A biting wind whipped through the ancient Rendili Temple, high in the Terravolt mountains. Dust particles danced across the weathered stone courtyard, swirling around the towering pillars and intricate carvings that spoke of a bygone era. Time and neglect had imbued their marks on the once-proud structure, yet it still held a majestic aura.
The Rendili Temple, before the recent turmoil decades prior to the Aerithra Kingdom invasion, had been a bustling hub of inter-kingdom travel. Merchants, pilgrims, and adventurers alike traversed its halls, seeking passage between the realms through its network of Cloud Portals. Now, however, the temple lay desolate, abandoned by all but the wind and the ghosts of its past.
Inside the main chamber, a layer of dust covered the cracked stone floor. The silence was broken only by the occasional creak of the aging structure and the mournful sigh of the wind.
Thud! Thud!
Suddenly, the quiet was shattered by the clatter of heavy boots and the splintering of wood.
A small squadron of Sand Devils, elite soldiers of the Terravolt Kingdom, marched into the chamber, their faces obscured by helmets and their bodies encased in iron-plated armour. At their waists hung Aether Sabre – the standard-issue energy blades for soldiers, guards, and frontline Elementalists across the Five Kingdoms, their hilts radiated contained power. One soldier, larger than the rest, piloted a hulking Battle Mech suit, its ironclad form was towering over the others like a metal titan.
The soldiers moved through the chamber, carelessly kicking aside fragments of ancient pottery and toppling statues with casual disregard. Their mission was clear - to obliterate any remnants of the Rendili Temple, ensuring its Cloud Portals could never again be used by their enemies.
"Damn this dust," grumbled one of the Sand Devils, kicking a pile of rubble that sent a cloud of dust swirling into the air. "And this blasted assignment. Why couldn't I be with the real warriors, conquering those leaf-loving weaklings in the Aerithra Kingdom?"
"Quiet, Rhamus," snapped a fellow soldier. "You want to attract unwanted attention? We're lucky the Grand Marshal Commanders left us this menial task. Just be grateful we're not stuck down in those blasted mines, excavating Aether Steam Crystals alongside the slaves."
"Menial? Ha! We're up here in this desolate mountain, tearing down an old temple that hasn't been used in decades," Rhamus retorted frustratingly. "I'd rather be facing real enemies, not smashing dusty statues and pillars."
"Just think of it as practice," another soldier chimed in. "We're ensuring those Aerithran scum can't sneak into our kingdom through these portals. Every broken stone is a victory for the Dune Empire."
Rhamus scoffed. "Victory? We've been at it for hours and haven't encountered a single enemy. I just want to finish this and get back home to my woman and a warm bed."
The mech pilot snorted. "Orders are orders, men."
The soldiers continued their destructive work, smashing ancient murals and tearing down tapestries that once depicted scenes of peace and prosperity. As they worked, one of them noticed a strange phenomenon. A soft, pulsing light was emanating from the centre of the chamber. It refracted an eerie glow on the dust-covered floor.
"Hey, what's that?" the soldier called out, pointing towards the source of the light.
The Sand Devils gathered around, fixing their gaze on the glowing symbols that were appearing on the floor. The symbols pulsed and shifted, forming an intricate pattern that seemed to resonate with an otherworldly energy.
The stones in the chamber began to tremble and shift, aligning themselves according to the glowing pattern. Magical energies coalesced in the air, forming a swirling vortex of light and power.
"By the Sands, it's a Cloud Portal!" exclaimed one of the soldiers fearfully. How could they have missed it?
"What do we do?" asked another, whose hand was nervously gripping the hilt of his Aether Sabre.
Rhamus turned towards the soldier in the Battle Mech suit. "Kratos, what are your orders?"
Kratos, the leader of the squadron, scanned the forming portal with a wary eye. "Someone go fetch Vice-Marshal Commander Kahless. He's probably still in the other chamber. Tell him we have a situation."
As one of the soldiers hurried off, the remaining Sand Devils curiously and fearfully watched the portal. The portal pulsed and expanded, its edges crackling with energy.
"Should we attack it?"
"No, wait for Kahless' orders."
"What if it's those Aerithran scum?" one of the soldiers whispered tremblingly.
"We'll be ready for them," Kratos replied confidently, though a flicker of uncertainty crossed his eyes. He had heard tales of the Aerithran Elemental Masters and their powerful Titan Avatars.
A few moments later, a foot stepped out of the portal, followed by the rest of the body - a man clad in simple yellow robes, his face weathered and lined with age. Behind him emerged a scarecrow-like figure wearing a conical rice-straw hat and a Cloud Butterfly with wings that shimmered with an ethereal glow.
