
Danmachi: Natural Sinner

A modern day assassin is forced to end his own life after a failed assassination. Never did he know that he would get a second chance at life, nor did he know that it would be in a very different world...

Hoi_Babylon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 7: Five Years Old


On a hill inside the village, the figure of a boy could be seen swinging a short stick. While the boy seemed weak, his each swing was filled with vigor. Mirage, now five years old has recently started training. What he is doing now could be considered modifying his experience and techniques to be able to jse them in his new body.

'Good, I now have enough stamina to go though a cycle of the movements. Since my organs are not yet developed enough, properly doing endurance training was impossible. All I can do now is work on my agility and dexterity by intensifying the speed of my movements bit by bit.'

'While I don't intend to become a fighter, having the ability to protect oneself is always a must. Even I my last life, I still had the ability to fight armed people without suffering a lose. But there was a limit when it came to technology and larger weapons... If I can also get some God's divine blessing, maybe I can get even stronger.'

'Still... no gods are willing to give a five year old their falna, at least in this village. I haven't asked them personally, but can infer that from what I heard from other kids when Achlys took me and Betty to the village.'

'I have no choice but to wait for now. It's not like I am in a rush or anything, and there isn't a reason for me to aim for quick success in the first place. The main character of Danmachi, Bell Cranel was only able to rise at his speed thanks to his unique soul and strong desire. A desire strong enough to rival a God's divine will, that isn't something just anyone can have.'

'The sun will be setting soon, I wonder if Achlys and Betty will be back from the woods soon. Perhaps I shall go in and look for them? Although it's been five years now, I am still confident in my ability to track someone who is not trying to hide.'

After contemplating for a bit, Mirage headed for the woods near the orphanage. He knew that Achlys and Betty wouldn't get lost easily, as Achlys had lived here for a long, long time. He wasn't worried about their safety either, as there weren't any monsters around here in the forest.

'Let's see... they entered from the west side so let me start from over there. It should be fine so long as I follow the crushed grass and leaves. Now that I think about, it is already the fall season. The trees are starting to lose their leaves, and the weather is starting to get colder. Luckily, there isn't a lot of snow around here, so we don't have to stock up on food or anything- Oh, there they are.'

Achlys, whose looks hadn't changed since the first time Mirage had seen her, and Betty, who now hear shoulder length light brown hair and height just slight taller than Mirage.

"Mirage- What are you doing here? Didn't you say you were going to do that weird training in the couryard?"

"I already finished and it's not weird training Betty. It's called training my flexibility, which will increase both my agility and dexterity on the long run."

"You are really good at finding people Mira, I never really have to worry about you getting lost by yourself."

"Hmph, Lady Achlys always praises Mirage."

"Now, now, our little Betty is talented too! She knows what plants are edible and what plants are poisonous. But... I am still sad that you no longer call me mom...."

"Wha- please stop that Lady Achlys. The children in the village laugh at me for calling a god, "mommy"... I really get embarrassed."

"*sigh*, you really became like Mira too... maybe I shouldn't have taken you to play with those children."

The three of them started walking back to the orphanage while talking about the village. Soon enough, they reached the orphanage after five minutes of walk.

"What shall we have dinner for today? I want to eat the potatoes Mirage makes. What did you say they were?"

"They are just boiled potatoes with mint butter, there is no special name."

"Hmm, but they taste so good. I know! We should name them ourselves!"

"Oh, that's a great idea Betty. But don't forget to listen to Mira's opinion too, he is the one who created the dish after all."


'Haiz, children are too fickle these days. She acted jealous of me just a few minutes ago, but has already forgotten it and started to complement my cooking skills instead.'

*child cries*

"This sound- it is coming from the orphanage. Betty, Mira let's go quickly."

When they finally arrived at the orphanages entrance, the three saw a young toddler sitting on a chair by the door. The toddler looked to be no more than two years old, but looked to be malnourished and had clothes that were in tears. Achlys immediately rushed to take a look at the child's condition.


"Shh, it's okay, it's okay. You will be okay now. Everything will be fine."

'This child... their clothes are not in good condition and so is their physique... what's more surprising is that they are not an elf. Considering the situation of the humans living in this village, they shouldn't be a child to any of those. Perhaps, some traveller heard of the orphanage and dropped their child off?'

"Ms. Achlys, should I go look to see if there are anybody else close by? It shouldn't take me too long-"

"No, it's okay Mira... you have seen the child's condition. The family must have been desperate as well. Plus, it's not like this is the first time something like this happens you know? We are in an orphanage after all, and it is my duty to look after the children who can't look after themselves as long as I work here."

"Ms. Achlys..."

"..." = speech

'...' = thoughts

Release Schedule: 5/5 per week

I can't promise any more chapters, honestly depends on my mood.

Plus... I still have school work to grind on...

Hoi_Babyloncreators' thoughts