
Daily Life In Frozen Apocalypse

As humanity progressed through the Industrial revolution and the power of machinery, did they lose themselves? Hidden within the smoke lie sins and lies, still attempting to devour everything. In this deadly tapestry, woven from the strings of mystery, Reiner found himself trapped in the body of Zephyr Loraine. However, was this the end? What he witnessed was the world's end through freezing. Layers of ice covered nearly everything. But could it conceal the filthy nature of humanity? In a world cold enough to chill one's bones, will Reiner discover warmth within himself? This is a story where survival is paramount, and the true enemy isn't the cold, but the icy nature of humans.

Madwriter_2377 · Fantasia
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12 Chs

Zephyr Loraine

Reiner stood at the door of Lombardi's house.

In his hands, he cradled a cake, adorned with celebratory candles that flickered with a hopeful glow.

Reiner had already removed the packaging from the cake before entering the house, carrying it uncovered.

He did it, so it doesn't get damaged or messy.

It was a classic three-layered confection, covered in a smooth, velvety layer of vanilla buttercream frosting.

In the center of the cake, a simple message had been lovingly scripted with meticulous care, its words spelling out a heartfelt sentiment: "Happy 28th Anniversary, Mom and Dad."

Reiner stepped into the cozy interior of his home, a sense of anticipation lighting up his face.

In his hands, he cradled a cake, adorned with celebratory candles that flickered with a hopeful glow.

The room was filled with a sense of familiarity and the warmth of memories.

However, he noticed that the hall room was eerily silent and empty.

His steps were filled with anticipation, and he called out, "Mom? Dad? I've got a surprise for you!"

But as he moved through the rooms, the echoing silence weighed on him, and a haunting realization began to take shape.

There was no answer to his calls, and the absence of his parents in the home was painfully apparent.

There wasn't anyone there to say 'Welcome back' to him.

It was indeed a home, yes, but a home without any people. Just a deserted building, echoing with the haunting emptiness of absence.

The furniture and familiar decor served as silent witnesses to the countless moments of joy, laughter, and shared stories that used to fill these rooms.

The memories were bittersweet, each one a reminder of happier times.

He remembered the times his parents had lovingly baked cakes to celebrate birthdays or milestones, filling the house with the sweet scent of vanilla and frosting.

Those joyful celebrations were now a distant echo in the empty rooms.

With a cheerful smile, he began to whisper to himself, "I thought we would celebrate... together."

The room felt welcoming, but the absence of loved ones was palpable.

The photographs on the wall captured the smiles of his parents and the cherished moments they had shared, now eternally frozen in time.

Reiner's heart grew heavy as he continued, "Mom, Dad, you should be here with me."

His voice trembled with a mix of regret and sadness, and he couldn't help but remember the countless celebrations they had shared under this very roof.

It wasn't only the absence of friends and family that made this moment bitter.

Reiner's parents had passed away a few months ago, victims of the pandemic that had swept through the world, leaving a void that seemed impossible to fill.

With a sigh, he looked around, and the room seemed to echo with the laughter of his parents. "And Emma... I thought you'd be here too."

His girlfriend, too, had once been a part of this home, a presence that had brought life to these rooms.

But over time, their love had transformed into a distant memory, and they had gone their separate ways.

Reiner's cheerful expression wavered as he sat down, cake in hand, the heaviness of the empty room weighing on him.

He whispered softly to the silence, "Sometimes, life can be so lonely."


Tears welled up in the corner of Reiner's eyes as he looked at the familiar scenery he had seen at that time.

Zephyr's house that Reiner had entered was a modest and rustic dwelling, reflecting the architectural style of the Middle Ages.

'It's completely different to my house.'

Reiner thought as he compared his house with this house.

Zephyr's house was a single-story building, nestled beneath a thatched roof that sloped gently down to the eaves.

The walls were made of weathered stone and rough-hewn timber, giving the cottage a humble appearance.

The layout of the house was simple and practical. It featured two main rooms—one that could serve as a living area and another as a bedroom.

A central hall connected these spaces and acted as the heart of the home.

Exhausted and weary from his journey, Reiner took a moment to remove his worn and battered leather boots, one after the other. He placed them somewhat haphazardly near the entrance, not bothering to neatly arrange them.

Next, he unfastened his olive green coat, struggling slightly with the metal clasps, which had seen better days.

With a sense of fatigue, he let it drop onto the floor, joining the discarded boots.

Reiner removed his hat, a simple yet practical piece that had kept the snow from his hair, and tossed it on top of his discarded jacket and boots.

Finally, he pulled off his gloves and added them to the growing pile of garments on the floor.

Feeling both relief and weariness, he made his way to the left side of the central hall and entered the bedroom.

The simple but cozy room welcomed him, and without further ado, he flopped down onto the bed.

The wooden frame creaked slightly under his weight as he embraced the comfort of the familiar mattress.

With a sigh of relief, Reiner leaned over and, sitting on the edge of the bed, began to peel off his socks.

Reiner's movements were deliberate, similar to someone kicking off their shoes after a long day at work, relishing the simple joy of letting their feet relax.

He took a moment to flex his toes, feeling the relief of freeing them from the snug fabric.

After trudging through the snow for the entire day, they had grown sore and tired, making this act of liberation even more satisfying. It was a small, yet deeply appreciated comfort.

As he removed each sock, he threw them carefully on the floor, ensuring that they remained neat and orderly.

After his activities, Reiner settled onto the bed, propping himself up on one elbow. As he lay there, he couldn't help but let his thoughts drift back to Zephyr and his family.

Contrary to any grand expectations, Zephyr's family was quite ordinary. Zephyr's father had been a teacher in a volunteer school run by the local church, dedicating himself to the education of the village's children.

His mother, on the other hand, had worked as an assistant in a small bakery.

The financial condition of Zephyr's family was modest.

Zephyr's father worked as a teacher in a volunteer school, and his mother's job as an assistant in a small bakery contributed to the household income, allowing them to make ends meet.

The family had enough to meet their basic needs, but there was little room for extravagance.

Because of that, Reiner and his elder brother were able to complete their graduation successfully.

However, a few years ago, a shadow of sorrow descended upon Zephyr's life as his father passed away, leaving a void in the family.

Tragically, his mother had also followed him not long after. Such occurrences were not uncommon in a world where the average lifespan of a person rarely exceeded fifty years.

'Strangely, It sounds similar to me.'

Reiner was quite tired, so he couldn't think much before he drifted into sleep.

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