
Chapter - 36 - Costly freedom

( AN : I didn't know that you could comment on your own novels until yesterday so I posted an image for the character in Chapter 0 )


" damn that bastard " Edge muttered under his heavy breath

more than 1 week has already passed and Edge was stuck here in this large lavish gorgeous castle but right now he was on the ground

a few days back Azrial told him to get stronger and Edge told him that he can't get stronger without killing monsters and Azrial was puzzled why ?

" so you are telling me that you are just increasing your raw power " Azrial asked while looking at Edge like he was an idiot

" i mean yeah my sword mastery is already good enough "

and that's how Azrial really became a demon for Edge


" you need to be stronger than that Edge " Azrial was trying his best to motivate him

" your sword skills are good but not enough, you maybe good against a few weak humans but against demons with thousands of years of experience, you are a child "

" and do not forget that there are some humans , some legendary figures that can can match those thousand years in just some couple of decades or centuries"

Azrial was one of a kind of a demon why , because he had kindness but right now he was feeling pity for this human

" hey i also have a legendary job class "

" but being legendary because of your job and because of your skills are two different things , so now get your ass up , you are looking so pathetic that if a chick saw you she might even pityfcuk you "

and this scenario which was more like a bullying in Edge's mind went on for about 1 month


" hey I can go outside now right " with dark circles under his eyes and cheeks too deep inside , jaw too much chiseled, eyes without any light and 10kg lighter Edge was like a malnutrition kid

Although he was getting proper nutrition , it was just the result of too much training , and the training that he was doing with Azrial was in a quest form that wasn't passable without any heavy penalty

Even when Ted comes out of the game pod he is always soaked in buckets of sweat , and now he knew why the game pods had a drain n dry feature

his body fat now was only around 3-5% , his waist was more like a classic physique bodybuilder , he was so busy in his daily life that he now has a full grown beard but not too thick , Indian guys can have their beard early

" Yes, go on. your training is lightened now, you have spare time now "




Edge was running like crazy outside in the forest , he was touching the trees and smelling the air and flowers , he was even petting the small demon monsters

" goddamnit " he screamed after noticing that he was acting like a crazy person right now

Soon Edge started to run outside the forest and an hour later he was already on the outskirts

he was wearing his three piece suit and was looking like a young master who has just entered into the wilderness

" hmm although I know I may have lacked behind in levelling up , im not weak enough to not sense you guys " it looked like he was talking to himself until a few minutes later 10 players walked out

They were players with red horns and black bat wings on their back , they were the demon players assigned by different guilds to capture the 13 face but even after 1 month nobody had seen him or heard about him

" yeah I feel you guys you know , although I thought it's better to stay underground, it's not like you guys can hurt me when I'm in my safe grounds " he took out his Cape from his pocket , changed his clothes and was now fully covered in his 13 face Armor

" fuck , he is the 13 face , if only I've known that, I would've recorded his face "

( inform all the team captains right now and send them location) the group leader typed in the team chat with his mind and unsheathed his sword

" wow you all are avg at level 160 , although you guys are stronger than me right now , don't you dare to think of me as a weak target " as soon as Edge said that he was suddenly caught up in a magic binding formation performed by 6 players together

" oh yes believe me I won't " the leader said with a wide smile on his face , he wasn't arrogant to think that he can kill that person with only 10 players , also he didn't know if he can get that sword by killing him

but his captain had a device that let the killer grab any one thing that they want from the losers inventory, also he was sure that a person of that calibre is bound to have more than 1 Trump card

" yeah just hold him nice and easy " he unleashed a potion and threw him upon Edge

( Your HP will decrease 10hp/sec )

' fcuk man , the problem while losing hp in small chunks is that it disturbs your skill casting ' Edge tried to think about a way out of this problem but only disappointment was there he had a skill that could possibly hurt him less but at least it was better than dying alone

" arghhh " Edge started to shake himself up to make them think that he is going to make a move

" I'll finish you all with my one big move , you will all be gone till your friends come "

" boss , maybe we should just kill that bastard , we'll just track him with soul search skill , you know our seniors told us to be careful "

" you are a lucky bastard "

he focused all of his aura into his Blade and raised if high in the sky and performed a vertical slash

" Vertigo !!! " Soon a red laser like beam appeared from above the sky and dropped on Edge

Edge also at the same time used his reflect skill that was on his Cape by kneeling down on the ground and showing his Cape back

" shusshhhhhh booommm "

the force was so strong that even after reflecting he still got a lot of damage but when the red beam touched the cape it immediately spread around like a halo and struck all the enemy players down , because they were already exhausted due to a fight earlier they all died pretty easily

they couldn't even scream

but now at the same time , Edge's HP was now 40% but due to the red beam's force his HP was getting depleted

Edge was pretty sure that because of the explosion many nearby players would've heard him and were probably coming towards him

he somehow supported his body and started to walk slowly , he didn't had any potion due to how safe he was at his castle

After 10 minutes or so he was able to find a player and luckily he was a Priest

" hey you , over there"

The priest turned around and was surprised by who the person was

" hey you are 13 Face right , big fan man hahaah "

The priest that was in front of him was 6.5ft tall with a bulky muscular build , even his robe was too tight on him , with brown hairs and grey eyes he was weird in Edge's standards

" can you help me man , my HP is dropping "

" aishhh I wish I could man but you are a demon right , my holy skills doesn't work on you man "

" it will work on me you don't need to worry about that "

because Edge's race wasn't a demon but his class was he was safe from holy skills but even if he wasn't he would still be safe because his class had a little divine aura

After getting his health back , Edge and the Priest walked further away from the other players