
Danmachi: Knight and Justice

When Jaune Arc falls into the void, he thinks of his failure, his JNPR team, or what's left of them, and when the thought was about to die, he ends up in a strange place where dust doesn't exist and the gods are roaming the earth. Wait, is that a tree with a clock for fruit? Jaune doesn't know what the hell he is, but he hopes he can return to his world, so he can stop Salem. All he has to do is wait for the RWBY team to arrive in the strange world.

Paxkun · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 4: Knight vs Evil

"Hey boy, wake up, we've arrived in Orario" the man who was driving the carriage called out to wake Jaune up.

Jaune's eyes snapped open, his body tensing and going on high alert, before remembering the recent events and calming down when he realized he was in no danger.

He advanced towards the hole of the carriage that was leading them towards the Labyrinth City, Orario. It was still dark, but you could see little hints that the sun would rise soon. "I thought it would take us longer" Jaune commented aloud, his muscles were a little sore, but it wasn't too much. He had rested a bit and his aura helped him heal faster.

The carriage lord only shook his head with a sigh. "It was only 3 kilometers, boy. What did you expect?" The lord asked rhetorically.

Jaune sighed heavily at the lord's tone, although he thought that since it was a carriage it would take a little longer, he could have walked and saved the money, but he seriously needed a break after all the events he had been through.

He began to crack his neck and back, and when a slight crack was heard he heaved a contented sigh. Once he was out of the carriage, he held back a yawn and rubbed his eyes absently as he gazed at the great wall in front of him.

Although it wasn't as amazing as Beacon or Atlas, he was a bit in awe of getting to where the "center of the world" is supposed to be. A place that despite the praise that Baldr gave where you can achieve your dreams, was going through a crisis. A very dark event.

"Thank you for bringing me here" Jaune looked over his shoulder at the lord of the carriage and nodded gratefully, the lord charged for the trip from the beginning, therefore Jaune had no obligation to continue talking with the lord once he said goodbye.

Jaune approached one of Orario's entrances, from what he understood, fortunately for him, as it was quite early there weren't too many people lining up to enter, but there weren't few people either, so he would have to wait a bit. He guessed that it was due to Evilus.

As he waited, he looked down at his fist before clenching and relaxing his hands repeatedly, to distract himself. He could only hope that this city can help him find the answers to all his doubts, if not, at least make him stronger for when he meets the RWBY team.


When it was finally Jaune's turn to enter Orario City, he couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. He stepped forward as one of the guards on duty finished checking another person before being called forward.

Jaune and the two guards looked at each other, he looked nervously at the guards who were sizing him up for several seconds, he couldn't tell what they noticed in him, but there was a silent tension.

"Everything is alright?" Jaune couldn't help but ask with an awkward smile, raising an eyebrow curiously and nervously.

The guards shook their heads dismissing any thoughts of the strange person in front of them, who was dressed somewhat like a knight, only his clothing was a little different from what they had seen and the strange sight of his weapon scabbard that was hanging on his forearm instead of his hip.

"Do you have permission to enter?" A dwarf man in a black uniform asked. Jaune could tell that he was a staff member of the Guild, which managed the city.

Fortunately for Jaune, he got a permit to enter Orario. So he shouldn't have a problem getting in, as he took out and handed over the permit Leon gave him, he became nervous when the two uniformed guards were surprised.

"An explicit permission from the school district?!" The dwarven guard exclaimed loudly in surprise.

"Really?! Is this guy one of those famous students?" The other male guard, a human, was shocked by the revelation.

The dwarven guard shook his head as his gaze fell on Jaune, inspecting him closely. "He doesn't seem to be one of the graduate students," the guard sighed. "It doesn't matter. Since you have a legitimate permit from the school district there is no need to check your back."

The human guard looked at Jaune in awe "Are you a Knight of Knights apprentice? I don't want to pry, but I'm curious since you look like a knight too."

Jaune waved his hands quickly. "It's not just a coincidence, sometimes coincidences can be strange" he sighed calming his nervousness. "Besides, I don't have Falna. As it says in the letter, I come to become an Adventurer, despite the situation in Orario."

The dwarven guard looked at him before nodding. "Very good boy. Be careful, especially in the dungeon. Be cautious and stay alive."

