
Danmachi: Natural Sinner

A modern day assassin is forced to end his own life after a failed assassination. Never did he know that he would get a second chance at life, nor did he know that it would be in a very different world...

Hoi_Babylon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 11: Invasion (I)

After noticing the black clouds coming out from where the village was, Mirage rushed in to the orphanage to inform Achlys of the situation.

"Ms. Achlys! Something is happening in the village!"


Mira dragged Achlys who was preparing dinner in the orphanage to outside the building. When Achlys noticed the smoke in the sky, she couldn't help but to gasp.

The size of the dark clouds seemed to get bigger and bigger as time passed on. Right as the two were about to go get Betty and Zena, who were playing around inside the orphanage, a bulky shadow holding some stuff walked out from the woods.

"Vosegus? What is going on the village, what is with those clouds?"

"... Achlys, you need to remain calm."

"Just tell me Vosegus, what is going on?!

"It's an offensive attack from Rakia. They are preparing to continue their invasion of the elven woods to expand land."

"From Ares? But why? The village we live in can only be considered a rest stop for merchants..."

"That Ares... he will order his army to attack anywhere to satisfy his thirst for war. What he sent isn't close to the full force of Rakia, just an army of a hundred soldiers. Unfortunately, our small village can't handle those measly numbers."

"Then what will we do, Vosegus? Why is there smoke coming from the village?"

"Listen to me Achlys, we don't have much time. I already ordered a guard to escort elderly and the children to escape. But those old people in the village refused to leave... Thankfully our village doesn't have a lot of children, so a single guard was enough to take them away."


"Let me finish first. The smoke itself is not coming from the village, it's the strategy of the Rakia army to clear up the area around the village to prepare for a frontal warfare. They seem to have a smart strategy, cutting of potential retreat routes and stopping us from using the terrain advantage."

"What about the people left in the village?"

"... you know the pride of elves. Burning the surrounding woods have completely angered them, which is also the reason why I couldn't force the elderly to leave."

"Then they will..."

"Don't worry, the enemy doesn't seem to be here to surrender, but to conquer land. Since this is a village close to the outer parts of the forest, it makes a perfect target for them. As for the people... I will do my best to guarantee their survival. The worst is that I will work for Ares for a couple of decades."


"Enough talking, I need you to take the children and get out before fire spreads even further. Here is some stuff Dagda asked me to give to you, and he also told me to tell you to head for a town called Veilio. It is marked on the map here, alongside this thing we worked on."

"This is... I got it."

"Next is a request from me."

Vosegus brought the basket he was carrying on his back toward Achlys and showed her what was in it.

"This... this child is a baby that was born not long ago. His parents are both part of the guards, and refused to escape with him. I couldn't let the other guard who took the children take care of a newborn baby... It is a tough request, but can you also look after this one and take him away?"

"What are you saying?! Of course I will take care of the baby, you don't even have to say it as a request."

"Thank you Achlys... I must head back to the village now. Don't worry, Dagda and I have been living around these parts before you even descended to the mortal realm. It's not like we, as gods, can die either. You just need to take the children away from where war is happening."


"Good! Take care."

After handing the basket which held the baby and the other stuff he was carrying, Vosegus rushed back towards the village. As the god responsible for teaching the guards of the village, he couldn't fun away from a war.

"Mira, help me get Betty and Zena ready to leave. I will need to set free the goats and chickens, as well as preparing to leave."

"Yes, Ms. Achlys."

Mirage brought Betty and Zena outside the house after telling them to pick up stuff they need and putting them inside a bag.

'War, huh? ... never expected I would find myself in the middle of one after my rebirth. At least there is enough time for us to run away, otherwise I don't think I could have brought Ms. Achlys and others to safety at my current stage. While I am getting stronger and stronger, I'm just a child without falna after all...'

Achlys grabbed some necessities for the trip in a backpack, and carried the little baby Vosegus brought on her arms. She couldn't carry all the children, so she tied the hand pulled carriage behind one of the goats, making a semi wagon which could either seat some of the children or hold some items they were carrying. The milk of the goat would also be necessary to feed the baby.

Since she was busy preparing all of these as fast she could, Achlys asked Mirage to read the map and plan directions for their journey. Since Mirage could easily read books even at the age of three, Achlys trusted him with such a job even as he was only six years old.

'The town of Veilio... it is a relatively large town not too far from here. It shouldn't take more than two days on a horse-drawn carriage, but since we will have to walk there... let's hope we can get there in a week.'

'Now that I am looking at the map, the village of ours can't be seen on it at all. Perhaps maps don't show small places like our village. Oh well, merchants could still find this place as a rest-zone, so I'm sure there are other maps out there.'

'... I wonder if I will ever be able to return to this village. Vosegus said those things to not make Achlys worry, but I am sure that this place will be treated as a war zone as tike passes... If only, if only I was a bit stronger, I could stay behind to fight...'

'This village that I lived for my whole life after being reborn, the people who were nice and gave us free food, even that old lady Ven who helped me be born...'

Mira gave himself a slap in the face with both of his hands. His hands were shaking, but his eyes were not wavering anymore.

'There is nothing a six year old can do but get in the way if I stay here, the only thing I can do is to make sure Ms. Achlys and the rest safely arrive to the town we are headed to.'

'Since we will be traveling through a forest, I should prepare some tools that might be needed during unexpected situations.'

'Let's hope that this trip to the town of Veilio goes without any problems. I must make sure to be ready for any and everything that can happen during this week.'

"..." = speech

'...' = thoughts

Release: 4/5

War? Nah we flee. Can a six year old be expected to fight in war where there will be the usage of magic?

Kinda empty chapter again, or so I feel? Sorry for the unpleasant reading experience, but these early development chapters are kinda hard to write for a pleb like me.

"After leaving his entire village to its destruction, Uchiha Mirage headed towards his next target to use as fodder for his tragic backstory."

Hoi_Babyloncreators' thoughts