
Chapter 4: Fancy Clown

Date: 30th of june, 2075

Location: Night city

POV: Omniscient

"Welcome to Night City Doctor, Enjoy your stay," The border officer expressed his demeanour, not at all enthusiastic.

Sitting across from the officer sat a 190cm armoured titan - A dark silver mask leaving the figure incognito. Lined with a reinforced black and purple jacket which stretched to his shoulders and ran down to his back, the figure emulated a presence of mysticism, ethereal and alien to the world which surrounded him. Armour in his inner torso was titanium plated with an ebony finish. Plated with custom tech the man demonstrated a presence of authority. His overall aesthetic that of a corporate merc or death machine.

"Here's your iron sir… It's quite the piece…" The border security replied looking at the Hand Cannon. It's weight awkward to the average hand. Struggling to lift it, it instead floated to the figures hand. The scene leaving the security and others dazed.

"Magnetism?" He asked befuddled. His worries left to haunt him as no answer ushered, the elusive figure leaving. About to ask once again, static altered his vision before returning to normal - His memory now fuzzy.

"Huh.. Must have been the wind.." He muttered before continuing his work.

Walking out silently, Victor made his way towards his vehicle parked up by the edge of the border, his iron holstered by his hip. A Chopper motor-bike which allowed for ease and comfort. The air and wind blasting past him as he roared his engine, the noise equal to roaring lion or dragon. Thundering away he drove into the high-way and eventually into the inner city of Night city.

The neon flickers and concrete jungle welcoming him back. The scent of tar, nicotine and trash fueling the air. A memory of once upon a time filing in. Going past scenes of depravity he was once again reminded why Night City was such the glorified hell hole it was. While it allowed freedom from government hands it did not from corporate overlords. The brands of Arasaka, Biotechnica and Militech flooding the commercial billboards - a display which he harboured with great disgust. Parking outside a bar he awaited a certain call, the fixers in this city abit too comfortable with their dealings compared to texas.

"Hey Choom, nice ride." A voice hollored. Turning his head he scanned the figure immediately and was surprised by the statistics.

[SCAN RESULTS: Jackie Welles]

[AFFILIATION: Valintinos (former)]




CYBERWARE: Altered Kyoshi Optics mk I, Reinforced bone structure, Von Doom reinforced exo-skeleton Mk III

WEAPONRY: Tsunami Nue, Machete

"You seem pretty buff amigo, you work out?" The 200cm latino figure asked from his customised arch. The sight peculiar as the figure slightly towered over the motor-bike a purple hue .

"On occasions," Victor answered as he noticed the man didn't harbour any alternative motives. He seemed genuine, unlike the corporate rats and street dogs which rummaged about.

"How much do you bench? I barely got past 400 pounds, I could do 500 back in the day but I got a bit rusty. All this work got me too busy to hit the gym," He smiled.

"10 tons," Victor replied.

"Heh, a joker eh? Why don't we grab a drink? You seem new in town, wouldn't mind going for a few rounds, just got lucky today," Jackie smiled.

"Perhaps another time," Victor replied as he received a message and transfer.

[§196'219'046 - §196'319'046]

Bobby Mint Vascow - Hey Doc, look I've transferred the full amount. Please, just save my daughter alright? I've already tried everyone in Night city. Even those fuckers in Arasaka… your my last hope. Please.

Dr Doom - Understand you are in safe hands.

Bobby Mint Vascow - Look thanks for coming all the way out here, it was hard trying to find a good doctor much less the rippers around here. Too many scumbags not enough skill. I've sent the coords, see you soon.

"On the clock?" Jackie asked.

"Slightly, such jobs require a delicate touch." Victor answered before driving off. His next destination "The Glen" Heywood. The apartment complex quite aesthetically pleasing, with its viewing of the lower city it was an interesting sight. Knocking on the door he was greeted with Bobby. The man's eyes and face showcasing sleep depravity and extreme drug intake.

"She's here," He answered. A bed in the middle of the apartment with an unconscious girl sleeping atop of it. Her skin pale and extremely withered in appearance. Screening her he was slightly impressed at her condition, her will to survive strong with the amount of irregulars.

