
DanMachi: Is It Wrong to Speedrun a Dungeon?

What if, Zeus never raise a mere child thus to be called Bell Cranel? ... What if, Hestia didn't lazy on her Familia's growth? ... ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ... The story begins with a kid, desperate for a search of his lost little brother. Until his grandfather told him that he must find the Goddess of Smithing first in order to trace his little brother. ... Will he succeed finding his little brother? ... Will he be brave enough to unravel a story behind his little brother missing? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー This is my first fan-fiction writings. So please enjoy!

Lexifanyaa · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


"I'm tired, Masato! I need a break."

Two person is walking in the big hole-like passage inside a cave. It's Ryu and her party member, Masato. Ryu stopped her legs then she lay down to take a break. Masato looked at Ryu's doing, he exhales.

"Come on, Ryu. Don't you want to explore it immediately?"

"I know, but this damn passage is so long. My legs can't keep up. Huh, I need practicing more my body when we gets back to Orlean." She whispered her last sentence.

"Ok, fine. I'll keep an eye out the area." Masato goes backward a moment then scouts forward.


'Ugh.. My head hurts. Is it a dream? Why am I recalling his memories?'

Kurt wakes up in the ores cave. Now he has the other him, Kurt Pavelis's memories. All his joy and sadness is mixing in Kurt's feeling. His tear falls from his eye. Then he started to calm.

'I need these ores to sell it for golds.. Or maybe I bring some for Lady Hephaestus.'

Kurt begins to mining it again. Few minutes passed, he still mines the ores.

「Human Presence Derected」

Kurt quickly searched a hiding spot after seeing the system window. Luckily, he's able to found it before they coming.

"Hahh.. Look, we're here Masato.. Wow, so many ores!"

Ryu's amazed by the cave. Her eyes emitting a bright light. Then she rushed to hug one of the ores stone.

"Yeah.. We're not walking in vain." Masato walks to the walls.

While they're busy with the ores, Kurt struggles to hide from them. He fits his body to some cracked wall behind a big stone.

'Well, this is unexpected. I don't want to get too involved with them, especially that girl. She's definitely a troublemaker.'

Kurt doesn't notice that the crack from the wall is spreading to the floor below him. When he realized, it's already too late.



"What is-.. Who is that?!"

Ryu's panicked while Masato is at his stance. Then she investigate the source. It is from the place where Kurt's hiding at. A hole inside a cracked wall.

"Don't do it, Ryu. It's too deep. We don't know anything in there, it could be a minotaur or a golem lying down there.. We need to wait the reinforcement from the guild to come."

"I know you're not fit in here, Masato. I'm going in, I'll give you a sign if it's become dangerous. See you later, Masato. Hup.." Ryu mocks Masato with her eyes. Then she jumped in the hole.

"Shit, Ryu. Yo-.."

Masato tried to grab Ryu's arm but he missed. He sighed. It's been a year since he joined Ryu's party yet he still don't understand what's in her mind at all. Then he continues to investigate the ores, waiting for the reinforcement.


'My god.. I think I fell pretty far. Luckily, there's a water down here.'



Ryu's scream echoing all over the place. Surprising Kurt below her. He hurriedly swim away from the spot.

"Hah ha-.. Help help! I ca-can't swim. So-.. Somebody..!"

Ryu tries to stays in the surface but she's only make it worse for herself. Seeing that, Kurt swims back to her. He confused, how he's able to save Ryu without mistakenly touches something.

"S-sorry.. I got you. Calm down."

Kurt's finally able to grab Ryu. He swims for the land not far from him. He noticed that the one he saved was Ryu. He sighed. After reaching the land, Kurt lifts Ryu from the water. It felt very heavy but he made it. Kurt lift his body up, then he rest a little bit. Realizing that Ryu doesn't make any sound, he approaches her. He tries to feel her heartbeat, it's so weak. Then he pumped her chest, hoping she'll awake. Not working, he stopped for a sec, thinking another way.

'Oh my god, I don't want to do this..'

Kurt gives Ryu an air mouth-to-mouth. Then he pumped her chest again. After doing it for a few seconds, Ryu's coughing. Kurt moves away to lean his back, resting.

"I'm alive? I'm alive..!"

'Wait, why am I laying here? Someone or something saved me.' Ryu looked her surroundings. She found Kurt sits not too far from her.


"Um, hi..?"

"Don't greet me, you little ruckus. What are you doing here?!"

"I'm exploring, what else. You, what're you doing by following me?"

"Following you? Do you thing what am I, a thief?! Hmph."

"Then explain yourself from the beginning. We'll have plenty of time here."

"Cih, fine."

After Ryu's take a breath, she tells the chronology from the beginning to how she ended up falling. Knowing her temper, Kurt's nodding patiently.


*tap taph tap*

"H-hey, Masato!"

Asami arrives with the other 4 men. She greets Masato while he's taking a break.

"Asami! You came.."

"Greetings, Adventurer Masato. We're envoy from the guild. My name's Miyura, I'm the party leader. Please states your report."

The man named Miyura step forward. He wears a pale grey knight's armor and a longsword resting on his back. While he stated it, he removes his helmet. Revealing his blonde hair and a pair of charming cyan iris.


"Ah, I see."

Kurt's nod a few times while rubbing his chin. Ryu's taking a deep breath after she ends her words.

"And now, how are we going to leave this place?" Ryu's kicking every rocks in her view.

"I'll think about it later. I'm going to eat my meals, do you mind?" Kurt opens his waistbag.

"Oh, come on.. We can eat when we get out from this place."

"But I need a strength in order to leave this place. Fair enough for you?"


Ryu's walk away. She's exploring the cave. The cave is surprisingly so large. She uses her [Clairvoyance]. She thinks it's about 50 meter or less, meanwhile the height is about 30 meter. When she came back, Kurt's already finish his meal.

「Cursed Aura Detected」

'Hm..? Cursed? Well, this is a treasure. I need to find it.' Kurt smiles.

"What's with that face? Don't even think to do that with me!"

"W-what..? Is your head broke or something? I felt a little bit negative aura in here. You can't feel it?"

"Y-you..! Huh, unfortunately I'm not that sensitive without my [Clairvoyance]. I don't want to waste my energy."

"I'm going to check it source. You coming?"

"Absolutely. I don't have anything to do by staying here."

Kurt walks to search the source of the cursed aura. He feels the source is within the lake. Then he dives into the lake. Ryu's follows without asking anything. It is a vast lake while you look in it. Kurt swims to search the cursed aura. He came out when he ran out of breath, then he continues to dive again.

After a few minutes when Ryu's on the surface, Kurt finds the source. It's a sheathed dagger on the bottom of the lake. He tries to pull it but it won't budge. Then he goes to the surface to inform Ryu about the dagger. Now they're about to pull it together. They tried a few times but it still won't budge

Kurt has an idea, then he tells Ryu to wait him on the side of the lake. Ryu's protests but finally she accepted. Kurt goes to the sheathed dagger again.

「Want to keep this item [Carnwennan]?」

「Yes」 「No」

'Calux Bier? What a weird name, even in Pavelis's memories.'

After Kurt chose yes, he's not expecting what's happening next. The cracked stone where the sheathed dagger stuck with is gone. Kurt check it out, then he realized that the stone is with the sheathed dagger.

"Are you done yet? Let me see it." Ryu looked bored.

"You sure?"

"Why not?!"

Kurt's pretending to take it out from his waistbag.