Jaune nodded. "I'll do it do not worry." With renewed vigor he was about to go through Orario's door, now open, but before he gave a last greeting. "Thanks for everything"

The two guards nodded with a smile at his gesture. And before Jaune could say goodbye, the dwarven guard said one last thing. "One last thing boy, you should enjoy the soup kitchen event I think it would do you good"

Jaune stopped about to enter Orario's gate. He didn't say anything, but he just nodded letting the guard know that at least he would think about it.

Soup kitchen, huh? He should at least try it and see what the event was all about.

When Jaune walked through the door, his field of vision widened immediately. What Jaune saw left him amazed. The sun that fully rose while he waited in line to enter the city, rose over the city illuminating the sky and the city, giving it an impressive effect to behold for him.

The street was wide and full of a little morning bustle stretched out in front of the door where he was. People walked through the carefully arranged stone streets. He was also able to see how people were tidying up various shops on the street in an orderly manner.

But what impressed him the most was the very huge tower, he knew the huge tower was called Babel and it was in the center of the City of Orario, and just below Babel was the dungeon, a place where monsters were born.

It was even much bigger than the Beacon Tower. Even from a distance, Jaune could see how Bavel rises into the sky.

Orario was bigger than he imagined, almost as big as a kingdom, only much less technologically advanced. He wouldn't complain about it, not after the difficulties they'd had because of Arthur Watts. In a way, Jaune was relieved by that.

He took one more look at the huge city before sighing knowing that it would be quite a long day.




After Jaune had been walking aimlessly for a long time, he decided to sit in a fountain located on the street that people called Love Square. He massaged his forehead while closing his eyes, understanding why this city was called Labyrinth City. If someone has no sense of direction it is too easy to get lost.

Furthermore, as time progressed the streets of Orario began to get busier, not to mention the fact that there are now many more people than before, happily chatting.

He knows he shouldn't have those kinds of thoughts, but he couldn't help but feel a little envious of these people, sometimes he wonders what his life would be like if he were just another civilian and had stayed with his family in Ansel.

He shook his head to put those thoughts away, he could only hope that his sisters, his mother, and his father were fine. Hopefully, they don't worry too much about his sudden disappearance.

Now that he thought about it, did time travel affect his world? Or did it only affect this world? Also, does Remnant's time run the same way as Gekai's? Or does time fluctuate differently in both worlds?

So many questions he can't get answers to, not unless he finds a way to get back to his world. Unfortunately for him, he has to wait until the RWBY team arrives on Gekai along with the strange giant tree island that disappeared with them.

His eyes widened when he heard someone start to cry. Jaune stood up immediately as he looked around the crowded square, his eyes darting around her for a long time before they zeroed in on the child who was crouching with his head between his knees.

Jaune looked around and frowned when no one made a move to help the child, it seemed that people hadn't even noticed the crying child near one of Orario's alleys.

With a sigh, Jaune approached the child. "Uh...are you alright kid?"

The child stopped crying and raised his head from his knees to be able to look at Jaune with tears in his eyes and some snot on his childish face. The child upon seeing him tightened the grip of his hands on his knees.

Jaune smiled at him and made a reassuring gesture. "Don't worry, I don't mean to hurt you" Seeing that it wasn't working he sighed before running a hand over his neck, then he smiled again as an idea occurred to him. "Hey, kid. Want to see something cool?"

The child looked at him with curious eyes and to Jaune's relief, the child stopped crying.

Jaune showed him his hands and pushed his aura over them, a whitish-golden glow began to spread down his forearms until it reached his hand. Seeing the child's eyes light up, he commented. "Do you like it? It's called an Aura and it's part of every living being"

"Wow," the child looked in amazement at Jaune's arm which lit up like a firefly. "That's awesome. Does that mean I can do that too?"

Jaune shrugged. "Maybe." He responded without committing himself, not wanting to deceive the child. "Anyway, why are you crying here in the corner instead of having fun at the event?" he asked in a calm tone.

The child mumbled an answer that he couldn't hear and when he asked again, the child spoke much louder. "I separated from my mother and I lost myself"

Jaune stopped using the aura on his body before nodding. "I see. So how about I help you? As a knight I must help those in need" Jaune made a dramatic gesture to himself.

