

Five years ago, Kpop girl group DREAM captured the hearts of many fans and gained attention worldwide. However, everything changed when three members left the group. No one knows why. As DREAM's two remaining members, Mina and Diva, formed as a duo, they once again decided to pursue their dreams once more. However, in every dream, there is always a price to pay. Are you willing to keep your dream a reality? Would you risk your life for it? What about consequences and the possibilities that... you might fail?

Lovely_Morning09 · Adolescente
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1 Chs


??? *female voice*

"In the future, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Everyone must write at least five to seven sentences, and when you are done, find a partner and discuss it with them. Then we'll share what we wrote to the entire class."

"Alright, go ahead and start taking out a pencil and paper and begin writing."

Following the teacher's instruction, the entire class took out their paper and pencil and began writing.

I, on the other hand, stared at my paper, deep in thought.

Up until now, I never questioned what I wanted to be because growing up, I only want what's best for me and my family.

I did consider making arts and crafts because I'm good at it, and I could sell them for a living. However, for some reason, the thought of it seemed sad.

I then considered embroidery, but I was never good at sewing, and I always ended up pricking my finger on the needle.

At one point, my parents suggested that I should pursue being a doctor, a nurse, or someone along that line. But I decline the idea because most of my relatives are working in that field.

??? *female voice* *thinking*

(I know there are other options, and there's so much I can choose from, but...)

People always say that the career you choose may not be what you like, but it's something to have, and it'll help you find a job.

But what about the people who never had a job in their life? What happens to them? Sure, they'll be lucky if they manage to find one and get it on the first try, but what happens then? What if they are fire the next following day?

If pursuing something means finding a job related to that particular field, would it be easier than expected, right? Or will it make life difficult?

??? *female voice* *thinking*

(If I choose something that I don't want to be and if it makes my family happy, would I be content as well?)

(Is this something really what I wanted to do for the rest of my life?

After thinking about it for a long time, I took my pencil and began writing the first sentence that I have in mind.

Sometimes as a kid, I've always dreamed of something big.

I've dreamed... to one day become legends just like the people who've I adored and longed to meet for a very long time.

We can all wish for the impossible to happen, right?

I guess what I'm trying to say is... you never know it unless you try.