
Danmachi: Fate/Familia myth

"You misunderstood something... The heroes of today, are the ones who defeat the big bad, save the girl, and get praised... I'm just an adventurer, I'm selfish, greedy, a disgusting person... I could never be a hero... I couldn't even save those close to me... It's why I got my second chance in the first place after all... So no, I'm no hero." {} {} {} {} {} I do not own Is is wrong to pick up girls in the dungeon? Or any Type Moon series. Instead of Reincarnation, this story uses time travel. Lets how it goes~!

DaoistxI4qXX · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Prologue 1.2

Opening my eyes, I'm met with a wooden ceiling of a cozy household. Sitting up, I'm met with a plain room that has a desk with a chair, a small bookshelf that contains heroic epics that were lost in translation and misinformation. For a moment I stared blankly into the dista-


Clutching my head on reflex I braced myself as memories flooded my mind. The first 4 years flashed before my eyes as I recalled every event as a memory. 2 years of light physical exercise to help build up a strong body. Constant bonding with my grandpa whilst traveling around... The more prominent memories are when we talked about the Zeus and Hera Familia, his familia...

Grandpa is a deity, the God Zeus, and the reason he told me about it, about my family, about my history was because of intuition. Whatever that means... But... I'm glad. Glad that I actually have a family even if they aren't here with me. The times I spent with grandpa and the stories he read to me. They were different from the stories of the Oratorio. A hero who collected every treasure in the world, a man who went on an everlasting conquest, a king who brought his country to ruin, a mage who was herald by God, and many more.

These stories never were released to the public and grandpa never told them to me in the previous timeline...so what's the difference now? What changed? Why did grandpa tell them to me this time?

"It's because of his 'intuition'. Heh." A feminine voice said in a melodic yet disinterested tone.


"No need to scream, I'm in your mind after all~." The feminine voice said in amusement.

"You didn't need to scare me like that...Aphrodite, is that you?"

"Yup! The one and only! Teehee~" the voice, now known as Aphrodite, said cutely.

"Uhh... I see, so this is that surprise you are referring to?"

"Yes and no." She said, further confusing me.

"Yes and...no? What do you mean?"

"Your grandpa, the reason he read you those stories is because I had told him about you."

"You mean, my whole history, or, just...specific parts?" I asked her for confirmation.

"No no no, I didn't tell him anything without your permission! I just told him that you were from the past! That's it!"

"... I see..." That was all I could manage.

"Whether or not he knows the truth, is up to you."


"..." We stayed in silence for a comfortable period of time.


"Aphrodite." She interrupted me.


"If you don't call me by my name I won't respond." The goddess declared almost childishly.

"B-but, you're a goddess-"

"Lalala~ I'm not listening~." She sang stubbornly. Isn't this a supposed goddess of beauty? Where is your elegance? Begone from my sight faker...


"Humph!" She interrupted me again.


"..." Now she was straight up ignoring me.

"Fine... Aphrodite..." I said exasperated. Having given in to the childish yet beautiful goddess's demand.

"Yes, Bell? You had made your choice, about what you wanted to do, right?" She asked, very well knowing the answer.

"Yeah...umm...please tell grandpa about it...and...Lord Oranous as well. I have a plan or more precisely an image, goal in mind."

"Already done, it will take like an hour for them to go through all of your memories, so... I suggest you get dressed? To discuss your plan or something of that nature..."

"Why do you sound so unsure?"

"Oh, umm... I can't read your subconscious thoughts...just your surface-level ones... I know your plan, not because I'm reading your thoughts, but because of my nigh infinite knowledge, I can guesstimate what your plan is..."

"That is a problem, how?" I'm genuinely confused.

"No it's just, it feels like something is blocking your deeper thoughts for you, almost defensively..."

"I see...that is strange...whatever I guess. I'll go take a shower while you deal with that." I

proceeded to strip while telepathically talking to a goddess.

"Why do you sound so nonchalant about this?" Did she ask irritated? Yes, she sounded very


"Simple, this whole thinking thing is not for me. I'm just a fighter, so I leave the brains to the smart people. That's the main reason I want grandpa and Oranous to be all caught up. They'll be able to make my idea easier..."

"... "She allowed me to continue to speak.

"I just see no reason to stress something that I can't even understand. Do you understand?"

"Heh. Hahaha! Yeah, I understand..."

"Really?" She seems kinda smug about it.

"Yup! You, Bell Cranel, are an idiot~!"

"I know it's true, but it still hurts when you put it so bluntly, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just get cleaned up already~ Idiot~!"

"Your wish is this jester command. Heh..."

Getting up off the bed, I exited my bedroom and went to the bathroom. Going through my normal routine, I showered then brushed my teeth. From there, I went back into my bedroom and put on basic black pants and a simplistic black top to match, for my feet I wore white socks and simple black shoes.

Going to the kitchen, I made a simple breakfast that consisted of mostly fruits and

milk to drink. After breakfast, I took a hero book, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and started reading it.

This is one of the new stories that grandpa gave me. Apparently, there was an age of heroes that existed before the conception of the dungeon, the monsters that existed in that time went by the term, phantasmal beasts. They are the predecessors to the monsters that exist now. It's honestly really interesting, the fact that a whole unexplored side of history exists and an entire chronicle of heroic tales are left


"Ah, good morning grandpa," I said to the God of thunder that had arrived in boxers.

