
Danmachi - Tales of the multi talented Swordsman.

By the guidance of Fate, an ordinary mortal soul had been brought into the world of Danmachi. And after a series of events, he ended taking over the body of of Bell Cranel. Watch how our mc will live his life in this world. How will his sudden existence affect this world? This is a tale of adventure and dungeon conquering. Something that wouldn't just be limited in Orario, but the entirety of the Danmachi world itself. **** A/N I will do my best to make sure thatt this will be an awesome Danmachi fanfiction. But of course, I know that I can't please everyone since we all have our own preferences. Some of us wants this, some of us wants that, it's like we are on the both side of a line, heading in an opposite direction. I cannot please everyone but I can at least make it so that majority of you will enjoy reading this book. I genuinely hope that will be the case. Disclaimer. The cover photo was not mine. Internet-kun gave it to me or should I say, I took it from him(yes, internet-kun is a male) without permission. If you are the owner of the photo and didn't want it to be here, then please message me so I can take it off. If you want to support this book, you can PayPal me at the link below. It will help a lot and will stabilized flow of chapters coming. https://www.paypal.me/AuthorFishball You can also see me in discord. I usually gives an advance notice about when I'll be publishing the next chapter. https://discord.gg/Q7Yzs3GrHy That's all, hope to see you around.

Fishball_22 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Monsters. (2)

" That was amazing, Bell! Even that huge monster was no match to you at all! You're very strong! "

Still influenced by her excitement and pride for her child's victory, Hestia cheerfully held onto his arms as she congratulates Bell for swiftly killing the rampaging monster.

Though Bell's a level 2 adventurer now which is undeniably stronger compared to a level 1 monster like the silver back he'd just slain, the way he disposed of it was still amazing.

It's fast, precised and clean. A feat that can't be pull out by just anyone with similar level to him.

Bell only smiled slightly in response as he waited for his goddess to calm down a little before dealing with the silverback's corpse by taking its magic stone.

" I should at least be this strong if I wanted to protect you, Goddess. " he replied with a smile. " Anyway, we have to go now.. "

" Uwaaah! W-what are you doing, Bell?! There.... there are a lot of people... here. "

" That's exactly why we have to leave now. "

Bell scooped up his now blushing goddess and bridal carried her despite her shock. With the silver back taken cared of, the people hiding inside the houses and shops around them started coming out, clapping and cheering out their lungs.

There's no way for Bell to waste his time here dealing with these people. Bell still can't understand it yet but there's this feeling of disgust deep inside him that suddenly emerged after seeing those crowd cheering for his victory.

It's a bizarre feeling.

With Hestia safely secured in his arms, Bell jumps onto the nearby building, swiftly leaving that place along with the cheers of people behind.

" Where are we heading now, Bell? Should we go back home? "

Though she's still disappointed with her 'date' being postponed by that sudden rampage of monsters, Hestia was kind and forgiving enough to understand the situation.

Who knows if there are still monsters hiding or roaming around the place? What if that monster was stronger than the silver back Bell had just slain?

The last thing she would want is to get in his way because Bell needed to protect her.

" No, we will look for more monsters to fight, Goddess. "



" Mistress Freya? "

" I'm fine, Hedin. "

" I.. I see. I'm glad to hear that, mistress. It seems like Ottar's hunch was correct. That boy, he.. "

" Yes, he leveled up. "

On top of a nearby building, Hedin, the level 6 white Elf tried to open up a conversation to the hooded goddess beside him. He's carefully choosing his words to make sure he will not upset her even more but... based on her tone, Freya doesn't seemed to be in a bad mood or anything. Which is for sure a good thing.

Her voice is still as sweet and as pleasant as before.

" Then, mistress Freya, what should we do next? Should we.. "

" Let's follow them. "

" Right away. The carriage has been prepared. We can leave immediatel- "

" No, Hedin. "

" What is it, mistress? "

' Carry me like that. '

Looking at the vanishing figure of the white haired boy in the distance, Freya has this urge to say those words out loud but quickly denied it.

' There will be no point if Odr's not the one doing it.. '

" Nothing, let's go. "

Freya then turned around and headed to the stairs, leaving the white elf behind in confusion.


