
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime e quadrinhos
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179 Chs

Chapter 140

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Wilson Shooting Range.

"Haha, I win again."

Tang Yu put down his Lexington and removed his noise-cancelling headphones. As he looked down and organized his shooting gear, he spoke in a deep voice.

"Your shooting is pretty good today."

In the adjacent lane, Rebecca said with a proud smile, "I think so too."

She packed up her weapons, took a big step to the left, and nudged Tang Yu with her elbow as she looked up and said,

"Hey, corporate, let's go, drinks on me."

After saying this, possibly remembering how Tang Yu always dashed off after shooting and seemed indifferent, giving her the feeling of being used, she was a bit annoyed.

"We had a deal, no excuses this time, got it?"

Tang Yu looked at Rebecca who had moved closer. Feeling a bit guilty about always running off after shooting, he replied with a reluctant smile,

"Fine, but only if it's a Dum-Dum Monkey."

At the mention of Dum-Dum Monkey, Rebecca's face immediately fell.

She had a very vivid memory of that maize-flavored drink.

It all started when they went to have a drink after shooting practice. Tang Yu had won a shooting contest, and according to their agreement, he was to treat the winner to a drink of their choice.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yu took her to a vending machine and got two bottles of green Dum-Dum Monkey.

Rebecca had no fondness for the maize-flavored drink. Though she had seen it before, she never actually tasted it.

Under Tang Yu's enthusiastic recommendation, Rebecca tasted for the first time what sickeningly sweet was like, as the corn flavor overwhelmed her senses.

Since then, she vowed never to lose to Tang Yu again in shooting, practicing diligently and indirectly improving her shooting skills.

Now, hearing Tang Yu mention Dum-Dum Monkey again naturally soured her mood.

Tang Yu glanced at Rebecca and saw her discomfort.

"What's wrong? If you're not feeling well, you can head back and rest. Next time, I'll definitely treat you to a drink."

Rebecca's face was a mix of sourness and bitterness, but hearing Tang Yu say 'next time for sure,' she clarified in haste,

"No, no, I'm not unwell. Dum-Dum Monkey it is, my treat."

With that, Rebecca turned back to her shooting station, mumbling to herself while she cleaned up the bullets and gun parts.

"Dum-Dum Monkey, Dum-Dum Monkey, how I hate Dum-Dum Monkey..."

"How on earth can corporate like that stuff..."

After they tidied up and paid, they left the shooting range together.

Rebecca, with her hands in her jacket pockets and her black bomber jacket's high collar covering half her face, walked with her long twin ponytails swaying behind her head.

Tang Yu and Rebecca had been practicing shooting at the range for a while, and it had become an unspoken habit between them.

Rebecca struggled to find any decent competition at the range, which left her lacking enthusiasm for quite some time.

Meeting Tang Yu, whose shooting skills were decent, allowed them to spar and share victories. It brought Rebecca the joy of shooting she had missed for so long.

For Tang Yu, Rebecca was a perfect sparring partner, and they gradually became familiar with each other at the Wilson Shooting Range.

However, he couldn't always make it to the range due to his corporate responsibilities.

Rebecca had grown accustomed to this routine, checking into the range during free afternoons to see if her competitor was there.

As they strolled along the streets of Watson, they looked for a vending machine.

White steam rose from the road's drainage as people bustled past.

Rebecca, gazing straight ahead, suddenly seemed weighed down by a thought. Looking up at Tang Yu, she asked,

"Corporate, about what you said the other time—about Sasha not waking up..."

"Is it true?"

Tang Yu had previously explained to Rebecca that Sasha's brain suffered pseudo-death from the severe damage.

The Sasha they knew, the hacker who worked with their team, was no longer the same.

"Mm, why? Do you want to see her?"

Rebecca looked somewhat dejected hearing this.

She knew Tang Yu wasn't careless and had accepted the fact when she learned of Sasha's memory loss.

However, she still hoped for a sliver of hope from Tang Yu that was evidently shattered now.

Regaining her focus, she nodded earnestly.

"Yes, but knowing that Sasha is still alive is more important than anything."

