
Chapter 12: Before the Interruption

Yeah, I call her mad, this is because she is no different from a mad person, mom often said that she feels pity for the woman's husband.

"It is not true Mom, they collected your inhaler from me and threw me into the stream... Then... Then I... I couldn't remember any other thing that happened. I... I only remember... Noticing that I was already standing out of the water, and by then they were all on the floor looking scared... I did nothing to them, Mom... I swear, I only took the inhaler and ran away. That's all Mom, that's all. I promise." 

So I said. 

"Now will you get back inside? I thought your mom asked you to remain inside." 

Said the nurse. 

"Oh so that's it, I'm sure you know who my husband is... Let him come back first, you and your boy will surely pay for this."

The noise-making lady said as she bragged. 

"Did you say your husband? who is he? is he a hell-raiser? Is he? When he comes back, let him raise hell on us, but for now... Get the hell out of my compound. I said get out!!!"

Mom shouted and left the madwoman to her own noise and went back into the house, and mummy nurse followed. 

"Now Mommy, have you seen why we must leave this place? Have you seen it? It's already happening... How can a teenager like Goldie beat up four boys his age? I'm scared o, Mommy, I'm scared." 

My mom said to the nurse as they went in. 

"The scariest part is that he can't even remember what happened, and the other kid said his eyes changed and he became fast; now more than ever I'm in support of your leaving. Please take your boy to safety." 

Said the nurse, and they both sat mute, looking at each other.

 Before the rude interruption from the madwoman. Mom and mummy nurse was discussing, actually, they were literally discussing about me, well, not entirely me, I just love to think that everything revolves around me.

In the seating room, I was in a corner playing my video game, while mom and Mommy nurse just sat at their own corner discussing. Just like most male teenage kids, I love computer games, my mom bought me a PlayStation 4, though not the most recent version of the game I still loved it. Our seating room was decorated with sacred Christian pictures, crucifix, and rosary. Mom had those things there to chase away demons, she had a strong faith in her accessories. The seating room almost took the shape of a church. There is a table which she decorated and made to look like an altar, there was a crucifix, Virgin Mary's pictures, and Jesus' pics on it. Did I forget to mention the Cross, the holy water, and the virgin Olive oil which sat on the table? Well, there were even more accessories placed on that sacred table which served as a mini alter to us.