
Daily Life RPG System

Hiro transmigrates and finds himself in the body of an orphan that’s about to be evicted from his orphanage. It wasn’t anything personal, but the orphanage’s policy doesn’t accommodate children who have reached the age of 16. From the gates of that humble establishment, Hiro slowly explores the facets of this world that was both familiar and unfamiliar due to its uncanny resemblance to his previous world—Earth. With his Daily Life RPG System urging him to excel in every aspect of his daily life, Hiro marks his presence in both the mundane and mystical circles of this new world.

Excommunicated · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

[Bonus] Bought A Mansion

If there was one thing Hiro despised about the protagonists in web novels of his former world, it was their pretentious hypocrisy.

They understood the ways of the world and understood the psychology of the rich mentality in a rich man's circle, yet they had the face to put up a humble persona.

Then, when they encounter judgmental people, they spend half the day arguing and waiting for the opportunity to show off their wealth.

But for what? Wasn't it just a waste of time? If you're rich, and you go to rich circles, then just fuckin act like it, right?

Hence, before he went on the hunt for a house to buy, Hiro revisited the Blue Shark shopping center and bought luxury clothes.

Then, for the lack of a driving license, he contacted a servants' agency to hire a professional driver and a luxury comfort car.

Everything was done with a few short phone calls, and by the time he finished buying an expensive business suit, a luxury watch, and a pair of high-class sunglasses, the new chofer was already waiting in the parking lot.

Like this, Hiro made sure not to kill off his precious brain cells on judgmental people once he decided to spend a large some of money.

Hiro quickly found the car with a matching plate number as mentioned in the digital contract, while the chofer quickly recognized Hiro based on the photo provided in the same documents.

The driver was a handsome middle-aged man with a lithe figure, sharp features, crystal black eyes, and a steady temperament.

He was one of the few high-commodity personal drivers with a salary of 200,000 dollars per month.

With five foreign languages and a professional butler course under his name, Sebastian was a hot commodity in the industry.

He just happened to terminate a contract with a client who declared bankruptcy when Hiro contacted the agency, hence the smooth transition.

Seeing Hiro dressed in a high-end gray business suit and leather shoes walking over, Sebastian hurriedly walked over and bowed elegantly.

"Sir, this way please," Sebastian slowly retreated before opening the rear door for Hiro to step in, a professional smile adorning his face.

"Not bad," Hiro complimented generously.

This treatment was worth signing an annual 2.5 million contract with the chofer agency.

After Hiro got into the black luxury car, Sebastian moved over into the driver's seat and lowered the tinted partition window so that he could maintain eye contact with Hiro through the rearview mirror.

"Where to, Sir?" Sebastian asked politely.

"I want to buy an apartment, any suggestions?" Hiro asked curiously.

Sebastian thought for a moment and answered cautiously, "If you want a residence worthy of your status, I recommend the Third Ring, you can search it up and avoid my long-winded explanation if you desire it, Sir."

Hiro wasn't unreasonable, and he immediately searched for the location on his phone.

According to the articles, the wide area surrounding the Tsukiyomi Lake was developed into a high-end residential area, separated into seven rings, and each ring was more luxurious than the last proportionally to its distance from the lake.

The mansions and villas located in the first ring cost hundreds of millions, and the most expensive mansions cost close to 800 million dollars.

The mansions and villas on the third ring were more affordable since their price range fluctuates from 80 million to 400 million, with many details to factor in, such as servants and domestic taxes.

Hiro thought that he was rich with up to 500 million dollars in his bank account, only to realize how idealistic his thoughts were.

However, he wasn't willing to lose face in front of his subordinate on their first day, so he kept a calm face and said, "Contact the housing agencies in the third ring, I'll let you contact an agent and handle the acquisition of my new mansion. As for the budget, limit it to 300 million dollars."

Sebastian nodded his head. "Leave it to me, Sir, I won't disappoint you."

Sebastian understood that his client gave him the opportunity to coordinate his parent company with the real estate company responsible for the housing agency.

This way, both companies can provide employees like servants, maids, chefs, gardeners, and so on.

At the end of the day, it was both a win-win situation and also a test for Sebastian. If they satisfied Hiro, there would be room for future deals with this rich client.

Even so, as a professional servant, Sebastian knew where his current loyalty lies, so he would make sure that his client didn't lose too much.

As for Hiro, other than testing whether Sebastian would choose to milk him dry for the company's benefits or strike a suitable deal, what he valued the most was the company's referral.

Without an insider's referral, it would be difficult to find a clean mansion with guaranteed specs.

Although Sebastian was driving, he used the voice commands on his phone to make the necessary calls and arranged a meeting with a professional agent.

The meeting time was half an hour later, which wasn't too long since it would take at least 20 minutes for Sebastian to drive from the educational district to the high-class residential district.

The closer they were to the third ring, the less traffic they encountered. Although the total number of residents in the Seven Rings residential district amounted to over 8.2 million citizens, most of them we concentrated in the peripheral rings.

Very few could afford to live in the fourth and fifth rings, let alone the core three rings. The maintenance fees alone are enough to break a well-off family's economy.

Time quickly passed as Hiro browsed through all the available news about the history of the Seven Rings residential district.

As for Sebastian, he closed the tinted partition and coordinated with his colleagues from the parenting company and the real estate company to finish the troublesome procedures as soon as possible.

Eventually, when Hiro arrived in the Third Ring, he only needed to sign a few documents and transfer 240 million dollars, a rounded price for the house, electricity, water, servants, and maintenance fees for a full year.

On one hand, Hiro was quite satisfied with Sebastian's efficiency since he didn't have the time to waste on these trivial things—he didn't even have the time to walk around his own mansion at the moment.

On the other hand, his heart was bleeding—he spent more than half his liquid funds in one day, which was truly ridiculous. It was as though the Handler's advice went through one ear and left through the other.

Nevertheless, Hiro was helpless about this matter. As a rich, handsome, and powerful protagonist, he couldn't spend his days in the school's dormitory.

The moment Hiro finished signing the last document and received the keys to his mansion, he heard the system's distinctive chime in his head, followed by a pop-up window.

[Notice: You've completed the hidden mission—"House of Gold."]

[Reward: 5% shares of Nebula Electronics.

You can find the relevant documents on your desk in the study.]

Hiro was stunned.

Although he didn't spend too much time in this world, he understood that Nebula Electronics' position in the Nexus Country was synonymous with Intel's position in the U.S. of his past life.

The biggest shareholder in this company had 19% of the shares, while the second shareholder had 8%, leaving Hiro as the third largest shareholder.

He hadn't expected to receive such a big pie the moment he bought his house. Although he was curious, Hiro knew that he didn't have much time to waste right now.

Thus, he punched down the impatience in his heart, greeted the housing agent goodbye, and quickly changed into casual, high-end branded clothes before getting into the car.

Then, he gave Sebastian the address to Bella's summer house in the suburbs and leaned back into the comfortable seat.

Sebastian didn't say much—he immediately started the car and left through the steel front gate of the mansion, driving steadily past the artificial lake and onto the main road.

I’m feeling pretty good, hence the two bonus chapters.

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