She couldn't help recounting the times she shared with Sasha, the struggles they faced together, the commissions they completed.

When Rebecca learned from Maine that something happened to Sasha, she couldn't believe it.

She never blamed anyone for Sasha's situation; she only regretted not being there too.

Since then, the image of Sasha lingered in her mind.

Seeing Rebecca saddened, Tang Yu reassured her, "Sasha's living a good life now, isn't she?"

He believed his words were unfounded since Sasha had since joined Arasaka, becoming his special assistant and living a new life in Night City.

Moreover, Maine and his team avenged her by burning down the biotech building, fulfilling her last wish before she fell.

Rebecca's eyes brightened as she looked up at Tang Yu and chuckled, "That's true. She's working at Arasaka and is the special assistant to a minister, always around you. Definitely better than being a cyberpunk."

Tang Yu didn't respond, thinking to himself that Sasha staying at his place was top secret, and he needed to warn her when he got back.

Noticing his strange expression, Rebecca curiously asked, "Corporate, what are you thinking about?"

Tang Yu replied stoically, "Just contemplating some corporate matters."

Rebecca quickly lost interest at the mention of corporate affairs and waved it off, saying, "Ah, let's not talk about that. I don't want to hear depressing stuff. Here, have some bubblegum."

She pulled out three pieces of bubblegum from her pocket, unwrapped one, and handed it to Tang Yu.

"This was Sasha's favorite flavor, give it a try."

Tang Yu bit into the bubblegum and started chewing, the subtle taste of roses sweetly bursting in his mouth.

After the gum softened, he blew a pink bubble which popped, sticking to his lips. He licked it away with a few motions.

Seeing Tang Yu blow bubbles amused Rebecca for the first time. When the bubble popped, she couldn't help but smile.

She also unwrapped a piece and began chewing.

Tang Yu suggested, "How about a bubble-blowing contest to see who can make the biggest one?"

Rebecca scoffed and nudged him with her elbow, saying somewhat annoyed, "Don't be so childish, you're a corporate executive, for crying out loud."

"But if we really compared, you couldn't outdo me."

Tang Yu was obviously joking; they weren't going to engage in a child's game like bubble-blowing.

As Rebecca chewed, she picked up the last piece of gum.

"I wonder if Sasha still likes bubblegum."

After a moment, she turned, lifted Tang Yu's coat, and slipped the gum into his pocket.

"Give this piece to Sasha, see if she still likes it."

Tang Yu continued blowing bubbles, thinking if Sasha remembered this gum, she might outdo them both.

The two walked aimlessly, waiting for the sight of a vending machine.

Oddly enough, the route they took today didn't seem to have any drink machines.

They hadn't set out with a particular destination in mind, simply taking a walk after practicing and casually looking for a place to stop for drinks.

As they walked, Rebecca's eyes lit up when she spotted a vending machine not far ahead. She pointed it out to Tang Yu, saying,

"Hey, corporate, look, there's a vending machine. Sure to have Dum-Dum Monkey."

When she looked up, however, she noticed Tang Yu had just received a call.

Tang Yu answered a communication request from Gloria.

Upon answering, Gloria, as always, greeted him first and confirmed if Tang Yu was free before reporting on the matter at hand.

"Mr. Tang, there's been progress in the case of the missing girls around Lizzie's Bar."

"As you suspected, it does involve the Tyger Claws, and there's a lot at stake. Their operations are very tight-knit..."

Tang Yu immediately thought Gloria might be in trouble. Otherwise, once the investigation was cleared, she could've hired a mercenary to complete the task.

Dealing with the Tyger Claws was stretching her capabilities.

"Have the Tyger Claws noticed you?"

Gloria was silent for a moment before admitting, "I'm fine, but recently more girls have gone missing..."

"Gloria," Tang Yu interrupted her.

There was a brief pause as she was taken aback—it was the first time Tang Yu addressed her so formally, leaving her uncertain on how to respond.

He continued, "Remember what I've told you, share any information or difficulties with me."

"There's nothing you need to shoulder alone; I don't want undue concerns leading to accidents."

"Do you understand?"

Gloria was struck by his words; their serious tone felt like an unquestionable command.

