Someone suddenly finds himself in Bell Cranel Body. What will he do? Hopefully something fun.
Okay here is the deal.
As you noticed, I posted two chapters, that's because I didn't update this for a while.
Why? Because I got a job that pays amazingly well but is in a different city so I have to get up early and drive to work just to be on time, and after work when I get back I only have 4 hours for myself before going to bed.
Obviously, I don't want to spend all of them on just writing, I have other hobbies.
So im gonna write one chapter every weekend, and if I skip it then you will have 2 chapters on the second weekend. Sounds good?
Enjoy the chap
Pain…the world is…pain.
Constant suffering, a world where even the brightest spark of hope gets devoured by the dark cruel abyss of mankind.
Those my dear readers…were the thoughts of Bell Cranell that just got his nuts smashed into bits when sparring with Aki.
Alarm sounded around him, and adventurers panicked. Male adventurers…
"Man down! Man down! Bring in the highest healing potion we have!" Someone yelled with high level of desperation, while others surrounded their fallen brother and started forcing him to down all the healing potions they had.
For some reason, it didn't seem to work! Bell kept seeing the light!
"We are losing him!"
"Don't leave us, brother! You still have much to live for! You still have so much pussy to score in this beautiful world!"
"Out of my way!" Bete ran through the crown, in his hand, there was a large bottle decorated with gold accents and a bright almost glowing red liquid inside of it. A healing potion of the highest grade that only a first-class adventurer could own. "Don't you dare go toward the light brat! We still didnt share a drink together in a proper bar!" The werewolf declared while forcing him to drink half of the potion and splashing the other half on Bell's crotch.
Slowly, light returned to Bell's eyes. He looked around him and saw the male members of his familia with worried faces, holding lots of healing potions, some of them empty.
Moved by this act of comradery, Bell's eyes started to water up. "*sniff* My bradas!" He yelled, touched by their desperate attempt to save him, and hugged as many as he could.
Roars of victory sounded throughout the 18th floor of the dungeon! All Male adventurers of the Loki familia went apeshit as if they celebrated a victory against a fully grown dragon.
Anakitty stared blankly at all that was happening, accompanied by every other female adventurer that decided to watch the tradition of a spar between a newbie and a veteran adventurer.
[The Magus of Flowers sheets tears of happiness at your successful recovery]
[Bone Dady is glad that you didnt end up without a dick like him.]
Soon Bell found himself being carried by a crowd of his familia brothers off to a certain spot of the camp. All that happened while Aki let out confused catgirl noises.
The spar barely started, how did it end already? She tried to have a say in this, but when she approached the group everyone immediately went into offensive mode and called her a "Ball cracking devil". She gave up after the third attempt
What did the men do after that?
What kind of stupid question is that? They drank booze, obviously!
They drank and drank, constantly raising their drinks in the name of Bell's "recovery". And somewhere in between all this chaos, a drunk Bell started telling people the tale of "Shrek", the whole damn trilogy.
Everybody loved it.
The party went on for the whole day and half of the night, and Bell passed out multiple times during it.
In all honesty, it was a miracle that he was alive considering that he was a 14-year-old with no alcohol tolerance.
Bell woke up in the morning with flapjack pecking at his arm, eating some sort of energy from it. That didn't surprise him, he saw this happening already, but thought that maybe his palismen is feeding from his magic? He never saw anything like this in the show but what other explanation is there?
"Ughh…" he moaned, not sure about his physical capabilities at the moment as his whole body felt weak and heavy.
He tried to get up, but when he raised his head by just an inch he immediately felt a headache and let it fall back down.
"I'm never drinking again…"
Bell will most likely drink like this again in the future.
And adventurer life cannot exist without deadly amounts of alcohol, that's just common sense.
Flapjack chirped and moved onto Bell exposed shoulder. He eyed the area for a while and started to peck at it, eating away the same energy as before.
'Wait a second…' Bell thought. 'Flapjack has access to the skin on my shoulder, and now that I think about it, I feel kinda cold.'
Indeed, Bell felt a breeze hit the upper part of his body, together with a part of his legs.
He didn't need to think long to put two and two together.
"I'm in my underwear…" Now that would be normal if he was in his tent…but he was in a forest! There were trees around him, and he could feel the texture of grass on his back!
Fuck, just what happened yesterday!?
After an hour or two of laying still on the ground, Bell once again tried to get up. Flapjack was already laying on the ground in his staff form as he already ended his "meal".
His head was spinning, and he had trouble with his motor functions, but he prevailed and managed to stand up despite the odds he was facing.
Walking through…
"Yeah, fuck this." Bell said and decided that walking is for losers. "{Fly}" He chanted and made his body move up.
The {Fly} spell allows someone to fly by creating an invisible skin-tight aura around their body which can "push" against third-dimensional space from any part of the caster's body. Thus, it was a perfect spell for someone who wanted to move without problem even if their body is useless!
Bell grabbed his palismen staff and floated back to the Loki familia camp. Once he got there, he quickly noticed that a majority of people were packing up and leaving.
"Ah! That's right!" He said once he remembered the reason for this. "Today second and first-class adventurers leave to go into the deeper floors." He told himself and quickly realized something.
