
Dabria - An angel of death.

There's a drumming in my ears, it sounds like a heartbeat, but as if it is dying. The sound begins to go quiet, becoming harder to hear like there's water surrounding it, a lot of water until it becomes nothing but a muffle of sound waves. It's changing pitch, it sounds like a murderous, pleading scream, as if someone is about to end up dead and they're begging for mercy, or they were shot and are shrieking out in pain. My heart skips a few beats as it becomes louder and louder and louder. I feel my hands coming to my ears to cover it, but I stumble back and let out a shriek when the screaming of agony became louder. Yet, I soon realized no sound came out and water began flooding my mouth as a pair of hands latch themselves around my throat and squeeze tightly, my own hands grip onto their wrists, clawing at them to let go. My vision is becoming blurry, all I can hear is ringing, clapping, cheering and then cries and screams of pain. I'm beginning to give up hope until my body is let go and left to sink down to the depths of my new cage of water. My eyes close and a sinking thought comes through my mind, 'It's the end, I guess.'

Dont_Scream · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Updates to Prologue

So it seems there had been an issue in the prologue, the way he died was completely off. Kian died from drowning in a lake mid-winter after the ice caved in. He did NOT die from a car crash. I am sorry if you've been confused with these past few chapters about how he died from drowning.