
Danmachi: Natural Sinner

A modern day assassin is forced to end his own life after a failed assassination. Never did he know that he would get a second chance at life, nor did he know that it would be in a very different world...

Hoi_Babylon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 13: Reason

After putting children in their bed, Peony sat in a chair in the room to watch over them. Since she was tasked to look over the children, she wouldn't just leave them alone in a room.

The room they were in now wasn't really big, but it had two beds and a set of chairs inside. There was also a pair of windows which showed the street outside. It was a classic room used for guests coming to the village. Naturally, the word, "guest" didn't refer to just anyone visiting the village, but to those of great status.

In this case, the children were allowed to use the room because they were accompanied by a goddess, Achlys. They wouldn't be rejected from entering the village on their own, but they wouldn't be allowed in the guest room.

Mirage also seated himself on one of the chairs, and rested a little to recover his stamina. While the people here didn't seem suspicious, he couldn't trust them that easily. So he didn't just go to sleep like the others, but instead stayed awake.

Around thirty minutes after the children entered the guest room, there was a knock on the room, and then Achlys walked inside.

"Lady Goddess."

"Ah, no need for formalities. Thank you for watching over the children while I was talking with the mayor."

"It was a pleasure to be of service."

Peony acted a little too formal to Achlys, and treated her very politely. After the two exchanged a couple of sentences, she left the room to leave Achlys alone with the children.

"Thank you for looking after the children Mira."

"You don't need to thank me, Ms. Achlys. They are my family too. There is no reason for me to not look after them."

"Haha, you are as mature as ever."

"If you don't mind telling me, what did Ms. Achlys talk to the mayor about?"

"That? ... we were just talking about how our stay in the town would be. Looks like we won't be able to stay in this guest room forever, but the mayor told me that there is an empty courtyard we could day in on the south of this town."

"What about what happened in the village?"


"Ms. Achlys, you already know that I am not like other children. It's okay to tell me. In fact, please let me hear it."

"... Since it is considered an invasion of the elven woods, looks like the area around our village will be turned into warzones. This town is also sending some troops, as well as more will be sent from the center of forest. I heard that some elven magicians would be sent from the royal family too."

" ..."

"Ah, but don't worry. You know that there a lot of falna holders in our village right? They will be able to protect the village just fine. Ares will also ask his soldiers to retreat once he gets bored as well, so we will just be staying here for a little time."

Thinking that Mirage got sad, Achlys tried to console him, saying that everyone in the village will be safe thanks to the falna the guards have.

"...Ms. Achlys, I just have one request."

"? So suddenly. You never ask for anything other than books and tools since you were a baby, and even those you started to purchase with the money you make from selling wooden carvings. Well, what is your rquest?"

"Ms. Achlys, please grant me your falna."

"?! No! You are still too young, and I-"


"... Why? To go help in the war? You know I can't let you do that!"

"No. I know that I won't be of much help in a war with a body of a six year old-"

"Then why? Why do you want falna? For power, for money? You can always wait until you are older if so..."

"To protect."

"To protect? To protect what? You are just a six year old, so what do you want to protect? You don't even know what it means to receive a falna from a god..."

"I want to protect out family. Yes, I don't know what it means to carry a God's falna. But even so, I still want to have the power to protect our family."


"As I am know, I can't do anything important. What if we were attacked by a wild animal during our journey? What if Mr. Vosegus didn't come to warn us in time, and we were attacked by the Rakian army? No matter what I think of, there is nothing I could do to save our family, save you."


"So please, grant me your falna, Ms. Achlys."

Looking at Mirage's resolute face, Achlys gave a little sigh.

"... Do you know that the effect falna changes depending on the god who bestowed it? Dagda is a god of agriculture and nature. Vosegus is a god of hunting and forestation. The children they grant their falna to will be affected by their god's characteristics. Even if it's not apparent, the children's fates will be affected by the divinity of their god."


"It would have been fine if you were to ask Vosegus or Dagda, but I... I can't give you my falna."


"My god position... I am Achlys, the god of darkness and sorrow. If you were to receive my falna... your future will be filled with nothing but sadness."

"Ms. Achlys... I don't believe that. I cant bring myself to believe that."


"It might be true that the fate of those who hold falna will be affected by the god who bestowed the falna, but even so, I don't believe that holding you falna will ever bring me sadness."


"Yes, I am just a child. I don't know anything about how gods do what they do, or why they even do it. However... I have always seen you as my family. If carrying your falna means sharing your fate, then that doesn't make any difference to me. Even if you don't bestow me with falna, I wish to walk alongside you. If that means that I will have a sad fate in the future... then so be it."

"Mira... okay, you really know how to talk. But, I know that you mean what you say. Thank you."


"Haha, I never told you before have I? You can't lie to gods."

With a blushed face, Mirage turned his back to Achlys and let her bestow her falna unto him. It wasn't a slow process, as all Achlys had to do was to prick her finger with a needle, and let a droplet of blood onto Mira's back.

Achlys also said some words that Mirage didn't recognize, but he seemed to find it similar to the ancient Greek in his old world. After a minute, a tattoo like painting of clouds and the night sky appeared on Mirage's back.


Strength: H-126

Endurance: G-205


Agility: G-247

Magic: I-0


Caesicius Anima

"..." speech '...' = thoughts

Release: 1/5 per week


From next chapter I will be using Japanese san/sama/kun/Chan suffixes instead Mr., Ms., etc. This is purely due to the one of the characters in the story (that will appear in the future).

Thoughts for the chapter... I mean it's alright I guess? I didn't make too much mention of either side's backstory because... spoilers.

Hoi_Babyloncreators' thoughts