
Déjame Descansar

According to the age old saying when a person dies his soul is guided by the Goddess of the Afterlife but what if she chooses to open an inn for spirits and humans in the bustling city of America

Minisha_Mukhia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs



"Hey Erick, hey hurry up or we'll be late", called out a fifteen year old boy. Erick and Josh were childhood friends and were together since the elementary school. Erick was a smart student while Josh was a playful one. Initially Erick had kept his distance from him but because their parents were friends, he had no choice but to stick around with him. Josh always had a hard time studying before he met him and as a result he had failed and changed schools twice but Erick who was forced by his mother helped him with his studies. For a few months Josh made lots of troubles for him but as time went by, he started to follow him. Since then, they became inseparable and no matter how much Erick wanted to shake him off, he would stick around like his shadow.

It was the first day of their sophomore year of high school. Josh was excited to explore the surprising things this year would bring him while for Erick this year would mark the end of his student life, after which he had to start learning about inheriting the family business. Erick was groomed up by a single mother and his mother had never shown him any motherly affections. He had always wondered about his father but his curiosity was always neglected and considered an offence by his mother. Erick wouldn't say it out loud but he was extremely envious of Josh who had a wonderful family. Though he was naughty he was loved by his parents. His older brother would tease him very often but by the end of the day he would stand up for him. He on the other hand who excelled in most of the things was ignored by his family. His older siblings would never even bother themselves with whatever he was doing. His mother who appeared to be cold would try to talk to him but he was not allowed to ask about his father or the things related to him was kept a secret. "You will come to learn all about it once you take over the company", was her usual reply.

"Good morning, please settle down. Now this year I hope that you all will take your studies seriously and well we have a new student this year who is transferred under special circumstances. I hope that you all will be nice to her and if I hear a single one of you bullying her then I'm afraid I would have to take strict actions against you. Am I clear", said the class teacher Ms. Bloom. It was not really common for a new student to transfer in grade 10 but under special circumstances they could get enrolled so most of the kids were curious to meet their new "friend". "Hello, my name is Melina and I hope no one bothers me", said a voice that was trying really hard to sound tough but a keen observer could easily tell. Erick who was looking outside the window was snapped out of his thoughts by what he had just heard. He looked back to meet the eyes that would bring a great upheaval in his life, had he known would he have chased it? Well, no one could tell. Deep blue eyes but had a longingness which no one could decipher. Nose perfectly carved and lips designed by the ultimate supreme but without a smile. Freckled tanned skin which looked tired but was still held child-like innocence.

Erick's meaningless world suddenly brightened up but who knew this light would end up burning his hopes, aspirations and would end up engulfing his whole existence.