The child nodded, his nerves and fears evaporating as he laughed at Jaune for his exaggerated tone.

"By the way, I'm Jaune Arc, Knight, and Huntsman" he ruffled the child's hair. "What's your name kid?"

Before the child can respond, a female voice interrupts them.

"May I know what's going on here?"

Jaune tensed and looked at the woman who had spoken. She was a beautiful woman with long black hair covering one of her eyes. She was wearing a green-centered outfit that exposed her stomach, with green flower trims on her skirt.

He could immediately feel a strange aura surrounding her. The same as Baldr and Njord.

Jaune raised his hands nervously and spoke quickly. "This is a huge misunderstanding. I swear."

The unknown goddess raised an eyebrow, her green eyes looking at him with amusement. "So you weren't planning on helping this child?" She commented amusedly.

Jaune blinked. "Uh, no... I mean, yeah. I was about to help this kid." Jaune looked at the little child who had hidden behind his leg. "It seems the kid got lost in the crowd. His mother must be worried about him."

The goddess frowned in concern. "I see. That's worrisome" Then she approached the child and she gave him a gentle smile. "What's your name child?"

"Luan, Kami-sama" the child answered once he realized the goddess was not a dangerous person and was more like an older sister.

"You don't need to be formal honey. Just call me Día." Then she stuck out her little finger. "We will find your mother. It is a promise"

The child grabbed the goddess's little finger with his own. "Thank you. Día-Onee-san"

Jaune just smiled at the interaction between the goddess and the child named Luan, he was still getting used to people not having color names. So the names in this world are a bit strange compared to his.

Once the child's trust issue was resolved, Goddess Día and Huntsman Jaune began their search for the mother immediately.

"Thank you for helping, Goddess Día." Jaune's blue eyes met the green eyes of the goddess Día. "Finding the mother will be much easier among several people. I saw a lot of people, but none of them noticed the child, so I didn't think anyone more would help"

Goddess Día said nothing for a few moments before wearily shaking her head. "Many children are orphaned due to the cruel acts of Evilus. People are getting used to seeing them on the streets and children with homes generally don't go out without adult supervision for the same situation." She shook her head sadly. "I try to help as much as I can, but unfortunately I can't help everyone, I'm not in a good financial situation right now."

Jaune sighed heavily. "You're doing well goddess Día... We don't always... we can't always help everyone, but what counts is trying to help where we can" he shook his head trying to ignore the memories of the corpses of the civilians that he couldn't save. "By the way my name is-"

"Jaune Arc, right?" Goddess Día interrupted him with a shy smile causing Jaune to be surprised. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to listen to your introduction sir Knight." She gave Jaune an amused smile.

Jaune's cheeks warmed with embarrassment, but he easily ignored it. "When I was little my father used to tell me stories about Heroes, most of them were Knights and Huntsmans. So my dream is to become one" He was not ashamed to tell his dream, he was a little proud of the progress he had made in two years.

Although he still had a long way to go. Despite all his training, he wasn't strong enough to defeat Cinder Falls or Tyrian Callows.

Día looked at Jaune and smiled happily when she saw that he wasn't lying, besides there was something different about him that made her believe that he could achieve that dream. Maybe this boy is the light in the great darkness that Orario is plunging.

"It's a good dream." She said sincerely. "I hope you can make it" She gave Jaune a beautiful and honest smile.

Feeling a little teary-eyed, but without shedding any tears, he smiled. "Thank you." He nodded, grateful for the trust of the goddess he had just met.

They both spent a long time asking and looking for the child's mother, after what seemed like a few long minutes they were able to find the child's mother.

"Thank you. Thank you very much. Is there anything I can do for you?" The child's mother was crying with relief as she hugged her son and at the same time, she thanked us for finding him.

"There is no need, lady, it is my duty to help people" Jaune dismissed the mother's concerns about a reward for them, he would not accept anything and he was sure that the goddess Día would not either.

"We didn't do it for the reward" The goddess Día added to finish reassuring the mother.

"Still, I would like to give you something as a thank you" The mother looked at her bag, she reached into her hand before taking out some apples. "At least you guys can-"

Before the lady could finish her sentence, a scream of terror was heard. Very close to the soup kitchen event. All the people upon hearing the scream turned their heads with different emotions, each person with a different degree expressed.