"They said she had 2 weeks left to live doc… Is there any way you can save her?" Bobby asked.

"A number of tumours, a failing heart, failing kidneys, failing liver, a damaged nervous system, major bruising around the neck, leg, thigh, stomach, arm and cheek bone." Victor answered.

"So you can't?" He asked, distraught.

"This was a simple diagnostic… This is salvageable Mr Viscow. The question is.. Is it worth it?" Victor asked.

"Anything for my daughter, doctor. It's a fathers responsibility and my wife's last memory. She's just a kid, I'd give her the world," Bobby answered, conviction by his side as he pushed every ounce of vigour in his voice.

"Even your life?" Victor asked.

"Even my life," He replied.

"A sufficient answer," He acknowledged before flexing his hands over her body.

"What remains in this room, remains between you and I, your god," Victor stated, as his eyes started to glow. The world pausing and freezing as it contorted and bended to his will. Entering, the child was displayed within an ethereal form. The body a canvas to which he decided to temper with.

While his powers had yet to evolve into flesh crafting he was close, soon a biological army combined with his steel would be a force to be reckoned with. World domination was close, only a missing strand of data was missing that he lacked. It was a missing concept which was so close yet so far.

Pulling her into his innerworld he decided to start his procedure. While his innerworld bent to his will, anything outside could not. With conceptualised items not being able to be brought out. Thus, with extreme calculations he could solve any issue inside his mind free to wonder and ponder.

"Hmm… the re-structure of her nervous system will be tiring," Victor muttered, as each reconstructed body part had to be calculated to the quadrillionth decimal. A single in-correct decimal meaning total failure and with nerves each one had to be done to the centillionth and in the human body there were 7 million. Only he, the true god of this world, is capable of such things.

While doing such miniscule or other worthless jobs seemed meaningless they proved effective in tempering his control.

Even spending time in his inner-world improved his capacity as previously manipulating reality in such a space was practically impossible, the time dilation affecting his age. But as he turned 18 his body had practically been fully grown to that of an adult. Then after such weaknesses was never mentioned again as his body stayed that age. To put into perspective, if his true age was to be revealed, then mentally he was ninety-four. But physically he was only ever twenty-five as time was relative he never accounted for it. As time for him was merely a construct that would be imposed only on mortals.

Spending a few hours he fully reconstructed her body. The tumours now removed with all the previous failing organs restored to full capacity. Injecting nanites into her blood streem they quickly worked to re-activate the inactive cells which permeated her system, the nervous system now in full effect. Returning back to the outerworld. Her eyes started to flicked before waking up.

"I can't believe it…" Bobby muttered flamboyantly, his eyes dripping with tears as he hugged and embraced his daughter. Victor deciding to leave, walked away, the commission complete.

"It's been a pleasure Mr Vascow." Victor stated before nearing the front door. The duo silent as they hugged. That was until the girl started to cry, her cry more akin to shriek or call for help.

"Please… Save me." The girl whimpered silently. Bobby hearing her cry clutching tighter, his arms now forcing her to remain silent. The air from her lungs being tightened from the pressure.

"I've already paid doc, leave," Booby swore, his deamour switching from sweet father to an obsessive overlord.

"It seems those wounds weren't by accident then," Victor stated turning around, his footsteps while quiet shook the room with his presence.

"She's my daughter Doctor. I've already given you everything!" He swore.

"Not everything Mr Vascow…" Victor omniousily voiced.

"Hear me now Carocilla Vascow. What are you willing to offer for your life?" Victor asked, his eyes glowing menacingly as Bobby was now subjected to a frozen world.

"I give my soul!" She answered, her voice grasping for freedom.

"A worthy price," Victor accepted, his hand now stretched out, Carocilla escaping her fathers reach and grasping it; The touch euphoric before excruciatingly painful her hand burning from the touch. Collapsing on the floor she laid dormant unable to move, a sigil now grasped within her hand. Nanites corroding into it before reaching her heart and brain before a mystical force chained her soul to Victors. A mystical link that allowed her to see Victor's soul, the light blinding and ominously crimson red.

