
Daily Life RPG System

Hiro transmigrates and finds himself in the body of an orphan that’s about to be evicted from his orphanage. It wasn’t anything personal, but the orphanage’s policy doesn’t accommodate children who have reached the age of 16. From the gates of that humble establishment, Hiro slowly explores the facets of this world that was both familiar and unfamiliar due to its uncanny resemblance to his previous world—Earth. With his Daily Life RPG System urging him to excel in every aspect of his daily life, Hiro marks his presence in both the mundane and mystical circles of this new world.

Excommunicated · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Interpersonal Missions Interface

Hiro and his two friends chatted for a while until the bell chimed, and when Aiya walked into the class, she was accompanied by the girl who was competing for the class president seat.

Hiro didn't remember her name, so he called her Candidate B. Whenever he looked at her chest area, he would easily remember why he assigned her that nickname.

The other two boys were Candidate A and Candidate C in his mind. For now, he decided not to care about them until the class president was decided upon.

After Aiya closed the door to the classroom, Hiro immediately activated his {Go to School} option in the system's daily activity interface.

While doing so, he wondered if he should revisit the {Workout} option some other time, not to mention the optical mission interface where he could assign custom missions to complete.

While he was thinking, a blue pop-up window appeared in front of him.

[Notice: The optional mission interface has been upgraded. Please pay attention to your interpersonal relationships, and you can trigger daily missions by interacting with items or people who are being highlighted with an indicator halo.]

Information flooded Hiro's mind, and he immediately grasped the new custom mission interface.

In a sense, it was similar to how one can trigger side quests or REP quests in RPG games by interacting with NPCs outside the main story quest line.

As he thought of this, Hiro activated the custom missions scan function, and he could immediately spot the indicators above the heads of some of his classmates.

Focusing on an indicator would reveal a small window that classified the mission difficulty, and most of them ranged from very easy to normal difficulty.

Although Hiro was interested in this interpersonal missions interface, he decided to push it to the back of his mind and focus on class first.

As for the new mission interface, he would check it out during the lunch break.

With that in mind, Hiro willed for the system's user interface windows to disappear.

Then, the familiar mysterious energy flowed into his body, and before he knew it, he was absorbed in today's lesson…

The lunch break bell chimed loudly, breaking Hiro out of his focused state.

Teacher Aiya looked at her wristwatch, then she closed the handbook and began packing her teaching materials for the morning.

As Hiro regained his senses, he also began to organize his notes and materials while simultaneously activating the interpersonal missions interface.

A blue wave of light spread out for a radius of 20m before it stopped. Then, several indicators appeared above the heads of a selected group.

After observing the classroom, Hiro was surprised to find an indicator above Teacher Aiya's head.

The difficulty was also set on normal, which was honestly the highest level among everyone present.

Then again, the troubles adults face ought to be much more difficult than those surrounding teenagers.

Hiro immediately made up his mind and chose to lock onto her as his mission target.

A blue pop-up window appeared the moment he made his selection, while the other indicators quickly grayed out and turned offline.

[Mission Target: Teacher Aiya

Difficulty: Normal

Mission Briefing: After a serious conflict with her husband due to his discovered secret lover, she proceeded to file a divorce case and left the house. However, two days after settling in her new apartment, she started to feel that someone or a group of people were watching her in the dark, disrupting her sleep, work efficiency, and extracurricular activities.

Mission: Investigate the party or parties involved in stalking Teacher Aiya and bring peace of mind to the anxious woman.

Reward: ???]

Hiro touched his chin and checked the time on his phone. Luckily, it was Wednesday today and he didn't have any club activities.

Other than the dinner with Bella's family, he was pretty free. Thus, following Aiya and protecting her in the dark shouldn't cause too much of a problem.

After sorting out his thoughts, he left the classroom for the school's cafeteria, received his daily portion of rations, and found a table to have his meal.

The cafeteria was somewhat deserted since not many people would come here to eat.

The tuition fees for this school were already sky-high, and anyone who could afford to attend here wasn't short of lunch money.

"Oh, I didn't see you here yesterday… Ah right, you were invited by that pretty girl to eat together!"

Hiro lifted his head to look. Elvin, who entered this school through a scholarship, also arrived in the cafeteria.

He helped himself to Hiro's table, split his steamed potatoes, and whipped some thick cream into the folds before sprinkling some salt.

His moves were easy and practiced, making the action of eating potatoes seem like high-class etiquette.

Hiro was truly amazed. After watching for a while, he began to imitate Elvin and ate in the same manner.

"Don't mention it… Sigh, it was only one meal, but she's already inviting me to meet her family…"


Elvin's fork fell on the table, but he hurriedly picked it up and looked at Hiro in disbelief.

Hiro was very satisfied with the look of shock on Elvin's face, but he put on an annoyed expression. "You might not know, but she's really persistent! Yeah, her phone call early in the morning is what woke me up…"

As he spoke, Hiro fished out his phone and played out the recording of the call. Ever since he talked to Rosaline about security and related issues, he became extremely careful about things such as hard evidence and whatnot.

When Elvin heard the recorded conversation, the way he looked at Hiro changed. His eyes were filled with admiration.

It was clear that he didn't buy Hiro's bragging at first, but now, he had no choice but to believe it.

As the two were talking, another unexpected person entered the cafeteria, drawing everyone's attention. It was Teacher Aiya.

Hiro raised an eyebrow. Noticing this, Elvin lowered his voice and said, "I was also surprised to see Teacher Aiya here yesterday, so I asked around. Lately, she was rarely spotted in her personal office—always staying in an open space or with a host of colleagues."

Hiro's mind spun, quickly coming to a conclusion on what happened. After thinking for a while, he pulled out his phone again and sent a message to Jodi.

[Plant a few kids to monitor Teacher Aiya on her way back home, some people are causing trouble for her in the dark. Let me know if you find anything suspicious.]

Jodi's affirmative reply quickly followed.

Noticing this, Hiro quickly deleted the message history and cleared the cache files of the app.

On the other side, once Jodi noticed that Hiro's message was deleted, he was stunned for a moment.

Then, as if realizing something, his eyes lit up and he too deleted the chat history and refreshed the app.

Then, he sent a few private messages asking a few students to come meet with him in one of the empty club rooms.

He was also acting carefully now, infected by Hiro's attitude. Although he didn't know why his leader was being so careful, he decided to play along since it felt cool.

Back in the cafeteria, Hiro finished his food and wiped his mouth with the napkins. Then, under Elvin's confusion-riddled eyes, he approached Teacher Aiya and sat down.

Her body tensed up ever-so-slightly, but she quickly calmed down and leveled her gaze with Hiro's.

"Student Hiro? What do you want?" Teacher Aiya asked, as this student had left an impression on her with how focused he usually is in class.

Hiro didn't say anything—he opened the notes app on his phone and typed out a sentence, "I suspect that you're being followed by someone. Do you need help?"

Then, he pushed his phone to her while acting natural. "Teacher, can I have your email?"

Aiya was confused at first, but when she looked down and saw the message, her pupils constricted for a moment.

Then, she quickly calmed down, as if thinking about it seriously.

Then, she raised her head and started typing on the phone under Hiro's text while also responding verbally with one word.
