
Danmachi: Natural Sinner

A modern day assassin is forced to end his own life after a failed assassination. Never did he know that he would get a second chance at life, nor did he know that it would be in a very different world...

Hoi_Babylon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 18: Six Months

"And.. done! Here is your current status Mira."

"Thank you Ms. Achlys."

A young boy with dark grey hair and green eyes was sitting on a chair with his back facing outside. This boy, Mirage slowly turned to other way as he heard of Achlys's, his foster mother and patron goddess' words.

As Mirage got his hands on the paper he was given to by Achlys, he started to read his updated status. These were the current values of his status after working as an apprentice for six months.

Name: Mirage

Str: S-900

End: S-916

Dex: S-974

Agi: S-909

Mag: I-0


Caesicius Anima

- Drastically increased learning speed and memory strength. Greatly increase user's maximum mind/spirit and mind/spirit healing speed.

The words were translated into the common language of this world, but Mirage had already started to learn the language of gods as well. While that was so, Achlys still transcripted the status update in the common language of this world.

'*sigh* my strength status has finally grown to S status as well... While my growth can be considered somewhat fast to others, it is still too slow when I compare myself to the top adventurers of Orario. Especially the main character, Bell Cranel. He was able to reach level 5 six months after acquiring falna from the goddess Hestia.'

'While it is true that his growth was so fast, he also went through many trials as well. The minotaur, black goliath, Xenos, the deep floors, and even a Goddess, Freya. Not to mention... Well, he wasn't the main character of the story for no reason.'

"Thank you for updating my status, Ms. Achlys."

"No worries, you don't have to thank me all the time you know. You have really grown a lot since then..."

"Ah. Yes, I need to thank Ms. Achlys for always taking care of me."

While the two were talking, the door to the room they were in was suddenly pushed open.

"Lady Achlys, it's my turn to update my status!"

"Betty I told you to wait until Mira comes out, no? Oh well... then come in and sit on this chair."


"Can you go outside and shut the door, Mira?"

"Of course Ms. Achlys."

Around four months ago, Betty had heard that Mira had gotten falna from Achlys and acquired status. After learning this, she immediately threw a tantrum and asked to recieve her own. While Achlys initially didn't want to give Betty her falna, she had to give after seeing her still so stubborn after two weeks.

Her status wasn't as high as Mira's, and she usually just played around instead of training like him, but she was just happy to have her own status. Betty didn't have any skills or magic either, but she wasn't told that Mira had a skill just in case she got jealous and threw a tantrum.

'It is still a shame that my magic status is still at zero... I have been saving up some money to buy a grimoire but there wasn't any here for sale. I also visited the old elven mage, but they told me that the magic they knew was only for elves... While I still can't level up now, I don't want my magic to be still stuck at zero when I do.'

'Perhaps I can try testing those meditation techniques from my past life? While I do incorporate some yoga movements into my flexibility training, I never tried to meditate like those monks from my past life. Maybe that will be a way to obtain magic, since I don't know if there is anything else I can do.'

'If meditation really is the only way forward, I am lucky to have seen a couple of books about it in my past life. While I do not like everything about it, this skill really is a blessing whenever I think about it. Imitating those movements shouldn't be much of a problem thanks to my already flexible body, but I can only hope that they work as intended.'

'It won't be long before I reach my seventh birthday... it really has been a while since my rebirth. I really could have never guessed my next life would be set in a book I have read out of all things. But I am thankful that thus world allows me to get strong enough to protect those dear to me. At least without resorting to any unwanted and unorthodox ways.'

'Now that all my other statuses have reached S classification, I should focus on either getting enough of the "high-rank excelia" that will allow me to rank up. I now have an idea about magic, but I really don't know what I should do to obtain high-rank excelia. Should I look for monsters outside of the town? Maybe.'

'Though I have to admit that this body of mine really has more potential than I thought it would. S classification is supposed to be really rare in this world, with the main character being one of the only few reaching it in all of his status values. While it took me way longer than it did for Bell, the fact that I can at least reach this point means that I should have a bright future.'

'Of course, it would be stupidity to let this get to my head and think that I am a never before seen hero. Seriously, just the presence of Bell Cranel's inhumane growth is enough to humble and stabilize myself. Thinking that there is a hero to make sure the world remains intact is... comforting if nothing else.'

'However it may be, I currently have no idea about the situation in this world, and can't just sit around and do nothing. That's why, I must maximize my status as much as I can, and prepare for a future where I am required to fight. What if a horde of monsters attack this town? Will Bell be here tk save us? No. That's why I must never slack off either.'

'The meditation techniques to increase my magic status... I must start testing them as soon as possible.'

"..." = speech, "..."=thoughts

Release: 2/5 per week

Double chapter tomorrow or the day after.

Another chapter done, next chapter will be about the meditation methods/ testing them. Will Mira finally acquire the magic he so seeks?

Comment down below to place your bets.

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