Like Victors father would say "Even filth has its uses". When the time was right she would follow through. Completely exiting the apartment complex he was interrupted by a voice call. One which he ignored. Seeing the caller I.d as anonymous he opened the voicemail that was left.

"Already in Night City and you don't wanna meet your sweet old aunt? Come by the Afterlife, we got biz to talk," Rogue stated.

"Hmm… This will be something…" Victor muttered before driving away, the drive somewhat peaceful besides the occasional moans and attempted robberies that occurred around him. Arviving to the old morgue he was met with alot of stares. The outsiders snickering at his presence.

"Looks like fresh meat tryna come through." One voiced cynically, his tone all in all condescending. Humoured at the sight of Victor while also wary.

"You think they'll let him in? He looks like one of those Arasaka ninja's I've been hearing bout," Another continued worried.

"Doubt it, but we'll see. Haven't seen his mug about, doubt any corpo would come around here. Especially an Arasaka one."

"Perhaps Militech then? He's got the steel for one. Choom looks like he eat granite for dinner. More chrome on his body than some borgs. Fuck he might even be a borg with that equipement.."

Victor, not caring for the mobs, walked in and made his way to the lower floors. Turning to the side a bouncer greeted him by the double doors his stature similar but larger to that of Jackie Welles.

"Interestin look, who might you be?" The bouncer asked snorting. Victor not wanting to hastle the bouncer decided to keep things simple and efficient.

"Victor," He replied.

"Ah, she said somethin bout you, welcome in," He stated opening the door. A bar now coming into view the looks of mercs bustling about. Their gazes wondering about, a few eyeing the unfamiliar merc that entered. His presence not matching his rep, the combination indicating a new merc added into the afterlife. As with Rogues network only the "best" of the best achieved a chance in, with rep being a key factor. A Nobody meant two things, a client or an outsider. Both meant business.

"Wanna drink?" A girl asked suggestively, the other merc avoiding her like a plague. Victor noticing this scanned immediately, in nature if one could find it easily then it was a sign it was best to avoid it.

[SCAN RESULTS: Marriah "Kitty" Facisitio]

[AFFILIATION: Afterlife Merc]



CYBERWARE: Thermal enhanced optics mk III, Arasaka Mantis blades, enhanced bone structure, enhanced synthetic lungs, Optical camo, Bio-monitor, Bionic joints, lynx paws, Von Doom neuro processors

WEAPONRY: Dual silenced* custom Nue, Modified* Militech Crusher

"I'd rather not," Victor declined. Women like this were an eyesore in the industry, a poison lotus that pulled one in before destroying you. Either through your wallet or through lead. He had been led on by many such types, all of which were left crawling away "satisfied" or dead.

"Oh come on~," She purred.

"The newbies mine," A voice projected. Mercy, about to argue, turned to see Rogue, the Queen of the Afterlife. Shying away she walked disappointed she couldn't gouge a cent or info from him. Fake laughing she quickly ejected much to the laughs of others who watched from afar unsure as to how the lonesome figure captured the attention of Rogue.

"Come with me we'll go somewhere… More discrete," She voiced. Victor agreeing decided to follow through. Their chamber being protected by Andrew Weylands son, Crispin Weyland or also known as Squama. The former once a legendary figure and solo.

"So how's life been for yah kid?" She asked downing on tequila, her other hand by a cig as she casually sat about.

"Sufficient." Victor answered deadpanned.

"I'm surprised you left the clan all those years ago. Never thought you'd come back. Texas get to old for you? What's brung you back?" She asked, her gaze never leaving her nephew-in-law. Unlike his familia he decided to stay in Texas all those years ago, his name infamous in the free state. While he ran two aliases, the one that earned more authority was "The Allfather".

"Peperations, ragnarok will soon come and I await its impending storm," Victor answered.

"Ominous, I see you've carried on your fathers legacy of theatrics. Though I must ask. Why alone? This ain't Texas boy. You're a nobody here," she warned.

"I came here to survey, not impede or conquer. Now is not the time," He expressed. As while Victor had all means to create an empire he did not have the resources nor influence to do so in Night city.

