
Chapter 766 When You’re On Vacation

"Do you guys ever go on vacation?" asked 'Lily' "I know Kat doesn't unless you count school trips she hasn't ever been on any herself. Well, Contracts excluded of course,"

"Why don't you share your own experiences first," said Sue as she put a forkful of pancakes in her mouth, making sure to eat it as seductively as possible. Pushing the fork deep into her mouth, letting a little trickle of syrup run down her mouth, pushing her chest out as she did. The works really.

Lily rolled her head, seeing as her eyes weren't really built for it anymore, "Fine. I haven't really gone anywhere recently because while my family isn't bad off, we aren't super rich either. You remember that story from my confession? Well, after the drama with Stella I had to leave school, and there was only one in that town. So we had to get up and move somewhere completely different.