
Daddy’s Beloved Baby

If her past had to pass bitterly because she deliberately chose that path to make himself equal to her lover, now she has achieved what she wanted to target in her life. It's just that whether a girl named Jennifer Dean will dare to step back to make a new love story with her ex-lover or will she continue to be shackled by blaming herself and run away, not daring to face what she did before explaining what happened? Will Jenni change her mind with her previous intention to return to Daniel if one day she thinks she is equal to her lover in the past? Or does he prefer to live comfortably with his beloved baby that Daniel doesn't know? Sequel Of: Mr. CEO, Paint My Love in Your Heart

Gldseya · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
130 Chs


Carl who realized his grandson's voice quickly opened the door to welcome Jaden, Jenni and also Daniel.

"Did Grandpa miss me?" asked Jaden matter-of-factly while Carl was spontaneously holding the boy.

"Of course Grandpa misses you, can't you just sleep with me tonight?" Carl softly responded to Jaden's words enthusiastically.

"I'll consider it," Jaden answered like an adult.

Out of nowhere he could say such a sentence to Carl.

Manik Jenni spontaneously looked at Danirl as if looking for an answer to the words that came out of nowhere from Jaden's lips.

Daniel shrugged his shoulders slowly when he got eyes from Jenni who seemed to want to corner him as a suspect.

"Niel, don't you allow your son to spend the night with me? Can you really not give me the chance to linger with my own grandson?" Carl's low voice made the atmosphere dramatize, while Jaden seemed to be holding back his laughter slowly.