
Danmachi - Eldritch Apostle

What if a young man from Earth suddenly found himself transported into the world of Danmachi with his favorite book, the Necronomicon? This is the story of a boy named Niall, who is reincarnated into the world of Danmachi with absurd powers bestowed upon him by the Gods.

Rtanj · Anime e quadrinhos
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56 Chs

Stranger in Cafe

(Inside Hermes Familia Home, 1 day after the rampage)

"You completed your job successfully, but your ultimate goal was to sneak in and murder Fredrig only, not cause a whole commotion in the city. Thanks to us, we've been able to calm down the Ganesha Familia and, with a little help from the guild, prevent this whole ruckus from getting any unwanted attention."

Hermes scolded me for doing the job my way, but I didn't care much. After completing the job, he dragged me to his familia home.

I know that assassin jobs are supposed to be stealthy, but I wanted to eradicate all those bastards along with Fredrig. However, going on a rampage around the town surely caused unwanted attention.

"But you still completed your job, and for that, you will get a proper reward. Tell me anything you want, but don't be too greedy, okay?" Hermes relaxed on the couch while Asfi stood behind him.

Asfi was silent the whole time, but I could feel her gaze on me. She was staring at me with great interest—not romantic, but rather pure interest like something just discovered.

Most likely, they spied on me during my "little" session of rip and tear until it was done from the shadows. I knew this was a test; you cannot escape Hermes and his intelligence network, no matter how hard you try.

Sooner or later, you will be exposed.

Both Hermes and Asfi had only heard about my carnage of the bandits before. They never knew until now what kind of abilities I had or how they performed, sounded, or looked.

I think my ability is quite similar to Alfia's. I remember she was able to chant a single sentence, "Gospel," to obliterate someone. I'm not sure how the magic exactly worked, but it was feared by all in Orario and beyond.

Since Hermes operated during the Dark Ages, he is most likely flabbergasted that my ability kind of resembles Alfia's, which was called Gospel, Satanas Version.

At least, I think so.

"Then I would like Asfi to teach me how to fly on those magical boots of hers. I don't want her to give me the boots for free, just teach me until I gather enough money to buy something that expensive in the future."

My idea is to get Asfi to teach me how to fly and then try to fly using my newly evolved ability since Azathoth herself has told me that I'm able to fly, but I need some practice.

"That... I can do that, but I don't see a point in training you for something you don't even possess currently..."

Asfi looked at me with confusion, but Hermes seemed interested in my request. He probably expected me to ask for a pair of those boots for free, but I knew those were the best of Asfi's creations.

Asking for something like that for free, for a job like this, is just absurd.

If I were Asfi, I certainly wouldn't give myself a pair of those boots for free.

"Alright, I will do it. It won't be easy, so be prepared to fail a lot." Asfi made up her mind and nodded to my request.

I nodded back and turned to leave Hermes' home, but his hand stopped me from going any further.

"Niall, if you ever wish to take assassination jobs again, just come and meet me. But I think the life of a dungeon diver, also known as an adventurer, is for you. Don't get me wrong, you did your job very well, but your explosiveness is something every adventurer needs. You would be an awesome adventurer."

I realized that a bit later after I completed the job. Assassinations are for people like Chloe, who are silent and stealthy.

I, on the other hand, am not someone who will go stealth all the time. I prefer going explosive, like a shotgun. My abilities, too, are explosive, something unappealing to an assassin who focuses on stealth.

Plus, dungeon diving is much more fun.

And, I can always kill people outside my dungeon dives since I don't get tired nor need anything that basic mortals do.

"Of course, I will be spending more time inside the dungeon from now on, so you won't be seeing me much. But first, I want to learn how to fly with those boots so that I can buy a pair one day when I grind hard enough."

Hermes smiled at my confidence. "That's the spirit! Asfi will be able to train you starting tomorrow, so don't be late for your class!"

Hermes leaned in closer like he had something secret to say to me. Asfi, on the other hand, looked at him with a raised eyebrow from behind.

"Asfi acts like a grumpy old teacher when she's teaching someone something, so be sure to give her all the respect, or else you will end up in the worst pits of the dungeon imaginable."

Hermes tried hiding his chuckle, but it seemed that Asfi overheard his advice. In the next moment, a hand that moved faster than I could see struck Hermes's head.


Hermes fell to the ground, seemingly unconscious from the sheer force of a powerful level 4 adventurer, Asfi Andromeda.

