, the money I raised daily plus that of my goddess, barely allowed us to have a decent place to sleep and barely any luxury when eating, but hey, it just took me a week to pay off my debt to the guild, and we are starting to see a daily profit of 150 Valis every day!

And that's only considering when my goddess isn't lucky, because apparently there are some days where she gets pretty high bonuses at her work which increased our profits from 150 to 400 and sometimes even 500.

A pity that it was still too early to make anything with this little money... Just a better sword would cost me no less than 15 thousand, an armor made of iron would cost no less than 20 thousand, and a better shield, my preference being the kite ones, would demand of me more or less 30 thousand!

That meant if I wanted to upgrade my character, I had to grind every day no less than some odd 2 thousand Valis daily specifically for upgrading my gear and it would take me pretty much a month to do so!

Seriously, how the heck someone is supposed to grow stronger with prices like that!? If attributes weren't free, I would honestly be crying right now even though I just defeated four more Kobolds and already took their magic stone shards.

This time, however, is not adequate to start thinking about this! No, I'm growing stronger and more experienced with time, I want to celebrate the occasion with my goddess, she will make my first update today, and we gathered no less than 3.500 Valis, I want to take her out for dinner, and if we don't eat pretty well today, then I shall forsake my manhood and live as a eunuch!


Leofric Aldrich: Level One

STR: I - 0 -> I - 20

END: I - 0 -> I - 35

AGI: I - 0 -> I - 10

DEX: I - 0 -> I - 10

MAG: I - 0 -> I - 0

Skill: (???)

Magic: ( ), ( ), ( )

Looking at his updated status, Hecate was dumbfounded. Only two weeks and he progressed that much!? She couldn't help but take a sneaky peek at her summoned hero. Not only did his attributes grow stronger, but she could also feel that his first skill was about to bloom into existence, and even though he had not used a single magic spell so far... he already unlocked 3 spell slots for them. The very known limit for any being who uses magic through the blessing of the gods.

Seeing the way things were going, she couldn't help but picture him in the future, would he be some sort of vanguard figure clad in heavy armor with both sword and shield in hands and an arsenal of spells to make him last longer in battle and striker harder at his enemies?

From the way his status was developing she felt that may end up being the case.

"Here you go." Hecate gave him the paper with his status and watched as he read.

Her eyes lingering all that while on his exposed lean back, others might not notice, but Hecate who spends most of her free time with him did it.

Leofric might... hide behind a facet of bravery and honor to cast away any possibility of people thinking of him as a coward, but that was actually a good quality of his. For fear of the unknown, he tries his best to prepare himself and learn from his mistakes, even though the races had abandoned the methods of old like exercising to grow stronger, he secretly trains when they go to sleep and is slowly making his foundation sturdier and stronger.

His status might say 'X', but the truth was that he was improving in many aspects. Proof of that lies in his body shape, which is slowly starting to show the presence of define and well-built muscles.

Leofric... my dear Leofric, to think you're working so hard for the both of us... ah... if I don't reward you somehow, I'll feel that I'm being petty with you...

"This... Isn't my development a bit too strange? What the hell happened with magic slots?" Unaware of her thoughts, he was quite surprised by his update.

Leofric had put quite the effort since his first day at the Dungeon, after studying a bit more under Halrod's tutelage he now knew that this world had a system similar to Skyrim, meaning that they benefit from the repetition of something.

Want to grow stronger? Try using heavier weapons or equipment, carrying weight, and striking hard at your enemy can increase the Excelia in your STR status.

Endurance? Just take some hits or run without rest for a few hours to escape from some monsters.

Dexterity? Have you tried swinging your sword as if you're dancing?

Agility? I heard that avoiding attacks at the last minute can greatly boost that...

Magic? Well, just go learn something and get rid of this uncultured worldview that ignores the existence of books!

Whatever he could to make himself stronger, even if it was eating bananas instead of cookies, he did it! All for the sake of getting stronger and being able to go back to see his beautiful wife-like goddess who eagerly waits for him at 'home' every night.

But spell slots? How the hell does one even get more of that!? And two in a row? Was destiny hinting upon something here? Was it saying that he would become a mage class? Actually... sword, shield, armor, and spells? Maybe a paladin or battlemage is what this world wants him to be.

"It might have something to do with your skill... I'm the goddess of witchcraft, after all, it wouldn't be a surprise if it's somehow related to that."

"I guess it makes sense then..." Leofric ended up scratching the back of his neck and throwing the paper at the table near the bed.

He turned towards Hecate and with a bright blush, he lowered his head and said. "Goddess! In commemoration of our progress, would you go out to have a special meal with me?"

"E-eh!? Y-you want to go out with me?" Hecate couldn't believe her ears, she felt that maybe all the work had made her drowsy and consequently mistake what he had said.

When he repeated his words, however, it was her turn to lower her head. With bright red cheeks, she held both her hands next to her chest as if trying to calm her heart beating wildly and without care for her well-being.

"B-but... we don't have a lot of money, and..."

"That's okay!" Hecate was stunned for a moment as Leofric took her hands and brought her closer, their faces getting so close to each other they could feel each other's breathing.

"I know we have to think about our future, but this is a rare and special occasion, it's my first time getting an update to my falna, and I have gotten so stronger since I first started... I'm nowhere near a hero who can dive down to the deeper floors, but with such a sense of accomplishment feeling me, I feel like if I let this moment pass, I'll never have the opportunity to do it again!"

All those words came from deep within his heart, not a single one of them carrying a mere drop of lies or deceit.

After living a dull life lacking purpose and meaning on Earth. This feeling of having the empty hole in his chest being filled was incomparably good and welcome!

Back then, everything he did never managed to even put a slight smile on his face, with the exception of the times he was playing games and managed to overcome very difficult challenges. No accomplishment in real life was ever enough for him.

But now that he strived for something more than just taking another step the next day. His life felt more colorful, more meaningful, and maybe even more satisfying. Now he wasn't just looking for himself, there was his goddess, the Familia, and the responsibilities that came with it.

His life got better and it was all thanks to her...

Looking at Hecate as this thought crossed his mind, he blushed once more.

Oh, fuck! Red flag, red flag! Don't fall in love you fucking virgin! Although he repeated that for himself, it was difficult to oblige, in the end, a thief stole his heart and soul... quite literally actually.

"I... Well, if you put it like that I don't know how I could refuse... cough." Hecate turned her head to the side and pouted. She bit the corner of her lips, and after a moment, grabbed his hand and stood up. "Alright, let's go then."