
Dance of the Celestials

When the Almighty God and Omnipotent Goddess have a lovers' quarrel, a measly human gains an opportunity to become unparalleled across all worlds. Follow the journey of Viswa who obtains the Universal Breakthrough System giving him everything he wanted in his life and more.

GowthamYesG · Fantasia
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1 Chs


In a world filled with miasma, countless arms can be seen weaving in and out of innumerable portals of various sizes, often branching themselves to connect the infinite worlds. These arms that appear as if they came out of nowhere, actually belong to a dark figure who can be seen observing the largest portal of them all. Through the ethereal portal, the primordial spirit can be seen tearing itself once again to experience bliss through ignorance. A new world is created from the torn piece and along with it a new portal appears in the miasma world. A new dark arm branches from an existing arm and dives into the new world through the portal.

Once the arm enters the new world, it further diversifies into several invisible arms and starts to manipulate the world. It becomes the meteor shower that bombards a planet and the rain that forms the oceans. It becomes the lightning storm that jump started life and the calamity that claimed them. It became desire that made fish crawl on land and later became the fire that drove away the dark ages of humanity.

As humans escaped the clutches of myriad races and grew in numbers, a diligent few even became enlightened to the existence of the invisible hands that control everything. In the face of such immensity, they bowed down and worshipped her as the multi armed goddess. They were in turn blessed with various fortuitous encounters and prospered beyond anyone's imagination. A new order was established with them at the top, shepherding humanity from the perils of the world. These warriors were loved by the rest of humanity and they created a martial tradition to nurture the younger generations.

Several millennia have passed and now a young warrior has become enlightened along with many others in his class. However instead of bowing down to the multi armed goddess, he grew annoyed at the interference of the invisible arms. He picked up his sword and set off to sever all the arms.