
Chapter 166 Grace’s Reward

"Before we move on though" said Coat Thyme "I'd first like to say that we were quite surprised that the desert didn't actually take anyone out. We'd thought that was the most deadly challenge we'd set up"

"True dear" said Dress Thyme "The main crux was that we only had two of the furnace worms released. We'd assumed that people would drive them off and they'd move around terrorising multiple groups"

Coat Thyme nodded "In the end though Kat kept one busy for an extremely long time, and the second one just, didn't really do anything. Not too sure how that one worked out actually. Perhaps we should check on it later but we digress"

"Yes dears, the forest was just supposed to be a bit of a stalling tactic, give the people who fell behind less of a chance to rest once they made it out, maybe get them low on sleep" said Dress Thyme