
Chapter 9: Registration

Once I got my status I slipped my shirt back on.

Then Athena and I headed downstairs where I showed the others my status.

If we are going to be in the same familia we need to build trust after all, and this is one of the best ways to do so. Since an adventurers status is basically their entire lives.

That's the reason adventurers keep such a tight lid on their personal status, because if that information ever became public knowledge it would be rather easy to kill an adventurer since you know all their magic, skills, and other abilities.

But since we are going to be allies I have decided to trust them.

I just hope they don't betray my trust.

Otherwise, I will take them down without hesitation.

Here's hoping.

"What the hell is with this skill?" Leonmithchelli questioned. "I've never heard of such a powerful skill being possessed by a level one adventurer?"

'Just wait until Bell appears in the future.' I thought. Then Leonmitchelli will really be left speechless.

Since that guy will advance faster and farther than most adventurers could hope to achieve in their entire lives.

All thanks in part to that bullshit cheat skill, Liaris Freese.

Which I'm pretty sure he still doesn't know about in canon.

All because Hestia is being a bitch, when again she and Bell aren't even in that kind of relationship.

Just thinking about that mess makes my head hurt a bit. That's why when Bell does show up I think I'll give him some pointers on what being a man is all about.

Since Zeus did a shit job in that department.

Which I'm really surprised about, considering that guy is always one of the biggest perverts in any world.

Instead of teaching Bell about heroes I would've thought he would've taught him "Every hole is a goal." or some shit like that. But he didn't.

Though I am pretty sure Zeus had a hand in making Bell's first skill appear though I don't know how.

And on that note how was Zeus able to hide his Godly aura from Bell as he was raising him?

No, stop stop.

I need to stop thinking about this, otherwise I'll end up down the rabbit hole.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head for now I returned my focus to the others as their mouths are still agape, looking at my status sheet.

"Guys close your mouths before bugs get in them." I said.

Once I did so they all came out of their group stupor.

"Good, you all are back to normal." I said. "Now then I'll take that." I said. I then grabbed my status sheet and handed it over to Athena.

She then worked her magic and made all my information vanish.

"Well now that that's over and down with mind showing me to my room?" I asked.

"Oh right, almost forgot." Ryner echoed.

"Yes, I'd be happy to give you guys a tours." Millhoire said.

"Thanks Milli." I said.

"Wait, did you just call her Milli?" Leonmitchelli asked me.

"Yep." I said. "I just thought up the nickname for her, since saying Millhoire all the time doesn't work for me. Of course if Millhoire doesn't like it I'll stop using it." I said, looking at her when I did so.

"No, it's fine. I like it as well." Millhoire said. Her ears and tail twitching, showing she meant her words just now.

"Dammit, I should've thought of that first." Leonmitchelli complained.

Meanwhile Gaul and Athena just shared a laugh.

Oh yeah, I think I will fit in here just fine.


After I gave Millhoire her nickname she gave me and Ryner a tour of the house just as she said she would.

The entire complex has a total of four bathrooms and eight bedrooms, meaning Ryner and I each got our own room.

Something I haven't had in a long time.

Which I picked the room with a nice clear view of the sky. Since stargazing has become a sort of hobby of mine since being reborn.

Once that was done Ryner and I told the others a bit more about ourselves, specifically growing up in the mean streets of Daedalus Street.

All of which we did over dinner.

Then once that was over each of us headed off to bed.

As I did so I gaze up at the night sky, watching the stars as I headed off into dreamland.


Entering the guild Ryner and I spotted Rose, walking straight up to her counter as we did so.

Athena and Leonmitchelli right beside us.

Since apparently one has to have their patron god with them when they register as an adventurer. Or they can bring a high-ranking executive of the familia they joined.

But since the Athena is familia is so small right now we don't have any executives. Hence Athena had to come to the guild today with Ryner and I so we could officially be recognized as adventurers.

Though this is only happening after we returned to the orphanage this morning and informed the matron we had become adventurers.

She cried.

And the two of us cried as well.

The woman had been raising us since we were toddlers after all. So it was a tearful goodbye.

But a goodbye nonetheless.

After giving her all the details we gathered what little belongings we had and moved them to the Athena familia home.

Then it was straight her to the guild.

What a busy day, and we haven't even entered the Dungeon yet.

The anime never mentioned any of this procedural shit, but then again most of them they never do.

Coming to a stop in front of Roses counter I gave her a wink. "Yo." I said.

"I see you both joined the Athena familia, so registration is in order I take it?" Rose asked. Completely ignoring my greeting.

"So cold Rose." I said in mock hurt, placing a hand over my chest as I did so.

Yet her expression isn't changing in the slightest.

Her poker face is something I can respect. Though now I just want to crack it even more.

"Jokes aside, can you please register these two Ms. Rose?" Athena asked her.

"Of course goddess Athena." She said.

Rose then quickly filled out the paperwork.

"It's done. Ryner and Morax you are not officially adventurers. But before you even think of entering the dunegon you are going to take a two-week course about the basics. Do I make myself clear?" She said.

"Sure. No problem at all." I said. "What time should we be here in the morning to start?"

The moment I said this Rose dropped her indifferent mask and actually looked at me with a shocked face.

Looks like I finally cracked her armor.


"Are you messing with me?" Rose asked.

"I can assure you Morax is not." Athena said. "Right, Morax?"

"No mam." I said.

And since Athena is a god and I can't lie to a god, except about my past life and memories as far as I know, Rose knows I absolutely just told the truth right now.

"I..I see." Rose said. "Well ok then. Please be here everyday at 6:AM sharp?" She asked.

"Will do." I said.

"The same." Ryner echoed.

Once we said this we bid Rose farewell and headed home.

Getting ready to prepare for the trials ahead.