Time and knowledge was all he had and with it he created the perfect plan. His armada of steel had yet to be properly developed, the energy required to power them astronomical, his A.I yet to be perfected as well. A missing spark that allowed it to be created, as any attempted lead to create sentience presented a rogue A.I. It seemed that even attempting to connect it to the Net led to its corruption. A hassle in its own right. So while the iron legion existed, it could not be deployed. Not yet.

"Look, we've got a running ecosystem. We don't need any chaos," She explained bluntly.

"Then there is none to worry, my time here will be discrete." Victor explained.

"You're a walking bomb Victor, anywhere you go leaves bodies and people disasitified. You're nearly as bad as my ex in that department." She huffed.

"Trust me when I say that I'll be discrete in my works as a doctor. All is well in my hands," Victor persuaded, his hands up as he mocked surrender.

"Look, let's be real here, what exactly are you tryna do here? The last time we talked was when you were 18 and that was because you needed my help. What's the go here? Your horror stories from texas travels far you know, even to my channels," She asked, seriously this time, her tone gravelled as she took a puff.

"I'll be what you call a fixer and merc on top, there's a lot of good this city can receive. My faction will do good here." Victor voiced.

"I've seen what your good can do. I don't think your kindness will work here. Wrong city, wrong people," She dismissed.

"I've seen evil in its eyes, Rogue, and its stench reeks the alleys and streets here. My solution would be to nuke the city and rid it of its plague. Yet I, a charitable god, have decided to get rid of it from the inside. Answer me Rogue what have your actions in the last 50 years done for this city? When was the last time you picked up the iron for something that wasn't eddies?" Victor asked.

"Need a mirror Vic? Don't think I don't know how you work." Rogue laughed.

"Every action I do is for a greater goal, Rogue. Every move is methodical to it's last detail. Texas was a war ground before I entered. What is it now?" Victor challenged, his arms crossed as a hologram came to view. The capital of Texas Austin , a total contrast to that of Night City, the atmosphere the difference between Gotham and Metropolis.

"But what did it take for you to achieve it?" She countered, the next hologram depicting the slaughter of children, elderly, and disabled. Their lives cut down as easily as butter. Machine gun fire ending a few thousand in seconds. The towering figure of Victor following through.

"A worthy sacrifice for peace and prosperity. My fist was equal in it's domain." Victor answered.

"A sacrifice that led to the deaths of millions. Innocent and Guilty. Your "Crusade" was blind!" She swore.

"God is Blind. His touch, equal. As am I." Victor confirmed the next hologram depicting an old Arasaka tower.

"And God is all knowing. Don't speak of "Unecceasry" sacrifices when Arasaka tower was bombed by you and Johnny Silverhand. The aftermath killed 2 million - Even Miltechs filthy hands were enriched in their downfall here almost fifty years ago. So don't talk of hypocrisy, that Rogue died that day. What stands before me is a survivor, not a supposed "Queen". That Queen died when she worked for "Arasaka" thirty years ago." Victor spat.

"Look, I didn't come here to debate about morals… I came here to talk about biz. If you're gonna come into my city then you're going to follow my rules okay?" She threatened.

"And if I don't?" She asked.

"I tell 'em who you really are, little Von Doom," Rogue revealed, her answer enraging Victor.

"You wouldn't dare." Victor spat.

"But I would, while Santiago had a soft spot for you, I never did," Rogue smiled.

"Hmph, Fine, what are they," Victor agreed. While such a threat would be minimal it would be crossing one of the only remains of his mothers legacy. Something he would never deter and the single reason why the Aldecado's remained breathing.

"Good boy," She teased.

"Praise your luck Rogue. Had you been a stranger and not my Aunt your view would be on the floor," Victor threatened.

"You must be fun at family gatherings," She joked before downing a shot of tequila

"Listen, I don't want any one of your Legion members here. While you can kill any of the gang members I don't want you killing any corpo members this year right now. I've got a steady stream of channels here and if your big heads come rocking through them I won't get shit. So while you're here, relax. Go fuck a joytoy or rob a bank for all I care. Just for now keep your head down, for at least a year or two. Your little stunt back in texas has got the corpos shitting buckets and if they hear one word that a member hell the big fucking boss is here, they'll put the whole city on lock down. Which means bad business for anyone here. A lady's gotta eat and a Queens gotta rule. You've got people you gotta look after and I've got mine." She explained.

