
Chapter 154

"I didn't technically volunteer to become a cyborg, but at the same time, if I could have spoken, I wouldn't have said no. See, I was in a motorcycle accident. A bad one the summer before I was supposed to start my senior college year. I was paralyzed, head to toe, but not comatose, although they did put me under a few times as they operated, trying to fix me."

But nothing could repair the damage done to his spine. Rear-ending the car that suddenly stopped had sent him soaring from his motorcycle head first. The helmet kept his skull from cracking like a melon, but it didn't lessen the impact. He cracked the vertebrae in his neck, severing his mind's control over his body.

He was doomed. Doomed to live the rest of his life on a machine, in a bed, unable to move but aware of everything. Everything!

For all intents and purposes, he was a living corpse.

Until the day his parents arrived with his brother and outlined a choice.