"..." He gave me a closed eye smile. He must be tired.

"Umm, if you want, your breakfast is right here...if you want..." After gesturing to the food that was on the table, grandpa took it and sat down next to me.


... We sat in silence, it wasn't awkward, it was more so serene. Grandpa ate quietly while continue to read my book. We embraced silence like this for a little while longer...

"Ah. Am I interrupting something? I can come back another time if you want." A sage voice

echoed in my head.

"No. It's fine, we were waiting for you." Grandpa replied.

"It's a pleasure meeting Lord Oranous." I greeted with as much grace a 4-year-old could give.

"The pleasure is mine, Bell Cranel."




"Now that everyone is here, let's start the meeting~!" Aphrodite ended the silence that plagued us.

"Oh. Is that Aphrodite? I thought you were residing in Olympus, are you the one enabling the mental communication?" Oranous inquired with mirth in his voice.

"Yup! It's me, the one and only~!" Aphrodite announced herself.

"Hohohohoho! Bell! You do listen when I talk! Not only did you bed a goddess of beauty, but you also have another one willingly following you around, I've never felt so proud!"

"Too soon, grandpa. Too soon. Give it a few more years then it'll be funny." I made my voice as monotone as I could.

"You say that, yet your lips are twitching~." I reflexively reached for my mouth and my lips were still in a closed line.

"Aphrodite! Grandpa is being mean to me~!"

"Yes Zeus, you furry. Stop teasing your grandson~." The goddess scolded.

"Furry? What does that mean?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Grandpa seemed genuinely ashamed of himself.

"Enough! We have strayed off-topic long enough! Let us begin!"

"Yessir!" Zeus.

"Yes, Lord Oranous!" Me.

"Yes." Aphrodite.

"So, Bell Cranel, I take it everything Me and Zeus are true, yes?"

"Yes, it is sir."

"I'm sorry we were unable to protect you even though you've helped the guild in the future so many times. You have my sincerest apologies."

"... It's fine... It's already happened... I... Just want to prevent it from happening again... If it's possible."

"And we will, so please tell us this plan of yours, and what part we will play in it," Grandpa interjected.

"Yes, I was getting to that, gramps. Everybody, buckle up, if you have a question, please ask."

Nobody said anything, I took that as a go ahead.

"In simple terms, by the time I get to Orario when I'm 14, it has to be stronger than what it was in my future."

"What do you mean by that?" Aphrodite asked.

"In simple terms, I want Orario to be of a better quality."

"And by that you mean..." Grandpa purposefully trailed off.

"Politically, Economically, technologically, and military strength. I want those to be of better quality."

"How do you intend to do that?"

"Me? I won't do anything."

"Then, how will your..." Oranous seemed genuinely confused.

"I was getting to that. In essence, the guild is going to become an entity that can keep familias in check. If you release the technology Fels has been making under guild guidelines, you'll improve political pull, economic strength, and technology obviously."

"I see, that, while simple, makes quite a bit of sense. That can work." He finally seemed to get it.

"What about militaristic strength?" Grandpa asked. Most likely because Orario abandoned its greatest military strength that was the Zeus and Hera familia.

"In summary , we are saving the Astrea Familia. They'll be the guild's military force along with the Ganesha Familia. By the time I get there, they'll be one of the strongest forces in Orario."



"..." The awkward silence was getting to me. I squirmed in my seat nervously.

"... So, Ummm... What do you think?... It's not concrete...but, um, I think it is good enough? If not...we could use something else... I'm just saying..."

"Bell Cranel," Oranous stated.


"You need to be build up more confidence."

"...?" What does this have to do with the plan?

"While a bit unrefined, your plan is accomplishable. It's a sure-fire way to improve Orario. In fact, I feel like I possess idiosyncrasies because I couldn't think of it myself." Was that...a compliment?

"... Really?..."

"Yes, right now you are lacking quite a bit, but if I continue to train you, you'll be as good as

Braver! I expect nothing else from a true man of RRROMANCCCEEEE!"

"Yeah, believe in yourself. If not for yourself, then because we believe in you." Aphrodite added

on to grandpa's strangely motivational speech?

"Uh, umm, thank you."

"So while I actualize this plan of yours, you will be doing missions all over this continent as a representative of the guild. That way it will increase the political pull we will have will be indispensable." Oranous started his thoughts.

"I never thought of that... I can train while on these excursions... Killing multiple birds with one stone... You're a genius!"

"That's what I like to see~. So now that we've got a plan, all we have to do is make it happen~!" The goddess of beauty cheered with me.

"I concur. It was a fruitful conversation. I hope future meetings will be the same."

"Thank you lord Oranous."

"It was my pleasure. I will see you next time, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Bell Cranel."


"..." Grandpa stood up and started stretching.

"Hmm. Grandpa?"

"Let's get going Bell." He suddenly said.

"Where? What do you mean let's go? What are you on?"

"We are going to meet the ones that will be training you. "He ignored my 3rd question.

"I see..?"

"And what am I on you ask? Pure testosterone! Boy, you should try it sometime." Nevermind.

"Stop corrupting my little rabbit, you pervert," Aphrodite said like a protective mother hen.

"Whatever, pack your stuff Bell. Because from here on out, your life will be an adventure!"

"Of course grandpa, I wouldn't have it any other way," I said with excitement practically drowning my voice.

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I should probably have a trivia talk sometime soon...