
daily life with monster girlfriends

this is not my novel i uploaded here so I can read it here

iwin011125 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs


Chapter 40: Futanari Insanity

Tio carries me out of the bathroom bridal style, Zombina walking on her left, my testicles touching the right side of her face. Draco is on Tio's right, the back of my head touching the crown of hers.

"I trust you girls weren't too rough with my Honey?" Rachnee is sitting on the couch, leafing through a magazine when she smiles at us.

"Why don't you ask him?" Zombina smiles as Tio lowers me on the sofa beside Rachnee.

"Honey." Rachnee hugs me and kisses my cheek. "Did they treat you good?"

"Very good." I nestle my face in her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. "I feel like I can use a nap."

"Want my lap?" Rachnee asks, uncharacteristically shy all of a sudden.

"I would love it."

She spreads her legs wide and lets me lower my head on her 'lap', which is little more than her legs and pincers placed together. I know she is circumspect about her lower body and how it fits my taste.

I fit my head onto her lap and go still, lying on my belly, my legs spread wide, one foot digging into the arm of the couch, the other on the table.

"Kya!" I hear Mero's voice.

Rachnee puts her hand on my ear that is up. My face is towards her belly. "Shush! You'll wake him."

"What happened to him?" Mero asks, concerned, afraid, on the verge of tears. "His lower end is…"

"Oh, that." There is the Devil speaking in Rachnee's voice. "Tio, Zombina, and Draco had some fun with him. He isn't able to walk."

"No…" I think Mero is going to start crying the next second.

"Yeah." I imagine Rachnee's grin growing. "Want to explore his insides with your fists? He is already spread wide. I don't think he'll even notice."

"Rachnee no baka!" Mero's voice is a shriek.

"That's enough, Rachnee." I sit up, smiling. "I'm fine, Mero." I turn to face Rachnee before going to Mero. "We're not done yet." I stand up and kiss her forehead. I do it because I want to express love, and also don't want to make her feel that I'm angry and shunning her.

"Okay," she says, a smile on her lips that is embarrassed and happy.

"Mero." I walk to the girl who is standing with her back to me.

She is looking at me over her shoulder. "Are you fine, dear sir?"

"Yes." I nod with a smile, though not without effort. Rachnee is right partially if not completely. I am having trouble walking or even standing straight. "You don't need to concern yourself."novelr18.com

"Oh!" Mero turns her face away. "You try to console your poor wife, but we both know that you're suffering." Tears start falling from her eyes, I know without looking at her eyes. She is shuddering and sobbing. "You will be on the hospital bed soon. When your daughters from me will be born, you will be near your death. The last they'll see of their father will be on the hospital bed, whittled away."

I hear Rachnee click her tongue behind me. Maybe she slapped her forehead with her palm.

"Now, now." Laughing, I put my arms around Mero from behind. "That's enough drama for one time, Mero."

"Oh!" With a sound of agony, Mero turns and hugs me, her head against my belly, arms around my waist. "Why do you have to be so cruel to me by being cruel to yourself? Have you no mercy, dear husband?" She looks up at me with eyes glimmering with tears. "Don't you see what you're doing to your poor wife?"

With one hand, she slides her bra down, exposing her nipples.

"Would you be able to pleasure yourself with these when you're gone?" Through her tears, a smile is staring at me. "How would you feel leaving these alone?"

"I don't want that to happen." My breath is constrained in my throat. "Shall we go to my bedroom?"

"Please." Her tears vanish and a smile lights her face up. "Rachnee-sama, make sure to alert anyone who inquires after either of us."

She does her Royal Charism stuff and Rachnee says, "Yes, your majesty", though not without reluctance.

"Sa, dear Sir." Mero wraps her arms around my neck. "Take us to our love nest."

"You don't have to tell me twice!" I scoop her up in my arms and run out of the living room. The expectation of sex is a greater energizer than anything humans have ever created.

I stumble on the way, thanks to the banging my ass took, but something pulls me back, steadying me.

I nod at Rachnee over my shoulder, blowing her a swift kiss before running up the stairs. Her webs are useful and not just for BDSM.

We enter my room kissing but our kiss breaks with a collective gasp of surprise on seeing what's going on in the room.

Miia has her arms wrapped around Smith on my bed. They're locked in a passionate kiss as they take the meager clothes off each other.

Cerea is kneeling at the foot of the bed, her face in Smith's feet. Judging from her tongue out of her mouth, she is licking Smith's feet.

"What's going on here?" I swallow before asking.

It's only a matter of time before I start yanking off my clothes. The erection in my pants or boxers or…wait, I'm not even wearing any clothes. The desire to release all the heat pent up inside me is making me dizzy, jittery and horny.

"Nothing, darling." Smith smiles at me after she separates her mouth from Miia's, a thin trickle of saliva connecting their lips.

Miia hasn't paid us any attention at all, neither has Cerea, who has resumed the licking. Holding Smith's feet, she is tasting Smith's toes and the space between them.

As Smith says, "Just some honest girl-on-girl action," Miia starts kissing her neck, pressing her pelvis against Smith's.

"The only change is that…" Smith leaves the part of the sentence off.

She vies to put her hand between Miia's legs, which causes the sexy Lamia to yelp toward the sky.

"It seems there's a condition going around." Smith's smile grows as she struggles not to moan. "And the only way to cure is mindless sex."

Before I can ask what the condition is, Cerea lets out a yelp not unlike Miia's.

She stands up, her front legs halfway across the bed. Miia's tail is sprawled on the bed, some of it wrapped around Smith and around Cerea's hooves.

What really takes my attention is the cock, larger than Tio, on the lower body of Cerea. She rubs it between Smith's feet and with one final moan, releases a flood of semen on Smith's feet, Miia's tail, and the mattress.

"Smith-san!" Miia spreads Smith's legs with her hands and that's when I see her penis, which is almost the same size as Zombina.

She slaps her cock inside Smith and I discover it's actually TWO cocks, both of the same length, making the cool professional grit her teeth and still moan, taking one cock in her vagina and another in her ass.

Miia atop Smith, her tail around the woman, her pistoning in and out of her rhythmic and quick as a machine. All Smith does is hold on to Miia's, her nails struggling for purchase on the skin of Miia's shoulders, her body writhing in Miia's embrace

They both stare into each other's eyes, arms around each other, breaths mounted, faces red, mouths open.

"Aruji-dono." Cerea turns to me. Her eyes are half-open and misty, as if she isn't in complete control of herself.

"Yes, Cerea?" I ask, unable to keep my eyes off her flaccid cock which is hardening again.

It is brown, like her lower body, with a red tip. It is almost twenty inches, like the cock of a horse. Just the thought of it makes me gulp and swallow. Its red tip rocks back and forth like the top of a child's toy as she takes her front legs off the bed, her eyes not going off me.

"I need assistance." She walks to me. It's as if no one has noticed Mero's presence. "Come hither and assist me, Aruji-dono, before I harm someone."