
Daisy in the Marvel World

Daisy in the Marvel World profile: www.uukanshu.com Just as the so-called three points are destined, seven points rely on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy traveled into the Marvel universe. Johnson, secretly glad that he was a member of those ninety, whether to make a salted fish by using vibration energy to wait for the heroes to come to the rescue, or to catch up and lead the heroes in turn, she chose the latter. Backed by S.H.I.E.L.D. to master countless resources and have various advantages to be one step ahead, this is a story of a traverser gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. PS: The author has 200 million words to complete the old book, the quality is guaranteed, please rest assured to collect. Not my story: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/105193/ i use googel translation for this story.

Lily_SOna · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: The Obelisk

"Who are you? I don't know anything about Whitehall, you're looking for the wrong person. "With large-rimmed glasses and a straight suit, he looks like a successful person. Although Hitwell was doing administrative work, he was a secret agent, and he should be wary of him and lacked, and rejected Daisy without thinking.

This was expected by Daisy, and she said as if she was memorizing information: "In 1945, in Austria, after Mr. Whitehall was arrested, the obelisk he had studied for a lifetime fell into the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Mr. You need to use your authority to take the obelisk from the secret vault of S.H.I.E.L.D. "

Inside the obelisk is the Terrigan crystal, but it needs to be opened in a special place, and Hydra, who does not know the truth, has studied with S.H.I.E.L.D. for fifty years, and has achieved nothing, and now it is completely shelved.

"Obelisk ?" Hitwell really didn't know about it, but he had confirmed the identity of the other party, who was a member of Hydra, and even if he miscalculated, he was someone connected to Whitehall.

"Even if Mr. Whitehall owes you a favor, I will call again later, long live Hydra!" After speaking, Daisy hung up the phone and quickly cleared the traces of the Internet.

Hitwell reflexively stood upright, gently replied to the phone Long Live Hydra, and after speaking, he found that the other party had hung up.

As a middle-level cadre of Indian descent who can achieve both S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, the bald brother does not lack vision and wisdom.

Among the Hydra personnel who were loyal and poisoned when they were caught, he was a rare alternative, and he was threatened by Captain America once, asking ten, knowing everything and saying everything, and the throttle value was frighteningly low.

Unlike the high-level of Hydra who wants to conquer the world, different from the middle level who are dissatisfied with the political status of the agents, and different from the bottom who have been fooled and brainwashed, he is greedy and afraid of death, and has a serious speculative psychology, which is all intelligence analyzed by Daisy.

Hydra has mixed internal factions, and Hitwell is Alexander. Pierce, the former S.H.I.E.L.D. director, belongs to different factions from Whitehall mentioned by Daisy.

As a pawn under the big guy, he must have a sense of crisis, especially his identity is not light, as a smart person, he will not change the court, but there is another doorway, which is still very important to him.

For the next few days, Daisy had been secretly observing and tracking his cell phone signal and roughly carved out a range of action, and through the clues on the Internet, she judged that the bald brother was indeed searching for the obelisk.

As for whether he will notify his own boss, former director Pierce, Daisy feels that there is a seventy percent chance that it will not.

The big guy exchanged calls and finally solved the problem, and the favor became the big guy's, which has nothing to do with him, and it is also a stupid thing to look at.

As a not too competent double-faced agent, the bald brother is also ambitious.

Daisy's roommate, Angela, the black sister, thinks she has been weird recently, and today she seems to see something, and quickly ran out.

Three minutes ago, Daisy observed Hitwell's cell phone signal leaving a certain shielded area, and she had a feeling, well, a woman's intuition, and the other party had gained.

Avoid roommates, cover up, and call each other's phone.

"It's fast, Agent Hitwell." She praised the other party first.

I couldn't see the live broadcast this time, but I could hear the other party's pride from the tone, and the bald brother said a little proudly: "The reading and mobilization of the obelisk requires ten levels of authority." "

Daisy sneered, if it weren't for the tenth-level authority, I would still be looking for you? The other party has acquiesced to her identity as Hydra, which is asking for credit.

Raise your tone by two degrees, Hydra does not pay attention to gentleness and frugality, but soft and fluffy is easy to arouse suspicion.

"This task is not difficult, there are hundreds of things that are also unknown and unknown, it is not difficult for you to borrow Minister Pierce's authority!"

Leng Buding heard the name Pierce from her mouth, and Hitwell confirmed her identity more and more,

Maybe it's a quasi-high-level, and his tone suddenly becomes a little flattering."Yes sir, how did the obelisk be handed over to you? Have I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Whitehall? "

"Huh" Daisy let out a somewhat eerie laugh through the voice changer, and she changed to the official name "Jasper. Hitwell, do you really want to see Mr. Whitehall? "

In order to deepen the impression of the other party, she continued: "Have you checked the history of the obelisk, do you know what happened to everyone who touched the obelisk? How many S.H.I.E.L.D. researchers have been turned to stone as a result? After a pause, he asked rhetorically: "Are you still sure that you will go to Mr. Whitehall with the obelisk?" You must know that after being detained for so many years, Mr. has not been very emotionally stable..."

Her words were secretive, leaving a lot of gaps for the other party's brain to fill in.

The bald brother first thought of the scene where Whitehall wanted to try to pick up the obelisk himself, and regarded his subordinates as tools, this is Hydra's consistent policy, which is not new at all. So many people tried to pick up this unknown metal, and they all turned to stone, and Hitwell did not feel that he was that accident.

Between his own life and glory and wealth, he automatically chooses life.

At the same time, the guy on the other side of the phone wants to covet his credit in this matter, and he will not even mention himself in front of Whitehall in the end.

Insidious enough, cunning enough, this is very hydra. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Thinking that he saw the other party's face clearly, his tone was not so respectful: "The credit is all yours, what can I gain in this incident?" "

"The guarantee of safety, steady improvement, and a back road at critical moments, you don't think that there is only Minister Pierce within S.H.I.E.L.D., right? You know, S.H.I.E.L.D. is an important asset for Hydra. "

Anyway, Daisy remembered that the bald brother could live for several years, and empty promises were written casually.

She continued to encourage: "We can mobilize some resources to help you get promoted, and it is only safe to walk on two legs." "

Greedy for life and afraid of death, the bald brother who adored vanity finally accepted this statement.

The phone is quickly hung up, and Daisy asks the other party to put the things in her designated trash can, and hire a homeless man to pick them up after the other party leaves.

Inside the alley, Daisy stunned the homeless man with a hood and a shocker, and she glanced at it quickly, it was a rectangular metal box with the cover number S.S.R. 084.

Whether there was a tracker on the box was unknown, and she put on gloves and pried open the box.

Inside the box is a polygonal metal obelisk more than thirty centimeters high, which looks a bit like a Hercules cup from a distance.

Pressed for time, he grabbed the obelisk with pliers and put it in his backpack, then ran into a chemical plant with the box and threw the metal box into the sulfuric acid pool.

No matter how powerful the agents were, they couldn't find this box.

As for the obelisk, don't worry, this scientific and technological equipment inherited from the Kree people, the appearance is integrated, it can disable electronic equipment, can make intelligent life of non-alien blood turn into stone, and with the current level of technology on Earth, it cannot install trackers.

Under the cover of night, Daisy cleared the camera that captured herself, then stopped a taxi and left the scene.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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