
Daily Life RPG System

Hiro transmigrates and finds himself in the body of an orphan that’s about to be evicted from his orphanage. It wasn’t anything personal, but the orphanage’s policy doesn’t accommodate children who have reached the age of 16. From the gates of that humble establishment, Hiro slowly explores the facets of this world that was both familiar and unfamiliar due to its uncanny resemblance to his previous world—Earth. With his Daily Life RPG System urging him to excel in every aspect of his daily life, Hiro marks his presence in both the mundane and mystical circles of this new world.

Excommunicated · Fantasia
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106 Chs

Legend of Babylon

An open-world sandbox universe RPG game, the Legend of Babylon gave Hiro the feeling that this game was a mix of WoW, DnD, and Middle Earth combined.

With an array of jobs from warrior, mage, priest, archer, and musician.

Each main job has two growth routes, and the mage job class can grow into either a summoner or a sorcerer.

Of course, Hiro chose the sorcerer class.

While typical games would allow a person to have multiple classes, the {Simulation Space} offered no such thing.

Each game was limited to one character and no more.

As for why Hiro chose to play a sorcerer even though the powers from synchronization were temporary…

Well, the power boost may be temporary, but the comprehension and understanding of spells would linger in Hiro's mind nonetheless!

While the comprehension and experiences of a cultivator were useless to Hiro since he didn't have a cultivation talent, the same couldn't be said for the sorcerer.

It could be said that once his in-game sorcerer reached a certain height and he successfully synchronized with the character, then spent the synchronization time in meditation to consolidate his gains, his understanding of his class would far exceed his power tier.

Hiro would only need abundant spirituality to elevate his power tier without fear of having the energy going out of control within his body and spirit.

Following the short cinematic, the main story in the Legend of Babylon goes like this:

The Tower of Babylon is a holy relic left behind by Lord Babylon, the creator of life and death, and the gatekeeper of reincarnation.

It was said that the tower connected the realms of the living and the dead through a celestial bridge between the stars, maintaining order in the world.

One day, the Monarchs of the Underworld and the God Kings of Heaven decided to shatter the Celestial Bridge, taking advantage of Lord Babylon's slumber to separate the three realms of life, death, and reincarnation.

After successfully weakening Lord Babylon, a war erupted between Heaven and the Underworld, a race to rebuild and conquer the Celestial Bridge, robbing Lord Babylon of his source of power, killing him once and for all, and claiming the throne.

For hundreds of years, the war continued on, relentlessly. Billions of brave Seekers, from Heaven and the Underworld, join the race to the Throne of Babylon day by day.

When will the chosen one to break the balance between the two realms appear?

Will he come from Heaven or the Underworld?

Will he save the three realms, or send them to utter oblivion?…

In a sense, the endgame of the storyline was to either become the strongest Undead Monarch or the strongest God King, sweeping through all opposition, constructing the Celestial Bridge anew, and claiming the throne after slaying Babylon which had long since been forgotten by history.

Mind you—forgotten—not dead.

While he is a weakened Creator Lord, he is still a Creator Lord!

After viewing the cinematics, Hiro of course chose to become a Seeker from the Heaven Realm, and his job class was a mage!

He would later choose the sorcerer growth path after reaching level 10, but for now, he needed to blitz through the guidance quests in the newbie village.

"I can smell the ashes of war, and I can hear the agony of the wicked. This endless cycle of suffering knows no end in sight, as yet another Seeker was born.

"Tell me, young soul, what is it you truly seek? For all I know, the millions before you and the millions to come to seek but one thing—damnation…"

Hiro's character spawned in a ruined chapel.

The color grading gave the environment a melancholic gray visual impression, not to mention the dispirited piano and violin music playing in the background.

Hiro had barely started playing, yet he was already feeling a little guilty for the wickedness he was about to rain down on this world.

Dressed in a simple linen cloth, equipped with a magic branch in hand, Hiro focused on the old priest sweeping away the dusty, abandoned chapel floor.

"What I seek is what I seek," Hiro fell into his act and spoke with conviction. "You only need to show me the road, as for whether I walk down to my death or not, that's for me to decide."

The old priest stopped his action of sweeping the floor, sighed, and waved his hand.

"Very well," he said as a ray of light left his hand and entered Hiro's forehead.

[Notice: You've been enlightened!]

[Notice: You've learned the spell: Concentration!]

[Notice: You've learned the spell: Fire Ball!]

[Notice: You've learned the spell: Waterfall!]

[Notice: You've learned the spell: Earthspike!]

[Notice: You've learned the spell: Windblade!]

[Notice: You've learned the spell: Druid Summon!]

"This is all I can do to help you, young Seeker… If you want to walk down that murky path, even I can't guarantee how far you can go…"

The old priest sighed, picked up his broom once again, and ignored Hiro as he continued to sweep away at the dust.

Hiro didn't have time to waste, so he immediately left the chapel and met up with the other Seekers from the Holy Army.

After talking with the soldiers and making his vows of conviction, he joined the army as a support mage and initiated chapter zero of the main quest—Journey to the Capital.

Together with a squadron of soldiers from the Holy Army, they changed through hordes of monsters while they accompanied the provisions—this year's harvest of crops and wheat.

On the way, Hiro familiarized himself with the four elemental spells, but he didn't bother with the summoning spell since he was bound to lose it once he reached level 10.

Once he chose the sorcerer path, the Druid Summoning spell would be changed for a lightning-based elemental spell.

If he were to choose the summoner path, his four elemental spells would evolve into four elemental spirits, just like the Wood Druid.

With that in mind, the squadron rushed through one blockade of monsters after another, circumventing ambushes from the Fallen, and braved through blood and fire until they reached the capital two days later.

Everyone was exhausted, bloodied, and full of madness and disgust towards the creatures of the Underworld.

Hiro was now at level 9, and as the only Seeker among the ordinary soldiers, Hiro was directed toward the War Priest Temple where he would be blessed with a Breath of Heaven.

This was the finale of chapter zero, where the spirituality that took root within his Holy Soul would either grow in the direction of sorcery or summoning.

Without further ado, Hiro chose the sorcerer path and enjoyed the divine baptism in the cool Heaven's Breath.

[Notice: Fireball spell has evolved to Inferno Storm!]

[Notice: Waterfall spell has evolved to Water Vacuum!]

[Notice: Earthspike spell has evolved to Earthquake!]

[Notice: Windblade spell has evolved to Hurricane!]

[Notice: Your Druid Summon spell was removed!]

[Notice: You've been enlightened!]

[Notice: You've learned the spell: Thunderbolt!]

After the ceremony, Hiro immediately checked and sensed the elemental power in his body and the ever-present spirituality that kept it under control.

After inspecting his body deeply, Hiro understood—spirituality existed to enhance and control the elemental power invested in his body, and if he lost control over the spiritual power, an elemental outburst would be the least of Hiro's worries.

"No wonder all those cultivators fear facing a Qi deviation… It's like having your energy racing all over your body when suddenly, a car accident happens. Not only the cars involved in the accident would be damaged, but the cars in the vicinity and the road itself would suffer massive damage."

If the power in my body happens to overwhelm my spirituality, the outcome is easy to guess. Luckily, I can experiment in the game and apply my comprehension in real life… Hiro's thoughts were clear.

The War Priest handed Hiro a scroll with details for his upcoming mission. Although this was a sandbox game, Hiro wasn't in the mood to test the open world.

In this upcoming month, he wanted to blitz through the storyline and see how far he could get before school starts.

For now, though, he needed to get some food and actual sleep; active gaming is different from AFK gaming, and he could already feel his stress levels increasing.