
Danmachi: Natural Sinner

A modern day assassin is forced to end his own life after a failed assassination. Never did he know that he would get a second chance at life, nor did he know that it would be in a very different world...

Hoi_Babylon · Anime e quadrinhos
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23 Chs

Chapter 5: Three Years (II)

"Petra is leaving?"

Mirage wasn't surprised. Lain had also left after being promoted to full time guard, and could only come and visit the orphanage once a week. Petra leaving would mean that either she too found a full time employment, or that she wanted to travel outside the village.

"Yes... she has already stayed here for two more months after getting an offer from a town close to here. Apparently the merchants have sold the clothes she made over there, and that those clothes were appreciated by a branch store of a famous brand."

"Mama, what is a merchant?"

"Ah, little Betty, a merchant is a person who buys and sells stuff. They are like travelers who also have a moving store."

"A moving store? Cool! I want to have a store that move too!"

"Petra will be coming to the village with me. I will also help carry the stuff she will be thinking. Well, we can't bring everyone there so you will have to say your goodbyes here."

It finally clicked to Betty that Petra was in fact leaving the orphanage, and she started to tear up a bit.

"Is Sister Petra leaving forever? NOO! I don't wabt dat!"

"Now now little Betty, sister Petra is already a grown up and can leave if she wants to."

"Sorry Betty... I always liked sewing and making clothes. A dress store in a town not too far away gave me an opportunity to apprentice there, so I want to go give it a try."

"Uwaa, noo! Don't go!"

"*sigh*, I will take Betty to go put her to sleep in her room. Mira, listen to Lain and Petra, ok?"

"... okay."

"Good boy."

Achlys hugged the crying Betty, and carried her to the bedroom. Mira, Lain and Petra continued to sit and talk.

"Don't worry Mira, while I don't know if I can come and visit often, I will send letters every month."

"It's alright sister, I am happy that you are able to pursue your dreams. Plus, now that I am grown up, I can help Ms. Achlys help take care of Betty."

"Hahaha, grown up? Even Betty is older than you. Though it is true that you act more mature... I really don't get what's going your head."

"Don't joke with me Lain, I-"

"Why do keep calling me with my name, just call me brother already..."

"... brother, I was saying that I just like reading books, so I can understand a bit more than Betty."

"That is true, you have always like reading those books... I don't get how you are not bored of them. Personally, I couldn't stand reading a book at all."

"Is that why you became a guard, brother?"

"Ah Mira, actually-"

"It's okay Petra, we talked about his parents before, it is only fair that I do the same for mine."

Lain grabbed a wooden cup, and filled it up with the grape juice he had brought with him from the village.

"The truth is, I only came to this orphanage at the age of five. Before that, I lived in the village with my parents. A couple of months after I turned five, a burglar broke into our house, and well... I was saved by a passing guard, but my parents..."

"I see... so you want to become a guard like your saviour?"

"That is not wrong, but the biggest reason is that I want to prevent what happened to me from happening to the other children. While we might be living in a small village, the abundance of travellers mean both good and bad people come to this village. So we must have some strong guards to protect the village."

He drank the entire cup of juice in one go, and started to take his shirt off.

"Brother, you-"

Lain turned is away from Mira and showed him his back. On his back, there was a tattoo of a leather helmet with antlers that looked to be wooden branches. There were also some writings on his back, but Mirage couldn't read them.

"Mira, this is called a "falna". I have received this from the god responsible for training the guards, Mr. Vosegus. Thanks to this falna that I have received, I can easily lift heavy rocks. In fact, this also helps me carry all the stuff that I bring from the village. Although I am not yet at the level to fight monsters... I am still a lot stronger than a regular person."

"Falna? Brother, you actually have a God's divine blessings on you?"

"Haha, impressed? Though this is something all the members of our village guards have. I didn't have it as a trainee, but Mr. Vosegus granted me his falna after becoming a full time guard."

"But doesn't this mean that you have become a part of his familia?"

"Mr. Vosegus doesn't really care about the idea of a Familia, he just treats us like his students. I guess you could say that we are a part of his school instead of being members of his familia."

The two boys continued to talk as Petra started to clean some of the dishes. Noticing this, Lain also stood up and went to help her.

"Petra, you should go and rest for tonight. You will be going on a long journey tomorrow, do you have your luggage packed?"

"Thank you Lain, I will go wash some clothes then. Mira, is the bucket still by the well?"

"Yes it is, sister. Ms. Achlys brought it back there after getting water for the dinner."

"I see, thank you."

After Petra left the room, Mira and Lain took care of the remaining dishes and tidied the room.

"Mira, are you not sad that Petra is leaving? I know that you are mature, but if you act like you are not bothered at that will only make her more sad."

"I know... I get it brother, I just don't want her to hesitate from leaving. Betty is already acting like that, so if I were to act the same as well, would Petra still want to leave? I would regret to stop her from pursuing her dreams."

"You really are mature... but please don't force yourself to act like a grown up. Think what you just said. We too would be sad to see you have any regrets, such as not having a happy childhood."

Hearing Lain say this, a smile blossomed on Mirage's face.

"Brother Lain... thank you."

"..." = speech

'...' = thoughts

Read please

Thank you to everyone who added my story to your collections. I really appreciate that the first fan-fic I am writing has received such great interest. I also wanted to mention that there was a console game announcement for Danmachi, called "Fulland of Water and Light" or something (goldfish memory). Volumes 16 and 17 were my favorite series volumes in the series, so I really hope this game lives up to the context.

There will also be another time-skip after the next chapter.

Thank you to the person who pointed out my mistake. (fixed)

Hoi_Babyloncreators' thoughts