
Daily lazy life of sloth at high school DXD

Mc was reincarnated as a weak demon in the first chapter. Then Mc was very Op

SlimeinTrap · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs


I have the exam in two weeks


Somewhere in the woods near Kuoh town, one could see a boy with black hair standing alone talking. That guy is our Mc and he's talking to Seraphine, not some crazy guy.

Shane: "This is a good place to start"


Shane: "Then let's go Seraphine"

[[Start of development]]

After Seraphine spoke, my consciousness began to disappear. "Uk take an afternoon nap" and then I fell asleep.

As soon as he fell asleep, a cocoon made of unidentified black substances enveloped him. The surrounding area began to wither and crack with large black burn marks. The scene looks like the apocalypse is coming.

[[Good night honey ❤❤❤]]

*Change Pov*

In the quiet forest, one could see three silhouettes of women running as if they were being chased by something. While running, the youngest brother suddenly tripped on a tree branch and fell.

"Yuki! are you okay" both women immediately ran to the youngest woman aka Yuki to check.

"It's not okay Miku-nesan, Daki-nesan I think my leg is dislocated." Yuki said as she looked at the two women. "You two need to leave me and run away."

"Can't x2" both agree.

"We're family so I won't allow it" Miku said and Daki nodded.

"Nee-san" Yuki was about to cry when suddenly a sound came from a nearby bush, from which a man stepped out. No, he wasn't human, the creature had a human head but a body covered in brown fur and had four legs that were generally hideous.

"Why don't you run?" the creature said, and began to approach the trio.

Seeing the creature approaching Miku, Daki quickly stepped forward to protect Yuki. "Stay away from us, you loathsome x2."

Disgusting creature: "Why do you say that to your father?"

Daki: "Shut up, you're not my father, you're just a disgusting and perverted creature."

When the disgusting creature hears that, he gets mad and rushes to knock Miku and Yuki away and grab Daki by the neck. "It's too late to kill you, I will slowly savor your body in front of those you love most."

"Are not!" Daki yelled in horror.

"Stay away from her" Miku yelled, running to hit the disgusting guy to save her sister.

"You're annoying, lie down obediently." he said and threw Miku away.

"Second sister" Yuki yelled and remembered why this happened.

She was born 4 years after her two older sisters, because she is the youngest child, so she is very pampered by her family. Then when she was 7 years old, her parents divorced because her mother found out her father was having an affair with her mother's friend. At that time, her mother was very sad, so she went to drink to relieve her sadness. Then her mother was flirted with by a strange man because her mother was drunk at the time, accompanied by the man's sadness and sweet words. trap her mother.

But she knew that the man didn't love her mother at all because his lustful eyes were fixed on her three sisters. She and her two sisters tried to tell their mother, but she just ignored and even slapped Miku-nessan. They have to live with that disgusting man, 2 years later their mother died in an accident but I know it was not an accident because of that disgusting man's smile.

Then right after my mother's funeral, that disgusting guy started playing tricks on my sisters. While he was pinning Miku-neesan down and trying to rape her, I took a knife and stabbed him repeatedly. The blood of that abominable was splattered everywhere but I couldn't understand why I laughed out loud, but the disgusting person I had just killed suddenly stood up and transformed, and my sisters and I quickly ran into the forest. (Their mother owns an entertainment company, so they live in a mansion in the woods.)

I was quickly awakened by my sister's screams, I looked back and saw the disgusting man who had torn my sister's shirt.

At that time, I had only one thought in my mind. 'Begging anyone, any creature no matter how evil, please save us'

Suddenly a strange sound resounded

{{Do you want power}}

"Who's that?!" When I heard that sound, I subconsciously asked

{{You don't need to know who I am, just know that I am the one who can give you the strength to kill him. In return you simply serve my master}}

{{So do you want power}}

Turning my head to see my sister about to be raped by that disgusting bastard, I didn't think twice and said "yes".

{{Then drink it}}

The scary voice raised as a black liquid appeared in front of me and without thinking much I swallowed it.

"ahhhh" I shouted as a surge of power entered my body and began to change my body and soul and information about a man flooded my mind.

My scream attracted all three and when they looked back at me, all three had Pikachu faces and all three said "What the hell".

It's a normal thing to happen because when I get power, it will destroy and regenerate my body. My appearance now is very different from before when I became more beautiful, my hair also changed from black to red. My left eye has gone from black to red, my right eye has turned bright blue and I have two more horns on my head. (Those are the eyes of Heaven and Hell, its skills I'll talk about later because I'm still thinking)

I looked at the arm that was grabbing my sister's neck and with one small movement it was severed.

"Ahhhh, my hand, you bastard" the disgusting man grabbed his left arm while looking at me with an angry expression "I will kill you lowly creature that dares to attack a high ranking demon like me ..."

He continued talking but I didn't care, I just gave a creepy smile that scared even the gods and said "Fuhaha Let's play".

At that moment, the demon seemed to have seen something scarier than hell.