
Danmachi: Natural Sinner

A modern day assassin is forced to end his own life after a failed assassination. Never did he know that he would get a second chance at life, nor did he know that it would be in a very different world...

Hoi_Babylon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 17: Looking Back

A month had passed since Mirage became an apprentice in the Dennis's pharmacy. He had been visiting the pharmacy four days a week, and spending the rest with Achlys and the other children.

He initially wanted to visit the blacksmith as well, but it just so happened that the owner of the place had left the town to visit another town some time ago. Mirage was disappointed at first, since he also wanted to improve his forging skills.

He didn't dwell too much on the topic, and only being an apprentice in a single place instead of two granted him more freedom. Dennis would also give Achlys books for him to memorize as homework, which Mirage would easily finish within an hour and use the rest of the time to train his body.

While his growth wasn't so fast, Mirage's status values had indeed grown since he achieved his falna. Although things looked peaceful for now, Mirage knew that the unexpected could happen at any moment, and thus never procrastinated when it came to his training.

His dexterity value had long surpassed the rest of his status, reaching four hundred and achieving the "F" benchmark. While the rest of his statuses also continued to rise, none of them increased enough to get to the next grade.

This was already considered a very fast growth, as Mirage had only been training by himself and working in the pharmacy to raise his status. Perhaps he could have faster growth by fighting with monsters, but that wasn't something he could do at this age. His status had already been plenty enough according to his calculations, but his body, which hadn't even entered puberty yet, was stopping him from seeking an even faster growth.

Since the past month, Mirage hadn't changed at all. Since he wasn't in puberty yet, his physical growth was also the same as before. His dark grey hair was still cut short, and barely reached his nape. While he was still a child, his face slowly started to get rid of his baby fat, marking frame of his future facial structure.

'It has already been more than six years since my rebirth... I still remember how I thought that I was abducted by aliens when I was just born. Well, it's not like I can ever forget it anymore. This skill a lot more useful than anyone could think of it. Especially when it comes to me, a reincarnated person who knows of the secrets of this world.'

'That being said... I still can't figure out what time of the story I am currently in. Or rather, what is happening in Orario as of now? Since gods are here, that means that we are in the age of adventurers, and heroes like Argonaut and the Mercenary King are people of the past. But... when it comes to Argonaut...'

'Back when I was still guarding that vip's son for half a year, I heard from many fans that Bell Cranel was the reincarnation of Argonaut. While they said that this wasn't confirmed by the author, it was hinted by many other side stories. I can't be so sure of the truth, but if Zeus raises Bell to act in the place of Argonaut for this era...'

'Never mind, things might have already settled in Orario while I am still here. The only news I could ever hear from Orario was that a member of the Elven Royal Family had joined a God's Familia in Orario, which i heard a good while ago. That is no doubt Riveria, vice-captain of the Loki Familia.'

'Unfortunately, no other news could reach here. I could perhaps plan ahead if I knew Ay least the time period, but I can't even be sure of that now. Has the Zeus and Hera families fallen yet? Has Evilus attacked yet? Or, could it be that Bell Cranel has already became the last hero, and the One-eyed Black Dragon is already dead? It is frustrating to not even have a single clue.'

'Ignoring that for now, I wonder if should head to Orario? It is a safe place when it comes to attacks from outside, but... attacks of Evilus, and even the spirit ritual might be deadly events. I can't afford to take Ms. Achlys, Betty and the other two there without knowing more.'

'...There is also the option where I could leave on my own but... No, it took me two lifetimes to get a proper family, and I want give up on it so easily. Especially with this things in my mind... I don't want to degrade back to who I used to be.'

Thinking of this, Mirage's face turned grim as he looked down. Working as an agent in his past life, he did many jobs. So many, in fact, that he had long forgotten some of them in the past. Or, he at least made himself forget about them. Now that he had a skill which forbid him from ever forgetting something, all those things he forgot, all those things that he wanted to forget were coming back to his mind.

'I thought that I had been a sane person for my whole life... never could think I have already been crazy for a while now...'

'Let's take deep breath, it's all in the past now. The agent, M1-R4, rather, Member One of Fourth Reconnaissance Unit, has long passed away. Now all that remains is me, Mirage from the Achlys's Orphanage. I don't want to regret this life either, just like my last one.'

'Sure, I lived for the many people of my country, and saved many lives. But this life... I want to live it for myself. I want to live it for my family. That's why... I can't afford to, no- I simply don't want to push myself away from them.'

Mirage himself didn't notice, but as he renewed his resolution to stand by his family's side, his eyes glowed with a cyan light for just a brief moment, but returned to it's regular green color not long after.

"..."= speech, '...'= thoughts

Release: 1/5 per week (shiver me timbers)

I am back.

This is more of a transitional chapter, the next is a timeskip one, not a long timeskip though so don't worry too much.

I also am very, very tired so tell me if you spot any errors please.

Hoi_Babyloncreators' thoughts