
Dancing With The Gods 0

Leon Asura was an ordinary child who lacked any particular talents or skills. However, one day he stumbled upon the shocking realization that the Gods were treating humans like mere pawns, and that the world was nothing more than their chessboard. Knowing this, he was faced with a difficult decision: would he simply accept this reality and remain complacent, or would he rise up and put an end to the grand scheme orchestrated by these powerful beings?

Sushishy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

Chapter 2 — The Starting Point (16)

Altesia's POV:

"Brother!" I screamed as my brother hit the wall of our house, his body crumpling against the rough bricks. I didn't understand what had happened. It just happened so fast that I could barely react to any of it. All I knew was that one moment we were fighting against a monstrous creature and the next moment, my brother was sent flying.

The monster now stood in front of me, its eyes filled with anger. The rain was pelting down my skin, drenching me to the bone. The coldness made my shiver run cold, and the monster's monstrous presence didn't make it any better.

"Grrrr....!" the monster growled, its lips curling into a sinister smile as it licked them.

I couldn't help but gulp at the monster's presence. It was as if its fight with us wasn't even it giving all its might, while my brother fought desperately even if it cost him his life just to save me. Now, it seemed that the monster in front of me was stronger than the one my brother and I had been fighting against.

I took a step back unintentionally, and that was a big mistake. Immediately, with monstrous speed, the monster ran towards me.

I tried to shield myself with my arm, but that didn't work. It just bit my arm and lifted me up with its jaws. The pain was excruciating, and I could feel the teeth sink further down into my flesh, hitting my bones a little. I could feel my bones creaking, and I couldn't help but let out a cry.

"Aghhhh!!!" I screamed as I felt the pain in my arm.

Seemingly enjoying my pain, the monster applied more pressure on its jaw, clamping my arm hard. "Aghhhhhhh!!!"

However, even though I was in this situation, I wasn't afraid. My fear was being lessened by my anger towards this creature. This creature had hurt my brother, and I didn't want to take that lying down.

I raised my other hand and released a large water ball from my palms. My attack was so powerful that the monster let go of my arm, and I fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

As soon as it let go, I grabbed my arm, which was almost dangling uselessly at my side, and tried to cast a self-healing spell.

If I recalled correctly, the incantation was... "Uh... What was it again?" I couldn't remember the spell.

Just then, the monster who had just returned from its momentary stun moved towards me, its figure becoming a blur.

My heart raced as I braced myself for the worst. Before I could even react, something hit me, and I felt something crack in my body.

"Gaaahhh!" Pain shot through me as I twisted and turned in the air before crashing down on the ground.

As I opened my eyes, I saw the monster standing before me, ready to strike. Its jaws were wide open, and its eyes were focused solely on me. It looked like it wasn't taking any chances anymore. It was now determined to kill me. My mind raced as I tried to conjure another water ball. I willed myself and make an effort the raise my arm to conjure another water ball. But when I did so, the monster had already vanished in my line of sight.

"E...Eh?" I stuttered in confusion.

As I tried to stand up, I immediately felt something hit me again. Before I knew it, I was lying face down on the muddy ground. I coughed up a thick red liquid, which splattered onto the muddy ground, staining it crimson. The taste of iron filled my mouth, making me gag and cough even more. It was a sickening feeling, knowing that I was spitting out my own blood.

Desperate to survive, I tried to stand up once more, but my body was no longer responding. The pain was unbearable, and I knew that I couldn't take it anymore. The monster who was now behind me continued to stomp on my back, and I knew that it was ready to eat me. With its gaping jaw, I could tell that it was going to devour me whole.

But surprisingly, I wasn't scared. One reason was that my fear was being decreased by my anger towards the monster. But there was another reason. My brother was always there for me, protecting me all the time. He was my hero, my savior, and my best friend. Even though he stayed in his room most of the time, I knew that he always watched over me, looking out for me. I knew for sure that I was safe as long as my brother was around.

I had always been protected by my brother, and in times of need, I could always count on him to save me. Why was I so confident that my brother would save me this time? Because I knew my brother well. He was strong, brave, and fearless. He had never let me down before, and I knew that he wouldn't let me down now.

The monster that had been stepping on me, bit me in the back, and I immediately felt my blood being drained.

Despite the pain, I wasn't afraid. I was confident that my brother would come to my rescue. I looked towards the direction where he was lying.

Despite my blurry vision, I could still see him lying there, facing up, with the rain trickling down his skin. He wasn't moving yet. I knew he wasn't dead yet. He couldn't allow himself to be killed before I could make my escape. I knew that he would sacrifice himself to save me, but I wouldn't allow myself to be saved like that.

Just like how he would sacrifice his life to save me, I would sacrifice myself just to save him. He had my back, and I had his.

I glanced back at the monster, who was still applying pressure on its foot as it bit into my back. I willed my hand to move and pointed my palm in its direction..


An ice spike formed in my hand, and I flung it towards the monster, hitting it directly in the chest.

"Grrrraaaaaaaaa!!!" The monster shrieked in pain, blood trickling down its chest from the wound. It was a satisfying sight to see my attack work so well.

I tried to stand up immediately, but my legs failed me, and I couldn't do it. So, I resorted to using my hands to crawl towards my brother, determined to reach him no matter what. My nails dug through the muddy ground, and I felt them ripping, but I persisted, determined to save myself and my brother.

As I got closer to my brother, the monster suddenly bit me in the legs, and it lifted me up again with its jaw. Surprisingly, I didn't feel any pain anymore. The pain was no longer there, so I didn't scream. The monster seemed surprised by my nonchalance, and it widened its eyes, but I knew that had to be my imagination playing tricks on me. There was no way a monster could make an expression, right?

But even in this situation, where I knew my life would be forfeited for good now, I didn't get scared. That's because...

"B-brot...her..." I muttered, my mouth filled with blood.

My brother, who was lying on the ground a moment ago, was now standing, his other arm dangling uselessly at his side, while one of his hands was held outward, and something like a crimson color was gathering around his palm.

"Let go of Tessia, you monster!" he roared.

He punched the monster in the face, and it let go of my leg.

I looked up, and there he was, standing tall and strong. His wounds were still there, but he had managed to get back up and was now facing the monster. My heart pounded in my chest, and I felt my cheeks heating up, although I had no idea why. All I knew was that my brother's back was bigger than it seemed.

"Stay back, Tessia. I will protect you now," he said, and the air instantly turned cold.

It wasn't because of the rain, of course, but because of the bloodlust that seemed to emanate throughout his body.

My brother held out his hand again, the one that was not hanging limply, and recited a spell.

"By the power of the sun, the flames of life, I call upon the forces of fire, to ignite. With passion and strength, with heat and light. To unleash a fiery explosion, of wondrous might. From the depths of my soul, I channel my will. To command the flames, to bend to my skill. With perfect control, I harness their thrill, To create a nova of fire, that none can still. May the heat of my passion, fuel the blaze. As it spreads like a phoenix, through the haze, With a roar of power, and a blaze of craze.

Oh great ball of fire! I summon thee, to light up the maze! With fire and fury, I unleash this spell. To vanquish my foes, and all that dwell. May they tremble in fear, as they hear my knell. And know that the power of fire, shall never quell. Oh, the fire of the gods. By my hand, let it be unleashed in all odds. To burn and destroy, to scorch and erase. All that stands in my way, shall meet its fiery embrace!—FIRE NOVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

I apologize for not being able to upload a chapter yesterday. I was so tired that I instantly went to bed and slept. And when I woke up, it was already morning. I hope that you will forgive me for this. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Sushishycreators' thoughts