"Well... See ya tomorrow, Asfi!" I quickly bid farewell before I got the beating for whatever reason since women can be like that.

Women scared me in my past life, but women in this world are far more dangerous. Now they have inhuman strength and abilities, something that brings bad news since humans are humans after all.

One can guess how humans would react back on Earth if all of them had inhuman strength and abilities that helped them kill each other.

In other words, it would be hell on earth.


I ventured around the streets of Orario, scouting for anything interesting. I had one idea on my mind, but I wasn't sure how well it would go.

I considered venturing into the red-light district to possibly find Haruhime. I had a soft spot for her character back when I was still a mere man.

However, I brushed that idea aside since I was too weak to fight if that frog woman attacked me out of the blue just for existing. I won't go and fight Ishtar and her familia, not until I get to level 4 at a minimum.

Speaking of...

I moved to the darker hallways, away from public view. One thing I wanted to check was my status and see if there was anything new from my goddess.


A fluffy sound was released when my status book appeared in my hands. Opening it, I didn't notice anything new except for my stats, which had a minor update.

--- STATUS ---

Name: Niall


Level: 2

Power: 0 I --> 22 I

Survivability: 0 I --> 13 I

Durability: 0 I


(Force of Authority)

- Gravity Manipulation

The user can increase, or decrease gravitational force in a specific area, pinning enemies to the ground or crushing objects with immense pressure.

- Planetary Devastation (LOCKED)

- Almighty Push (LOCKED)

- Universal Pull (LOCKED)

(Hastur's Cloak) Current level protection: 0-3

It grants the user the ability to summon a golden transparent cloak around their body, completely protecting them from any harm that is level below or above their own.


Gather 100 Kills

- Progress: 78/100

Reach the 30th floor in the dungeon

- Progress: Uncompleted

Defeat Goliath

- Progress: Uncompleted

Unseal the Underwater Dungeon

- Progress: Uncompleted

--- --- ---

'Damnit,' I thought as I noticed the slow progress despite my previous massacre of Fredrig and his gang.

But I shouldn't have expected anything more since it was just me killing a bunch of weaklings. I didn't face any challenge in that massacre, which brought me to this point where my abilities barely moved up.

Wait, one of them hasn't moved up.


'Could it be that Hastur's Cloak prevents me from getting durability points since I don't take any risks from fighting at all?'

A moment of realization struck me. This meant I couldn't use this ability if I wanted to grind skill points and level up.

I would have to use this ability only if things got critical to the point of me being near death. In those situations, minor things like skill points don't matter since my life would be at stake.

'Fair nerf, Azathoth. Fair nerf,' I thought while imagining my goddess laughing down at me for realizing this just now.


I closed my book and desummoned it. I decided to go and chill in some cafe in town and grab myself a hot chocolate, my favorite.

Fifteen minutes later, I arrived at one of the cafes near the Tower of Babel. It had a nice view and a very nice spot to sit and relax.

A few moments passed until a waitress came outside to ask what I would like for a drink. She was a wolf demihuman.

"Greetings, young man. What would you like for a drink today? I recommend a hot cup of dungeon tea made from healthy dungeon herbs." Her black hair was like a wave, long and clean, while her tail moved carefully left and right.

"Do you have hot chocolate, perhaps?"

"Yes, we do. It'll be here soon." She wrote down my order on paper and entered the cafe while I remained outside, chilling.

Looking around, I noticed various groups of people walking by. Most of them were adventurers headed toward the dungeon.

Others were simple working men and women, going through their daily routines in such a large city as Orario.

I have to say, though, women in Orario are top-notch.

"Here you go, mister. Enjoy your stay." The wolf waitress returned with my hot chocolate in her hand. It smelled heavenly, just like every hot chocolate should.

She turned back to return inside, but I stopped her for a moment. "Excuse me, madam, can I pay right now?"

My question seemed to confuse her for a second until she returned to her professional attitude. She kind of reminded me of Rose from the guild.

"Oh, no need, mister. Your drink was already paid for." Her response confused me since I didn't know who would pay for my drink. I hadn't even looked to see who was inside, so it could be anyone.

"And who would that be?" Upon hearing my question, a hooded person came from inside the cafe and sat down next to me. The waitress left us alone. Meanwhile, I readied my hand to blast the possible danger, but I recognized the voice of this mysterious person.

"No need to be cautious, dear. I won't bite."

It was the voice of none other than the goddess of beauty, Freya.