"Aerithrans!" Kratos's loud voice resounded through the chamber. "Surround them!"
The Sand Devils sprang into action, drawing their Aether Sabres and forming a circle around the platform where Sorah, the Rice Guru, and Breeze Plume stood. The air crackled with tension as both sides prepared for battle.
"I recognize this place…" said Sorah. "The Rendili Temple, I haven't been here for 16 years."
"Well, welcome back geezer…" The Rice Guru smiled then paused suddenly. "Intruders," he hissed and narrowed his eyes at the surrounding troops. "Sand Devils, by the scent of their sweat and dust."
"Sand Devils?" As Sorah wondered what the heck they were doing there, he glanced around the moonlit chamber until his eyes beheld the damaged temple. "Despicable... These barbarians have no respect for history or culture."
"Master Sorah, we're being surrounded, what should we do?" asked Rice Guru nervously while hiding behind the butterfly.
"Kyuuuu!" Breeze Plume chirped softly as it watched the Sand Devils inches closer.
"Stay behind me, my friend," Sorah whispered to Breeze Plume, as he scanned the armed figures.
He gripped the Dawn Sky Crusher tightly, the glyphs along its shaft pulsed with a faint golden light. He could feel the power of the Sage Curse surging within him, but he knew he had to be cautious. He had not yet mastered its full potential.
"Surrender yourselves, Aerithran scum!" Kratos commanded from within his Battle Mech suit, its weapons primed and aimed at Sorah. "You are trespassing on Terravolt soil. Lest you surrender, you will be shown no mercy."
Sorah's eyes narrowed at the man who spoke to him. He had no intention of surrendering. He had come too far to turn back now.
"I seek only passage through your lands," Sorah said calmly. "I mean you and your kingdom no harm."
"Lies!" spat Kratos. "All Aerithrans are enemies of the Dune Empire. Prepare to meet your end!"
"That's rather harsh, don't you think?" The Rice Guru sounded disgruntled. "As far as I'm concerned, we're not enemies. We don't even know each other. Why must you be so violent?"
"Shut up, you walking pile of hay!" Rhamus said with a snarl, pointing his Aether Sabre at the Rice Guru.
"Oh… you shouldn't have said that… Master Sorah, led me some steam for a bit…" The Rice Guru placed one hand on Sorah's back then pointed his other hand brimming with Aether Steam at Rhamus as it began to glow with a golden light. "Boqumu #5 – Spirit Thorn!"
A thorny projectile shot out from the tip of the Rice Guru's hand, striking Rhamus in the chest, knocking him to the ground.
"Gah!" Rhamus cried out in pain, clutching his chest.
"Attack!" Kratos roared as he raised his arm cannon and fired a blast of energy at Sorah.
"Tsk, this fight can't be avoided it seems." Sorah raised his staff and adroitly deflected the blast with a flick of his wrist. "You leave me no choice."
The Dawn Sky Crusher expanded rapidly, transforming into a oaken pillar, not as massive as the version used against Varzik, yet still effective.
Sorah swung the staff with incredible speed and force, smashing into the Sand Devils. The soldiers cried out as they were sent flying, their armour cracking and shattering under the impact.
[20-Hit Combo!]
"By the Sands!" Kratos exclaimed in disbelief. "What kind of power is this? Is that massive log that old man's Vayrukumer?" As he thought this, he raised his arm cannon again and fired a barrage of energy blasts at Sorah, who deflected each one with ease using his staff.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
"Expand!" Sorah commanded once more, and the staff grew even larger, its tip now scraping the ceiling of the chamber. With a mighty swing, he smashed the staff into Kratos' Battle Mech suit. The metal groaned and buckled under the force of the blow, and Kratos was thrown from his seat, landing in a heap on the floor.
"Gah!" Kratos coughed up mouthful of blood, surprised he was still breathing.
"Holy shit… that geezer took care of Kratos like a worm!"
The remaining Sand Devils, seeing their unit leader defeated, turned and fled in terror, leaving behind their fallen comrades.
"Seems like that's the last of them…" The Rice Guru laughed as it brushed its hay-like shoulder. "Well, what now, Master Sorah?"
"Huff! Huff…"
Sorah surveyed the scene as his chest heaved with exertion. 'Double expansion actually takes its toll on me.'
He observed himself. The power of the Sage Curse thrummed within him, but he felt a sense of control, a balance he hadn't experienced before. He was aware that he had to be careful, but he also wanted the power to protect those he cared about.
"Let's continue on…" He said resolutely. He turned to the Rice Guru and Breeze Plume, burning with newfound resolve. "We must find my students."
"Hold it right there…" A loud roar caught their attention suddenly.
Thanks for the Collections and Stones!
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