Yet in her heart, the sentiment was entirely different.

Indeed, Gloria had encountered trouble, but she was mindful of Tang Yu's role as a high-ranking executive at Arasaka. Interfering with the Tyger Claws could be problematic since their association with Arasaka was well-known in Night City.

Above all, Gloria didn't want to disappoint Tang Yu.

Now, however, Tang Yu had seen right through her façade.

She reassured him with gravity in her voice, "I understand, Mr. Tang."

Tang Yu's lecture was to prevent Gloria from developing bad habits and to ensure she wouldn't inadvertently make matters worse.

What he wanted was for Gloria to think about the bigger picture, not just for his personal interest.

In Gloria's view, sparing Tang Yu from some difficulties or shouldering them herself was a way to be considerate to him. 

But in Tang Yu's opinion, this approach was undoubtedly the most foolish.

The troubles Gloria faced might seem like mountains to her, but to Tang Yu, they might not even count as issues.

The key point was that if Gloria didn't speak up when considering his perspective and something happened to her, it would be too late to mend.

Tang Yu couldn't always pay attention to her thoughts; it was essential to communicate timely.

Gloria then earnestly explained,

"Mr. Tang, in our investigation, we've discovered the mastermind behind the disappearances, Masao Norimoto."

"He's a high-ranking member of the Tyger Claws, and he arranges for different subordinates to patrol the streets near Lizzy's Bar, deceive girls under the pretense of business, and sometimes uses force."

"We've found some leads, but to avoid alarming them, we've taken no action."

"We're currently locating Masao Norimoto. He's well-hidden; it's tough to find him without special information."

Masao Norimoto?

Tang Yu had an impression of him—apparently a former underling's ghost, who seemingly also opened a casino.

However, due to his prolific killing in the past, the details of such individuals had faded, especially since the high ranks of the Tyger Claws were as easy to deal with as cutting vegetables, and the memory of these societal dregs was even more unclear.

Scum like Masao Norimoto couldn't even enter Tang Yu's field of vision.

But in the underbelly of Night City, his influence was not to be underestimated, especially as the nightmare of the street girls.

"Did the Tyger Claws threaten you during the investigation?"

Gloria fell silent and replied helplessly, "Hmm... I received a letter from Ogata Kazuko of Jig-Jig Street; she said the Tyger Claws have noticed I'm investigating and told me to behave, to not meddle with things beyond my ability before I've secured my footing in the fixer business."

It wasn't Masao Norimoto who had noticed Gloria's actions but the fixer from Jig-Jig Street, Ogata Kazuko.

Tang Yu was familiar with Ogata Kazuko, whom V often received tasks from—not a bad person, just an interest-first fixer.

Tang Yu felt that although there was a threatening element to Kazuko's words, there was some kindness.

Otherwise, with her relationship with the Tyger Claws, she could have directly informed them to catch Gloria.

This had been a wake-up call for Tang Yu; as Gloria delved deeper into fixer work, she was bound to attract attention.

Without substantial backing and power, her safety was at risk.

Tang Yu then gravely said, "I've taken note. Remember to carry the Quattro Stagioni with you, and I'll arrange for Sasha to stay with you for a while."

Sasha staying with her?

Gloria was surprised, not expecting Tang Yu to have his assistant Sasha protect her; she quickly tried to explain, "Mr. Tang, it's not necessary on my end; your safety is more important..."

She had already received too much kindness from Tang Yu, and being a fixer was partly to repay that kindness; now, having Sasha protect her made her feel truly unworthy.

And with Sasha's status as an official employee of Arasaka, it was inappropriate to have her protect an ordinary fixer like her.

Once Tang Yu made a decision, he wouldn't wait for Gloria to refuse and ignored her remarks.

"Get your place tidied up; I'm sending Sasha over to stay."

Feeling somewhat overwhelmed, Gloria understood that once Tang Yu decided, she only had to comply and anxiously agreed.

"Mr. Tang, I understand."

After the conversation, Gloria hung up the call.

Feeling disoriented, Gloria reflected on Tang Yu's arrangements; the care he was taking for her safety was evident.

