
Chapter 25


Chloe could only raise her hand and touch in wonderment at the tears that wet his lashes. "You're crying for me?"

He caught her hand and kissed the palm. "I love you, little one. I might not understand how to romance you, or convince you of this truth, but I feel it. It is the most uncomfortable sensation and, at the same time, the most glorious."

"Even knowing I'm far from pure?"

"We've both had things done to our body. Seen our lives stolen from us. But we've broken free from the slavery the humans would have imposed. Fought back to regain our freedom. Do not let the past drag you down. Do not let them win."

"But what about my programming? Solus was right, you know. I am a walking time bomb. Just because I managed to snap out of it and kill the general doesn't mean I won't betray you again."