

In a tech-dominated society, Xander, once a bright young man, is reborn as the vengeful cyborg, the Steel Reaper, after his scientist mother is killed by heroes threatened by her innovations. Saved and enhanced by the same organization who were after his mother, Xander's new mission is clear: to annihilate the heroes who wronged him and avenge his mother's death using his newfound cybernetic powers.

F4V0_101 · Ficção Científica
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13 Chs

*Setting in with villains*

I received a message on my ID watch, then I took the elevator to the twenty nineth floor and followed the directions to my new apartment.

And it was just as I wanted, the apartment's colour was grey and white one significant thing was that the windows were completely covered in a black shade glass

The apartment had a large living room with large curved blue couch and a TV, it had a slightly smaller bedroom with a bed, a small closet and a shelf, the kitchen was quite small but also okay and the workshop.

The workshop was a tech enthusiast's dream come true. Walls lined with sleek, modular workbenches were equipped with state-of-the-art tools, neatly organized and ready for use. Shelves were stocked with components, circuit boards, and a variety of gadgets waiting to be tinkered with. The centerpiece was a high-tech 3D printer, its sleek design hinting at its advanced capabilities. A large, clear worktable sat in the middle, illuminated by adjustable overhead lights, perfect for detailed projects. The room exuded a sense of endless possibilities, a space where ideas could come to life.

I went back to where I parked my car and transferred all my stuff to my apartment.

Excitedly, I began unpacking my collection of tech gadgets, carefully placing them on the workbenches. Each device, from holographic interfaces to neural interface headsets, were all stuff that belonged to my mum as her passion for technology led her to create various gadgets. Next, I set up the computers, arranging them on the main worktable. Monitors, keyboards, and a myriad of cables soon followed, all carefully organized to ensure easy access.

I then moved on to my tech equipment, carefully stowing away soldering irons, multimeters, and other essential tools in the workshop's drawers and cabinets. The space was starting to come together, reflecting my own blend of creativity and it started to look like the lab back at home. With everything in place, I took a moment to admire the workshop, eager to dive into my next project in this tech haven.

After arranging my other stuff in the apartment i made my way back to the parking lot. "Where the f*ck is jumper?!" I heard someone shouting in the parking lot.

I went to the where the sound was coming from to see what was going. In the dimly lit parking lot, a group of villains stood ready to embark on their daring heist. Their specialized equipment, from stealth suits to advanced weapons, was neatly packed into sleek, black vehicles parked nearby. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, each member of the group checking their gear one last time and exchanging nods of reassurance. Each villain had a unique appearance

"Are you f*cking kidding me how do you expect us to go on a heist without Jumper!" One of the villains who seemed to be their commander shouted

"We specifically need a hacker for this mission, so where the f*ck is Jumper?!" He shouted again "No one knows where he is" One of the other villains said.

And the commander showed an expression of frustration, turning his back and wiping his face with his hand. Causing him to look in my direction "Hey you, what's your name?!" He asked pointing at me "I.... I'm Xander, I'm new here" I answered

"Yeah, yeah whatever. R u some kinda cyborg sh*t?" he asked me "Yes" I replied him realising that I wasn't wearing my jacket "Okay so can you hack sh*t" he asked me "Uhm... yeah I can" I answered

"The name is Predator. get in, you're coming with us" he said and I weirdly followed. 'I was good at a lot of coding and hacking since I was ten years old so this shouldn't be so bad' I thought to myself. I entered the large black van, inside the van were ten villains, four of which were ladies excluding the driver. The commander told me exactly what to do and I did

The muscle of the group, armed with an array of high-tech weapons, ready to protect the team if things took a dangerous turn. Despite the gravity of the situation, there was a sense of fellowship among them, a shared purpose that bound them together.

And I was suppose to be the tech-savvy hacker, with cybernetic enhancements visible beneath my clothing, was already tapping away on a portable device, ensuring that all security systems were temporarily disabled.

The calculating mastermind who was the commander was dressed in a sharp suit, stood at the forefront, going over the final details of their plan with the team.

"I've spent days researching the bank's security measures, layout, and staff routines. Our cyborg hacker is already hacking into the bank's security system to disable alarms and surveillance temporarily.

Our driver will have the getaway van parked about a block from the bank, ready for a quick escape. Two of our muscle group members will create a distraction outside the bank to divert attention from the actual robbery.

Once inside, I'll coordinate the team's movements, ensuring everyone sticks to the plan and remains calm. New guy Xander will continue to monitor and control the bank's security system, while the rest of the muscle group secures the bank's employees and customers.

I'll direct the team to the vault and we'll burst it open, and we'll take out the loot. And Xander you'll continue to keep an eye on the security systems, and the muscle group will guard the entrance to prevent interference.

Our driver will be ready to drive the getaway vehicle to the bank's entrance as soon as the loot is secured. I'll signal the team to exit the bank and board the vehicle.

We'll return to the tower and I'll divide the loot among the team members and even new guy" The commander Predator said as the van drove us out of the tower

I watched with fascination. Drawn to their confident demeanor and the allure of the forbidden heist, I felt a thrill of excitement run through me. Torn between wanting to be part of their exhilarating adventure and knowing that it was wrong, I couldn't help but be captivated by the dangerous world unfolding before me.

'Was this the new path I was going to take?' I thought to myself

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