Jaune's Huntsman instincts kicked in and when he was about to head towards where the scream came from, the goddess Día grabbed his forearm.

"Wait. You're new to Orario, right? Do you have a Falna you can fight with?" The goddess asked with concern, she didn't want him to get hurt. She had the unfortunate luck of watching reckless adventurers attempt to fight Evilus only to die before they could realize the gravity of the situation.

Jaune looked at the goddess with some impatience, he could free himself easily, but he didn't want to be rude or reject her concern towards him. "I don't have a blessing from a god" Before the goddess could say anything, he added. "But I have an ability that will protect me from harm, plus I can't let people get hurt. Not when I can help it." Jaune said determinedly.

He had never fought against anyone in this world, so he can't tell how strong he is, compared to the Gekai adventurers, but even with all the doubts in Jaune's mind telling him that recklessly going without a plan is a Bad idea, he ignored its, abruptly pushing aside all his fears.

He would not hesitate, after all, he has to do as many good deeds as possible to amend his great sin.

Goddess Día bit her lip gently in her nervousness before she sighed in resignation. "I can see in your eyes that you won't stop, but at least let me help you" She looked at Jaune resolutely. "I'll give you my Falna, I know she's selfish of me, but at least I can have a lot more peace of mind for your actions, so please show me your back."

"Eh?" To say that Jaune was surprised would be an understatement, he never thought that someone would offer him the blessing so suddenly, much less in a situation that could be critical. Seeing no malice in the goddess and only seeing goodness, he decided to obey. Besides, he didn't have much time to think about it carefully.

Fortunately, Jaune trained in Atlas, the fastest way to prepare for combat in case of any emergency. So it didn't take long for him to remove his armor before lifting his shirt and bending down to then show his back to the goddess Día, who sighed in relief with a grateful and flattered smile for Jaune's trust in her.

Día bit her finger hard, drawing blood, then she put her divine blood on Jaune's back, which began to shine brightly, she could briefly see Jaune's story making her gasp, but it was not all that surprised her, but the abilities and magic that Jaune acquired, even when he had just been blessed for the first time.

"Are you ready goddess?" Jaune asked nervously, his foot hitting the ground repeatedly.

The goddess Día. "Oh? I already blessed you, but-" Before she could continue to tell him of his abilities, Jaune broke away from her, adjusting his shirt.

"Very good, thank you, goddess. We'll meet up when this is all over" Jaune began to run while activating his scabbard transforming it into a shield, causing the people who were screaming in panic to be shocked by the sudden transformation.

Even though the goddess Día was able to see the transformation in Jaune's brief personal history information. It generated no less astonishment from her, who was stunned that such advanced technology existed, even if the technology did not belong to Gekai.

Día could only sigh with disappointment at not being able to help her new son much more, she looked in the direction Jaune was running and could only wish him the best of luck. "Please don't die," She said as she brought her arms together and placed them on top of her sternum.

She shook her head before looking at the people who were running in a panic as far away from the screams of terror. She might not be able to help her new and only child much, but that didn't mean she couldn't help those around her in some way.

Determinedly the goddess Día nodded to herself before moving and beginning to help.




Jaune put on his iron breastplate while running against where people were running desperately, he began to hear explosions, and people screaming in horror and terror. His shoulders collided with the desperate people, he could barely move against the horde of panicked people.

He helped a woman who had tripped, almost being crushed and trampled by the crowd of people. He had to take her away from the crowd to make sure she was okay.

His fists, which were shaking with fear, clenched to calm down as he thought about how to move forward until an idea popped into his head.

Jaune took out and paste his Scroll into his shield so he can observe his Aura and run down one of the alleys before throwing his shield at a wall, then jumping over his shield, and then activating the gravity powder. He was propelled out with force, thanks to the driving force of gravity.

Once he was propelled into the air, he immediately activated the magnetism of his arm connected to his shield. Without any problem, his shield came back at him connecting to his forearm.

The moment his shield connected, he immediately activated the light dust from his shield to expand it and then used his shield as a glider to head toward where the disaster came from.

