
DAISY; Mysteries Untold

If shadows could hide, Daisy would be the perfect home. Welcome to her world; trying to find a balance between life and death, hopes and misbelief. Still, she journeys into it Will her strength carry her through or will she end up becoming another body in the bag, waiting to be buried, six feet under?

othuke_gideon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Finally! Some compassion

The more we wish for a brighter day, the more we get sun burned.

Nurse Nancy came to where I was and gave me a phone.

"What!" I reacted with so much alertness to her.

"I am a friend of your mom and I have a message from your mom" she pointed the phone at me again.

My Mom!

How! Where!!!

I took the phone and I saw it was on a call.

"H-e-l-lo" I stuttered, receiving the phone with fear and excitement.

"My precious" her voice broke through the roof of my heart.

I was happy, finally I know she is ok.

"M-o-m!" I stuttered again, I just couldn't control my tears.

"Run, that place is not safe. They are coming for you!" she spoke in so much fear, I got so afraid.

"B-u-t D-a-d i-s i-n the hospital" I found it hard to make a coherent statement.

My palms got wet, I started sweating.

What sort of news is this?

"We can't save him" her words broke me deeper than I had ever gotten before.


I can't leave him!

How do you expect me to?

I argued in my mind and couldn't hold back the tears.

Isn't this a nightmare that doesn't want to end?

"Then you both will die!" Her words sounded harsh and mean.

I couldn't decode my mom in that voice.

It was my mom's voice but not her heart.

My mom is a fighter, she doesn't give up easily but the voice sounded so so much like hers', but with so much fear.

"Who are you!" I had to risk the caller.

"I am your mom. Let's run away so we can be safe!"

"Just you and I" she ended the call and I gave a puzzled gaze.

Was that a prank call?

If it was, it was at the wrong timing.

She called me my precious, the way my mom did. But mom would never abandon dad, their love is so romantic, sometimes it makes me want to get married.

But now she says if I stay we both will die.

It doesn't sound so much like the woman who could give her life for anybody.

What sort of reverse reality is this?

First of all my dad, a skilled driver, was involved in a fatal accident.

My mom, an angel wants me to leave my dad in critical condition.

To top it up the woman who I felt is behind all this is the one paying for the hospital bills.

And finally, where the hell are my dad's friends?

"If I were you, I would do whatever your mom told you to do". Nurse Nancy brought my attention back to the fact she was still there.

"How do you mean?" I certainly needed answers.

" Somethings are bigger than you, and I can tell you that your mom loves you" how on earth does she know that?

I gave a confused look, I am not in the mood for riddles.

I never liked them before.

I needed answers, and fast!

I had lost blood and still wanted to loose more. The fighter in me is long gone, I gave a deep sigh but somehow death kept eluding me.

She came in with a first aid box and removed the handcuffs.

"If I didn't need you, I would have allowed you die here and throw your corpse away" she pressed the cotton wool on the spot with so much force.

This felt good, I have missed what it felt to have a mother.

Though she is all tough and evil, there was still that sweet-loving Mrs Abigail.

Just don't know where to search for.

She treated me and stopped the bleeding. I had still not eaten.

I looked like a shadow of myself, all my bones were showing. A perfect example of suffering.

"We are going out!" she looked at me with fury.

Out? Where? My mind asked so many questions.

Since Dad's incident, mum had never gone out, rather grovel in her room's shrine.

Once upon a time, at the news of an outing, I would be excited because it was always fun.

Now the outing felt like a fantasy idea.

But here she was saying "we are going out". It makes me wonder if my mom is still in this monster.

I smiled and tried to stand up, but the pain was still there.

Funny story how I bear so much pain just to ensure my mom doesn't die.

And when she is awake she treats me like I am dead to her.

"I will bring something for you to eat", she stood up and dropped the first aid box on the table.

For one thing, this felt like a dream come through. She left the room and, though in pain, I was happy.

"You don't know what you are doing", I got distracted by a familiar voice.

Ash!? Wait! Is it back?

I tried turning to where it was, but the pain was so great.

"Abigail isn't someone you play with, she is a monster!" It said but I just couldn't see it.

"Show yourself!" I screamed back.

It is annoying enough I am injured by my mother, and treated by her.

So I don't need this. "Go back to where you came from!" I tried shouting but my strength failed me.

I could hear its feet move on the floor but saw no one.

"I can't, my home is tied to that box, without it I am stuck here" my heart sank on hearing it.

I hate feeling sober for a toy monkey, though I understand this feeling.

Mom is the only family I had outside this place I have no home, no family, no one.

I would just be a street child and deep down I love my mom.

"Don't enter a deal with the devil because you feel you are an angel" It was very good at cutting into my thoughts.

"H-o-w!" I had to conserve my strength and I so much hated riddles.

"The box!" he said, and then stopped moving.

"I c-a-nt" I tried to speak loud but the pain got more.

"Get close to Abigail, let her trust you and then we end her" Now it sounded so much like my mom.

"I can't do that" I said this as though a nut in my stomach got tightened.

"You can, and then finally you would be free from this ritual" he started sounding devilish; I became more afraid.

"Assist me get the key from her and then together we would kill her!" those words scattered the room.

How on earth can I kill my mom?


But she doesn't treat me like I existed.

Then it asked the big question.

"Do you need her in your life?" that question brought tears to me and I realized how broken I had become.

"Yes, I need my mother. But not her". Now the pain was so great, I screamed out the pain in my heart.

It hurt more than ten knife stabs to my body. I had a pitiful life.

I want her. I can't leave like this.

"Alright, I will do it" my voice cracked on just saying it.

But sincerely I am tired.