"A fair charge. Fine, I'll remain "Quiet" for now. But as soon as the time is near, Arasaka, Militech and every corpo remnant will fall to my hand." Victor ushered.

"But while you're here I do have something I need you to do," Rogue stated.

"Hoh, and what do you want?" Victor asked.

"There's this fixer that's been doing deals under my table. I need you to end him. I was going to get someone else to do it.. But since you're here, I'll leave it to you. Do it, and I'll put in a good word for you." She stated.

"Fine, but know the same threat won't be made twice," Victor snapped, the details for the gig now entering his inbox.

[Commission: Assassination

[Name: Faraday

[Description: Corpo, male, approximate height 185cm, left eye x4 cyberoptics

[Note: The man is known to be armed, with the only known cyberware a x4 Cyberoptics. Last known location is near Santo Domingo coords: 38°52′15″N 77°03′18″W.

Walking out, he cruised casually. While Rogue was too occupied with further her point Victor was secretly plaguing her systems with his own personalised virus - Loki. His whole act of following her a scheme to capture her connections. With her on his chess board it would allow the others on top to continue in ignorance. The whole act of coming alone itself was a move to ensure that the board remained settled. Had he come here with troops he would already give the impression to others and corporations that he was highly influential or had a backing. Coming here alone would give the impression he was a solo. With a solo's influence more positive to the civie's than a corpo.

"Tch, what a fool. Of course my actions would reach Night City, it was I who leaked the footage. Why would I allow such videos surface without my input? Rogue you old hag, you're merely playing the street. I'm playing the world. Why would I ever attack the corporations now after such a raid? That would be too easy. Like rats they should fear their impending doom. Austin was merely a warning, Night city would be the inclination of their doom. Preparations must start, with Night City soon to be mine." Victor thought. While Texas was armed and prepared for war it was not war with Night City. Their resources had instead centred around the rebuilding of homes and industrialisation of weapons. Texas would soon be at war with America, with Night city another foothold.

Viewing his deck it was an archetype of norse mythology, its worth proving effective in communicating his influence. Loki was a virus which secretly slithered into a net allowing for access and control. It also allowed for backdooring in future, with its capabilities yet to fail. Odin was a program which floated around his Kingdom (Database) as an active program which continuously served to destroy any malware or unauthorised access. Thor was a project which aimed to completely destroy another system, though due to its nature it aimed to destroy the connection and not the figure.

So while it could effectively destroy a whole database and system after copying it, it could not destroy or flatline a singular target. That was Baldur's objective, the program created in nature to Rache Bartmoss's daemons. The program a parallel to contagion in which it spread amongst those connected to it before completely frying their brains. The program then downloaded their minds into another program - Freya. Its program was to sort and order the downloaded files of those fried and killed. This skipped the middleman of interrogation and allowed for quick access over the dead. The only negative was that it ensured no survivor, any target would be immediately killed after its use, which meant that negotiations over prisoners never worked.

Freya was inspired after raiding an Arasaka compound. Soul killer, a poor creation made by Alt cunningham that he found lacking. Not only did it create a poor re-construction engram of a personality, the technology only allowed the perception of memories done by the engram. A false reality constructed by their brain. Freya was more reliable and only downloaded memories which could be deemed 100% factual with cross-references with other downloaded memories. The only downside was that it could not reconstruct the original personality as memories were cross-referenced into the database as soon as it was entered into the system. A blur and mirage of memories now having to be sorted, which was a wasted effort. For now it would be best to complete the mission and move over. Arriving to his last destination he was greeted with another group knocking on the dusty apartment. The figure an assortment of characters.







"Who the fuck are you?" Maine shouted, his figure reminiscent of Bubbles, the man the first to cause Victor to pause frozen. Feeling like a little kid, the man rang through his head. Snapping back to reality he stared back, the ability to speak now returning.

"Names Victor, who the fuck are you?"