His heart began to pound from the adrenaline that his body was constantly injecting, he was nervous, and he was afraid of what was about to happen.

People were in a panic, explosions could be heard, meat being cut and swords clashing against each other. He reminded him a lot of Beacon, and even reminded him of Atlas when they were about to escape in the dimension created by the relic he directed toward Vacuo.

He can only hope that it helps, that he can save people from a tragic fate, no one deserved to die cruelly unless you were a crazy psychopath.

His legs touched the roof of a house and he immediately bombarded his legs with his aura and augmented it with his Semblance. He began to jump from roof to roof, having to roll a few times to break his fall.

When Jaune arrived on the scene his eyes widened when he saw what was happening in front of him.


Blood stained the streets of the once merry street that was hosting a charity event for the unfortunate people. He could see dismembered arms and legs. Corpses of Men, Women, and children who had a look of fear and horror before their deaths.

He could even see how a man was torn in half, his intestines staining the street floor. The once-perfect street was now destroyed to varying degrees due to the explosions. The stores were equally destroyed with a lot of wasted food.

The cause of all this bloody mess was a woman (she was beautiful although he hated to admit it) who has a very sharp face and a sadistic smile that reminded him a lot of Cinder. She has medium-length pink hair and the look she has, along with the color of her eyes, filled Jaune with quiet fury.

This woman was called Valletta Grede, better known as Arachnia an executive leader of Evilus, she was known to be Level 5.

Arachnia was accompanied by men and women, who covered her body with a kind of clothing that only mad cultists wear.

The crazy woman noticed Jaune's arrival but concentrated on killing the civilian in front of her.

Jaune, seeing that he was not going to be able to save the civilian in time, did the only thing that occurred to him, everything happened in slow motion for him while he grabbed the weapon that he was carrying on his back, transforming it into rifle mode.

Desperate to save the person, Jaune started shooting a flurry of bullets propelled by his aura wildly in the direction of the damn assassin.

Arachnia, sensing the danger, clicked her tongue in annoyance and dodged the aura-enhanced bullets that almost went through her body.

"You'll be a bastard." She gave Jaune an annoyed look.

He didn't answer instead he put Crescent Rose away and took a huge leap off the roof and landed on his feet in front of the civilian he barely managed to save. "Get out of here. I'm going to stop this crazy woman"

The terrified civilian did not hesitate to flee from danger to get to a safe place.

"You have the balls to call me crazy" she sadistically sneered. "I think I'm pretty sane. And stop me? Hahaha, you're quite the comedian. Huh? Sir Knight."

Jaune didn't answer, instead drawing Crocea Mors.

Arachnia looked at her sword with disbelief on her face before bursting out laughing. "Is this some kind of joke? You know since you've made me laugh I'll give you a quick and brutal death. I'm pretty sure your blood will be a perfect decoration for this wonderful event." She gave him a wry smile, though her eyes showed annoyance at the interruption.

Jaune glared at the person in front of him, she had all the signs of a psycho who wasn't sane in many ways. "I have no plans to die today against a freaking monster with a horrible hairstyle"

Arachnia's gaze went from annoyed to barely contained fury. "I'll take care of this idiot who is playing the hero, you continue with the mission"

"Yes. Lady Valletta"

Arachnia gave him a toothy smile. "So are you going to introduce yourself? Or are you just going to be another one on the body count pile?" Seeing that Jaune didn't answer, she just clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Very well, then let me show you why you're a dead man."

Arachnia moved with too fast a speed, positioning herself behind Jaune in a matter of seconds, she went for a lethal blow that would decapitate him, but...

Jaune following his instincts barely parried the blow with his aura-infused sword. His entire arm trembled from the force of the attack causing Jaune to wince.

She's fast, he thought. If Jaune had never trained with Ruby's monstrous speed, her attack would probably have hit him hard in the neck.

Arachnia despite being surprised because the person in front of her blocked the attack, did not decrease her aggressiveness when attacking to dismember the idiot who wanted to ruin her plans.

Jaune infused his aura to stay glued to the ground and not fly from the force of Arachnia's attacks, all he could do was block the crazy girl's attacks. He never had a chance to attack without suffering consequences.

