
Resting, or so He Wishes

Another day another sale is what Domnus has been waking to for the past few days, but today he decided to take a break.

The only excuse that he could come up with to himself was that he needed to observe the city of Orario to know what serves Domnus could do to earn more money.

But due to his internal clock, Domnus still got up at the same time as usual and saw Bell getting up at the same time.

Domnus decided to only grab some a few potions from his bag before leaving the bag at his chair.

Bell then opened his mouth about to tell Domnus about his bag still being by his chair.

"I know," Domnus responded before a word could come out of Bell's mouth, "But thanks for worrying,"

Leaving the church Domnus was rather exited to get a good view of the city. He may have toured many other cities, but the feeling never gets old.


With the whole day in front of him yet to be made Domnus started his walk.

Looking around he did start to notice that quite a few people were sleeping on the sides of buildings.

He noticed that some of those people were adventurers, it was easy to see due to them sleeping in full armor. Domnus even saw one jump up then say, "I'm late!" before running towards the dungeon.

While he walked through the streets an idea popped into Domnus's mind that he could use the top level of the church as a small sleeping place for people who couldn't afford an inn.

Unfortunately, this train of thought was cut off by a knife aimed at Domnus's skull.

Easly moving his hand over to catch the knife, Domnus then looked over to see who through it.

They were previously standing on top of a building close to Domnus. However, they were now attempting to run away.

It was all rather disappointing to Domnus that someone wanted him dead, and they had to send someone like them to kill him.

Jumping up Domnus began to follow the assassin along the rooftops.

Not wanting to waste too much time Domnus threw a grayish blue potion at the assassin massively slowing them down.

Thanks to that that Domnus was easily able to catch up to the assassin and incapacitated them

"Now, can you tell be who you are and why you're trying to kill me?" Domnus asked the assassin taking off the hood they were previously wearing reveling it was a guy.

"IIIIIIIIIIIIII wwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllll," the assassin tried began to say.

"Oh yes, the slowness, give me a second," Domnus said before getting off the roof and heading back to the church.

Walking with a brisk pace Domnus arrived back at the church and headed into the basement.

The basement was empty due to both Bell and Hestia at work, so Domnus could silently go to his bag a grab a bucket of milk and left the basement once more.

Walking back to the roof Domnus took some time to give the city another look.

Going slower than he did before Domnus gave himself more time to smell the roses and do a little window shopping as well.

"Would you like a sample?" a staff of a restaurant asked holding a platter of skinned fruit.

"Yes I would!" Domnus replied taking one of the samples and popping it into his mouth.

It was just apple. Not apple mixed with anything else, just a small amount of an apple. Domnus was disappointed. He wanted to taste something new, not something he used to eat everyday due to lack of food.

"Would you like to come in and try our other foods?" the staff said.

"No thank you," Domnus replied, "I have something else to do," with that Domnus decided he should probably go get the assassin.

After a little bit Domnus eventually reached the assassin, he then saw the assassin was up on his feet and attempting to run away with a smile on his face

However, he had only managed to get up and put one leg in front of him before Domnus was back.

Domnus then forced the bucket of milk down the throat of the assassin returning him to his original speed.

"Yes!" the assassin excitedly exclaimed continuing to try and run away, before he was caught by Domnus and hung upside down in front of Domnus, his robe and shirt falling over the assassins face leaving his upper body exposed.

"Why did you try to kill me?" Domnus asked the assassin wondering why.

The assassin said nothing and was making an attempt not to look at Domnus, even though his shirt was covering his eyes.

"Ok then," Domnus said turning the assassin around, "Let's at least see where you're from them.

Looking at the back of the assassin Domnus saw the familia's crest on his back. And as Domnus thought, he had no idea whose crest it was.

"Now, we can make this very simple, and you can tell me whose familia you're from," Domnus told the assassin, "Or we can get complicated and make me do some more work,"

Again, the assassin said nothing.

"Well, complicated it is," Domnus said slinging the assassin over his shoulder.


"I swear!" a guild adviser said, "The guy obviously murdered her and lied to my face!" she said to her fellow staff member.

"I can't believe that!" The other guild worker responded, "We have to do something!"

The door to the guild office then slammed open gaining the attention of the guild workers including the two guild workers who were previously talking.

"Excuse me," Domnus said walking up to one of the counters, "Can either of you tell me whose familia member this is?" Domnus asked the two same guild workers putting the assassin on the table

"Wait a minute," one of the guild workers in front of Domnus, "It's you!" the work exclaimed, "The one who killed my adventurer and was very rude to me!" the guild worker said pointing at Domnus.

"Sorry for being rude before, but can you please tell me whose familia member this is," Domnus apologized before repeating his question.

On reflex thanks to working in the guild for so long, the guild worker next to the one calling Domnus out immediately did as Domnus asked and took a look at the crest.

"Well, it looks like it's from the Freya familia," the guild worker recited from memory.

"Thank you," Domnus said happy for an answer and putting the assassin over his shoulder, "Have a good day!" he then said while leaving.

"Get back here you rude murderer!" the other guild worker yelled out.