Yet Tang Yu's tone sounded like he was issuing an order, which was nothing out of the ordinary.

She resolved that even if captured and tortured by the Tyger Claws, she wouldn't reveal a word about Mr. Tang.

Her life had been saved by him; returning it willingly would be fine.

But Gloria felt that ending things like this would be unfair to the nurturing she received from Tang Yu; she had to see this mission through.

Shaking her head to rid herself of negative thoughts, the priority was to prepare for Sasha's arrival.

David certainly couldn't come back for a while, and David must not learn of Sasha's stay, lest her relationship with Tang Yu was exposed.

Thinking of this, before messaging David, she first received a message from Tang Yu.

Tang Yu: "If you have personal information about Masao Norimoto, send it to me. Also, I've informed Sasha; she should arrive at your place within an hour."

Jumping up from the sofa, Gloria hurriedly sent over the personal information about Masao Norimoto.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she felt her face heating up from the nervousness.

"Mr. Tang is always so prompt..."

She vividly remembered their first meeting, where he arrived within half an hour of messaging, leaving no time for tidying up.

House tidying?

Remembering the task at hand, she quickly started getting her place ready.

In the midst of arranging, she recalled that David's work shift was ending; she wondered if he would work overtime tonight.

She quickly sent a message to David, suggesting he stay at a company housing or a hotel and transferred 20,000 eurodollars to him.

David's instant reply: "Mom, what's happening? I have overtime today, might come back tomorrow morning."

Gloria bit her lip, composing a reason: "A distant cousin is visiting Night City and will stay with us for a while. It's not convenient for a grown boy to stay with us. You can stay at the company or get a hotel."

David: "..."

David: "Okay, but I don't need 20,000 eurodollars. Mom, what have you been up to lately, where did this money come from?"

Gloria, slightly annoyed, replied: "Don't worry about adult business, just focus on your internship at Arasaka!"

She added, to avoid misunderstanding, "This money is all earned legitimately. Remember the Maine team? Through my old work ties, I exchange favors for commissions."

Her financial situation had improved since taking on fixer work, though not as much as the Maine team, she was doing better than before.

David: "Got it, but be careful dealing with mercenaries. Work hard until you reach the top of Arasaka Tower; I won't have to work so hard then."

David: "I understand, Mom. Got to go, busy at the company."

Once finished with David, Gloria checked for any other oversights.

The access code!

She went to the gate, rotated her cyberoptic, changed the access code, and blocked David's biometric authentication.

To prevent any shortcuts, she called the property management, paid extra to reinforce the air vents, ensuring David had no alternative entry.

Once David was no longer a concern, she relaxed.

Tang Yu, meanwhile, received the intelligence information from Gloria.

The information detailed that Masao Norimoto, unlike other high-ranking members of the Tyger Claws who descended from Kyoto, had climbed up from the bottom.

Famous for his utter disregard for life, he frequently appeared in brutal braindances, seeing humans no different from livestock.

Those who collaborated with him witnessed his methods; unfazed by even the vilest scenes, he was a top-notch butcher with a slicked-back hairstyle.

Moreover, he was punctual with tributes to the Tyger Claws, met high demands smoothly, and had a keen interest in braindance research.

Norimoto had a vast network, backed by the Tyger Claws, collaborating with NCPD, with close relations to Arasaka executives and other gang leaders.

He owned a casino in Kabuki called the Phoenix Club, known as a fence for stolen goods.

It seemed a trip to the casino was in order.

Rebecca, chewing bubblegum, noticed Tang Yu had finished his call and appearing displeased, quipped,

"Another job from the company?"

Understanding Tang Yu's phone calls generally led to abrupt departures and forgoing their plans at The Silver Pixel Cloud that day.

However, she understood the life of a corporate employee, being on call 24/7—she could only sigh in resignation.

Tang Yu spotted her deflated mood and asked, "Fancy a trip to the casino?"

Rebecca's eyes lit up with intrigue, considering the potential fun. Pondering her wallet content, she mused,

"I might only have around ten thousand eurodollars left. I wonder if that's enough."

Tang Yu simply gave her a look.