His Aura amplified by his Semblance was exerting an overexertion on his muscles so that he could react in time and barely block Arachnia's attacks. (1)

The arm holding his shield trembled from the force of the attacks. He skidded across the ground even when he used his aura to hold himself still.

"Hahaha," Arachnia laughed sadistically. "What's up, sir Knight? Not so brave now, huh?"

Jaune clenched her teeth in frustration as she looked at his Scroll.

He has 89% aura.

He hadn't received any attacks yet, but still, he has been spending part of his aura to prevent his body muscles from being torn by the force of Arachnia's attacks, also using his aura to prevent his weapons from breaking. He couldn't let that happen.

If things continued as they were right now, she was going to break his aura. He had to take a short breather, so when Arachnia hit his shield hard again when Jaune blocked the attack, he activated a large amount of gravity dust.

Gravity exploded hard on his shield hitting Arachnia squarely.

"What?!" She screamed as she was taken by surprise, her body was affected by the gravitational momentum and she was thrown back several meters with force until she crashed into one of the stores.

Jaune gasped heavily as he quickly pulled out two smoke grenades from his tool bag, activating the button before tossing them to the ground near him.

The bomb exploded in a few seconds, the smoke began to surround him and cover Jaune.

Wasting no time, Jaune began to run towards one of the people who were accompanying Arachnia.

Arachnia once lifted from the now-destroyed store, began to look at the smoke with a furious scowl. "You're not a normal person, are you, sir Knight?" Her yellow eyes began to scan the place where she supposed he was. "A magical shield, huh? You sure are full of surprises." Then she laughed sadistically. "Stop hiding like a coward and fight. Now I'm looking forward to removing that shield from your corpse."

Arachnia moved when she heard the cry of one of her useless minions.

"I found you" She smiled, kicking viciously at the piece of shit. She hit meat.

Only it wasn't the knight's meat, which she was itching to kill, but that of one of her minions. She was stunned with an amused smile as she saw the cannon fodder fly and crash into a wall hard. She hopes that the idiot she just hit will die for its uselessness.

"Catch it" Jaune yelled throwing one of his bombs at her.

Arachnia jumped back as she crossed her arms, but when she thought she was going to explode, the bomb did something else. A strong light exploded forcefully and it was accompanied by a painful sound, this was caused by the flashbang that was made of light dust.

"AHG! You fucking piece of shit!" Arachnia cried out in pain as the effect of the flashbang took effect on her Level 5 body. She ran a hand over her burning eyes. "Damned bastard. Aren't you supposed to have honor?" Even though she was blind and deaf, she wasn't intimidated by him.

Jaune leaped towards Arachnia with a speed far greater than he could have achieved before. He quickly realized that his newfound strength came from the blessing etched on his back.

Jaune mentally thanked the goddess Día, even if he still hasn't fully gotten used to his new strength.

He launched Crocea Mors to decapitate Arachnia. Arachnia's instincts warned her of the danger and she began to jump back.

Just when Jaune thought he was going to decapitate her, his sword only grazed her neck a little, drawing a small trickle of blood. Jaune looked at his broken sword realizing the vast implication of what just happened.

His sword didn't cut her, because it was broken and had much less range. He is not used to his new reach, due to this mistake he was unable to kill the psycho that was vulnerable in front of him.

Eyes still closed, Arachnia gritted her teeth in rage before pointing at Jaune. "Assholes, don't stand by while they watch, and kill this fucking piece of shit."

"Alright! Lady Valletta" The minions stopped attacking the civilians and went straight towards Jaune.

Jaune, who is about to attack Arachnia again, had to force himself to block the attack of one of the Evilus members. Jaune countered with a shield strike from him before kicking him with all of his strength and the Semblance of him powering the blow.

Jaune glanced briefly at the unconscious member before dodging another attack from another of the Evilus members, he quickly countered by slamming the pommel of his sword straight into the terrorist henchman's skull.

Jaune quickly incapacitated two more Evilus members before being surprised when Arachnia recovered from the stun and got behind his back in his blind spot just as he had just taken down an opponent.

Jaune's eyes widened as he paled when he saw the weapon aimed at the small of his back, right where his armor wasn't protecting him.

How did she recover so fast?! He thought incredulously.

"You die!" She yelled, hitting Jaune's back with deep spite.