"No more sparring with Bete and Aki…IM FREE!" His raising happiness was mirrored by his body as Bell soared higher into the air. Finally! No more brutal beatdowns! No more cracked bones, knocked out tooths, and…*shiver* smashed family jewels…
Not paying any mind to his headache and slight dizziness, Bell laughed madly and did a flip in the air, which almost made him barf.
"Are you still drunk from last night?" Huh? He is a somewhat large distance from the ground, who could ask that question?
Looking in the direction of the voice he saw Lefiya flying toward him on her staff.
"Wait, how did you…?" Bell asked and started at her staff. He taught her the [Fly] spell, but it should work only on someone's body, not equipment!
Lefiya had a smug smile on her face at Bell's confusion. For her, it felt like a victory! She baffled the boy with a magical ability when it was always him that baffled her and Lady Riveria! And she did it with the spell that he taught her!
Does this victory matter in any way, shape, or form? No, but it felt damn good to know that she was capable of surprising "The Magic prodigy" of her familia!
"I simply used the spell on my staff. It was nothing really, simple as a fire bolt spell!" The elf told him with a haughty voice, an aura of superiority wrapping around her.
"Wouldn't applying it to your body be more effective?"
Lefiya mumbled something.
"Huh? Sorry, I didn't catch that?" Bell said and floated a little closer to her.
"Men are pigs…" The elf growled out and glared at the people below.
At this point, Bell was very confused. What does that have to do with his question?
"I don't get it." He told her bluntly, causing Lefiya to look at him.
"I'm wearing a dress," she said simply and allowed him to think for a second. After a short moment, it clicked.
"They tried to peak in between your legs when you were flying?" She nodded. "Just wear pants then."
"I don't have any." She notified him which caused Bell to give her a deadpan look.
Each person has their own taste for fashion, but wearing something as impractical as a dress in a dungeon full of monsters… isn't it better to wear practical clothing and have higher chances of survival because your dress didn't get caught up in anything?
"Buy some, way more practical than a dress."
She scowled at this. "They are not befitting of a Lady."
What the fu-
"But going deep underground to a place full of monsters with the purpose to slaughter them is ladylike?" Bell shot back.
Lefiya opened her mouth only to close it a second later with a click of her teeth. He had a point.
"It's a noble cause! We are adventuring into one of the biggest dungeons in the world in hope of destroying its core!" The elf defended herself.
Now it was Bell's turn to admit that she had a point.
He sighed. "Never mind that, what did you need?"
"Hmm?" Lefiya slightly tilted her head to the side…cute. "Nothing, I just saw you screaming your lungs off while flying and decided to see what you are on about."
Bell blinked and chuckled a little. "Just happy that my sparring session with Bete and Aki are over." The boy said with a grin.
"Ah, that." The elf nodded and felt the memories of her first mele lessons surface into her mind. She shivered. "I was taught by Lady Riveria, and while I never broke any bone, she wasn't gentle either."
Bell hummed.
Lucky for her I guess. Bell was not even sure how many healing potions he was forced to drink in the last couple of days.
Too many, that's for sure, he can remember the taste even now, it's been permanently engraved into his mind and taste buds.
Chatting the whole way down, the duo landed on the ground. Well…Lefiya landed, and Bell hovered 3 inches above the ground.
"So, deeper floors huh?" The boy started "Would you mind taking a more valuable monster crystal for me?" Bell asked and gave the elf his most powerful puppy dog eyes he could do.
She was unimpressed.
"Why? I can lend you money if you need it."
"It's not money that I want from it…" Lefiya narrowed her eyes. "It's nothing illegal, I assure you!" Bell began to sweat as Lefiya's gaze seemed to pierce his very soul.
She sighed. "I'll think about it."
Suddenly a new voice was heard. It was a Female adventurer announcing that they will begin to advance deeper toward the dungeon.
The duo stood in silence for a while until Bell decided to break it.
"Well…good luck I guess." He then noticed the worried look on Lefiya's face. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Nothing…yeah, it's nothing. You don't need to worry about it." She said quietly and started marching forward, giving Bell a small wave before she left.
He waved back, still a little worried despite her assuring him that everything is okay.
"Alright, let's go find my clothes, shall we?"
—with Lefiya—
"Yo! Lefi, are you ready for some fun?" Tiona yelled excitedly while her sister was busy trying to seduce Finn.
The rest of the party turned their head toward the elf.
"Hah…the weakling finally decided to show up, huh?" Bete said, making her flinch and grasp her staff harder.
"Bete, shut your mouth." Riveria warned and glared at the werewolf.
Bete scowled. "Whatever!" He said and walked away
"Don't listen to that dog Lefiya! Just stay behind us and you will not have to worry about any monster!" Tiona cheerfully tried to reassure her, making Lefiya feel a painful sting on her chest
Aiz letting out a soft "UMU" at Tiona's words made her feel like a nail struck her heart.
'This time it will be different.' Lefiya thought to herself and placed a hand on a small notebook dangling from her hip. 'This time I can do it before any monster approaches me.'
—Back to Bell—
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I SOLD IT!?" The boy yelled.
"You said, quote, 'i'm a mage, I don't need armor! I'll be just wearing robes from now on!' And, quote. You then took your armor off and traded it for a bottle of booze."
Bell's palm meet his face, and he mumbled "I'll never drink again.
He will definitely drink again...
Flapjack's favorite food is flapjacks, but the second favorite food is Bell's mysterious tattoo that probably nobody remembers~
now go read the next chapter.