" Please evacuate in an orderly fashion! There are no monsters in the area ahead so please everyone should remain calm! "

" Follow the other people in front, don't push each other! That's it, everything's under control now! "

" Stop pushing, no need to rush! "

The guild employees along with some members of Ganesha familia were still trying their best to control the chaos in the East Block residential area.

With the help of the other adventurers who happened to be nearby, they guided the panicking and angry townspeople to safety while the others stays on guard for any possible attacks.

" My daughter, I can't see my daughter! Please help me find my daughter! She's just here beside me and now.... she's gone! We got separated, and…AND…! "

" Ma'am, please calm down and take a deep breath. Now, what color clothing is your daughter wearing? How old is she? "

" S-she's six and is wearing a red dress and a black scarf.. "

" Okay ma'am, we will find your daughter immediately. Please follow these people for now and wait for our good news. "

After a few more exchanges, Eina was finally able to send the still worried mother away.

" ROOOAA- ?! "

Another monster roar of pain rang out at the distance a moment later but was instantly silenced.

' Loki familia really are fast.. ' she pondered to herself. Obviously knowing who might have silenced that monster just now.

And as she's like that, two person landed at the side.

" Eina. "

" Hmm, Bell? "

Eina spun around after hearing her name and saw that it was someone she knew that are coming towards her.

" Great timing, Bell. Please help us evacua-.... Goddess Hestia.. " Eina paused for a moment when she saw the person in Bell's embrace. She cannot understand why but Eina felt a little upset seeing that.

" Please help us evacuate the citizens, Bell. You are level 2 now right? Can you take care of the monsters that had run on that area? I'll make sure the guild will compensate you fairly. "

" I was about to do just that. " Bell then gently puts down Hestia. " Please take care of my Goddess for me. "

" Moah, please stop treating me like a kid, Bell! Go already, go already! I'll be fine here. " said Hestia with a pout as she pushes his back forward. " Hurry up before those monsters can get another victim. "

" I don't think there are victims already, Goddess.. "

" Never mind the minor details! "


Bell became speechless for a moment.

" Alright, alright. See you later at home, Goddess. See you later, Eina. "

" Thank you, Bell. This way please, goddess Hestia. "


On top of one of the coliseum's pillars.

Bell surveyed the city from the top, his rubillite eyes scans the area below, looking for the other monsters's whereabouts.

Without question, this spot was the best vantage point in the area giving him a clear view straight down East Main and could easily see the places people were running away from at the same time.

" Hmm? Seems like I don't even need to step in with this beautiful and young airhead girl already moving around.. "

" Awaken, Tempest. "

Bell's watching the sword princess below who's swiftly slaying monsters from one place to another; emerald green wind swirled around her.

Lightly pushing off, the wind's support made her float next to the manmade structure for a few seconds.

Her golden eyes locked onto the closest monster. She didn't even blink and quickly takes it down at full speed.

" Lil Rafaga! "

She kicked off the wall. Aiz bolted towards her next target like a spear shot out of a cannon.

" So fast! "

" What the hell was that?! "

The sheer impact of the force of her attack surprised the group of adventurers had been preparing to take the monster head-on. They were not even able to see her figure as the monster in front of them was sliced in half.

Aiz was moving so fast and efficiently that she was reaching the monsters before the other groups dispatched to take care of them even had a chance. All they felt was a gusting breeze before the monster in front of them exploded in a mixture of blood and ash.

Can't be anymore dead!

They stood there in awe and surprise as the townspeople who hadn't evacuated yet dove for cover.


The over two-meter mantis monster erupted in a burst of ash after its magic stone was crushed.

Aiz landed on the stone surface of the street with a huge impact, spun around, and dashed toward another intersection, slicing in half the Orc monster standing there.

" Graaaah?! "


There's no stopping this golden executioner. She continue harvesting the monsters lives without them even noticing.





By the time Aiz had finally killed all the eight monster, Bell's figure landed beside her.

Aiz had long noticed his presence so Bell's arrival didn't surprise her a bit.

" Yow, miss Aiz. You didn't even left anything for me.. " He jokingly said. Aiz slightly nod at him as her red lips slowly parted.

" There's still one. Can't find it. "

There were eight beasts in her general vicinity earlier. The Guild's report said that nine had escaped however, she couldn't locate the last one no matter how hard she try.

" Oh about that, I'd already taken care of it, miss Aiz. Don't worry. "



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