Jaune screamed in pain as he felt a truck hit him hard on his back, knocking all the air out of his lungs. His feet couldn't stay on the ground as he lost concentration from the pain and he was sent flying forcefully into the air.

He was not dead thanks to his Aura that had protected him from any serious damage to his body, he fell far away from Arachnia and rolled on the ground several times before he placed his hands on the ground and pushed himself up, and then a somersault to land on him feet.

Jaune slid a little further by the ground before coming to a stop, his entire body glowing a whitish gold before disappearing as quickly as appeared.

Arachnia looked at the sword she was holding in her hand before looking at Jaune in disbelief. "Aren't you dead?" she couldn't believe it, her cursed weapon hadn't even hurt him, beyond sending him flying and making him scream in pain. "Another of your cheap shitty tricks? A skill maybe?" She glared at Jaune with pure rage, the girl's gaze sharp and crazed, she flashed a toothy grin that promised a world filled with agony.

Jaune in response went into a defensive stance again while looking at his aura again, which was at 73%. (2)

Arachnia was about to attack but suddenly stopped, her head turning to the East, where some explosions had been heard. "Tch" she clucked irritably before fixing her messy hair, then she looked at Jaune with a smile. "I guess I ran out of time. Hahaha... Be careful sir Knight, I want to be the one who has the pleasure of killing you. Also, I have the feeling that in the end, a light will illuminate your night, although not in the way you think" she laughed sadistically. (3)

"Eh?" Jaune didn't understand what she meant, but it didn't matter. "Do you think I'll let you get away?" He frowned at her.

She laughed at him as if he had told a joke, and before he could do anything. Arachnia began to escape from him abandoning the unaware minions that arrived with her.

"Wait" When Jaune was about to go after her so she wouldn't run away, even knowing that he could never reach her, he heard voices.

"Kaguya don't let her get away, Lyra come with her. Lion help treat the injured with your magic." A red-haired girl landed near the rooftops and her green eyes looked around her before settling on Jaune. "You are injured?"

Jaune might have gaped at the resemblance she bore to his deceased partner if the situation had been different, but he decided not to focus on that, instead, he shook his head and raised his shield over his head and said. "If you want to reach her I can give you a boost. My shield is magical and I can boost you"

The green eyes of the girl named Alise Lovell met Jaune's determined blue eyes.

Alise didn't see any trace of evil or lies in her eyes, so she without hesitation launched herself and landed her legs on the shield, at that moment Jaune activated the gravity powder, and the red-haired girl was propelled through the air towards where the others were two girls were chasing Arachnia.

Jaune sighed as he removed his Scroll from his shield and put it away before deactivating his shield transforming it back into a sheath and putting Crocea Mors back into it again. He looked at the blonde girl with long ears staring at him in astonishment and disbelief.

Jaune couldn't help but smile with false arrogance. "My shield is that incredible," He said, and the next moment an explosion was heard in the distance. Jaune looked around for injured people. "I'd better get down to helping." He looked at the elf girl. "By the way, I'm Jaune Arc from Día Familia nice to meet you."

The elf girl sighed wearily. "Lion... Ryuu Lion from Astraea Familia nice to meet you" Jaune could see that she smiled under her mask. "Thanks for the help"

Jaune just smiled. "No problem."

Jaune began to approach an injured person who was in quite a bit of pain.

It was official, Jaune Arc hated the aftermath of a battle. He was starting to get tired of these bullshit situations, but duty is duty.

He had a long job to do.




Author's Note: Hello here the author I hope you liked the chapter.

(1): If Jaune had never received the Falna from his new goddess, he would never have been able to block any of Arachnia's attacks. Due to the blessing his Aura and Semblance had a drastic improvement.

(2): Due to the blessing his enormous aura increased in size, without the blessing the hit Jaune received would have taken away more than half of his aura, even with his Semblance amplifying his aura, it would reach a point where Jaune's aura would go to lose much more aura than he can replace.

(3): Arachnia got a deep grudge against Jaune because of all the tricks that caught her off guard, so she feels angry about being practically humiliated by a person she didn't know. I hope Jaune plays his cards right and be careful now that he has gained a grudge from a sadistic person.

By the way, if you have any questions, I will try to answer them all.