
Cursed Rebirth: The Hero Who Became the Demon Prince

Alone, abandoned, with no one to trust, and drowning in a world of cruelty, all for the sake of humanity. The hero, who once stood against the Demon Lord, has been reincarnated as none other than... the Demon Lord’s son! Now living as Prince Zilvagias, the ideal heir of the Demon Kingdom, he must hide his true identity while plotting its destruction from within. But in order to blend into demon society, there's one cruel reality he cannot escape—he must kill humans without hesitation. The very people he once swore to protect as a hero... now, by his own hands, they fall. Yet, even if it means staining his soul with unforgivable sins, he will keep walking this path—growing stronger with each step, ready to save humanity no matter the cost. This is the story of a false prince, shrouded in inner conflict and betrayal, as he leads a kingdom toward ruin.

Konki_Doogie · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

The Vessel of Souls and the Binding Contract

"…So, does that mean you're agreeing to the deal?"

I asked, looking at the panting, flustered Antendeixis.

"…Hmph. Very well. I'll admit your resolve and wit, and I'll form a pact with you."

Antendeixis seemed to collect herself, composing her expression.

"And I suppose I'll refrain from handing you over to the demons as well. It would be quite inconvenient if you died before I could collect my price."

…Somehow, it worked out.

Thank goodness this goddess is some perverted freak who gets off on breaking taboos.

Still, I was about to form a contract with her…

"What's with that face? Do you realize what an honor it is to form a contract with one of the ancient goddesses? You should be more grateful and reverent!"

The mirror was still floating beside us, and in it, I could see myself looking rather unimpressed. Antendeixis was pouting, clearly displeased with my reaction.

"Well… it's just, I'm a hero. And now I'm making a pact with a demon god…"

"Hehehe. Isn't it delightfully sinful? Just by making this contract, you'll gain a considerable amount of power."

"So, your power really does come from 'breaking taboos,' doesn't it?"

"That's not my only ability, but yes, that's one of them."

Still sitting sideways on her throne, Antendeixis—actually, that's a long name… let's just call her Ante for now.

"I am the goddess who governs taboos. Wherever a taboo is broken, my power grows. Whether in the Demon Realm or in the mortal world, every time a taboo is violated, my strength increases. And as my contractor, the more taboos you break, the stronger you'll become. Eventually, once you've adjusted to my power, you'll even be able to create new 'taboos' yourself."

"Create new taboos?"

"—I declare blinking forbidden."

Ante suddenly spoke.

"…I can't close my eyes."

"That's how it works. It's the same as when I forced you to speak earlier."

So, it's a type of magic that can restrict actions or force someone to act.

That's powerful. Sure, stronger opponents might resist, but this kind of magic demands their attention. It would force them to divide their focus just to resist, and the fact that she can throw around such powerful curses so easily, without complicated rituals or incantations, makes her insanely strong.

…But that said, I can't blink.

"My eyes! They're drying out! Stop it!"

"Ohhh? Is the little hero already at his limit~? But you know, when you tell me to stop, it only makes me want to keep going~ What to do, what to do~?"

"Cut the crap! My eyes are burning here!"

Ante just watched me with a mischievous grin while I was fuming. Eventually, though, her multicolored eyes began to water.

"This is bad! My eyes are getting dry too! By the way, my curses also affect me."

"—That's useless, then!"

The curse was lifted. I had thought about how terrifying it would be if she cast something like, 'I declare breathing forbidden,' but now I realized she'd be affected too...

"Of course. I am the goddess of taboos, after all. No one is bound by taboos more than I am."

Ante's face softened into a wicked smile.

"…That's why your offer was so incredibly tempting."

"You… can't break taboos yourself?"

"Not anymore. I've grown too powerful. I can't even move freely."

She slumped lazily back onto her throne, her voice heavy with resignation.

"Demons and gods like me… We all govern some concept, to a greater or lesser degree. The stronger we grow, the more our existence becomes bound to that concept, until we transcend 'will' and become 'pure power.' We become the embodiment of that concept itself."

Her multicolored eyes locked onto mine, holding both limitless power and a profound emptiness.

"Even this world, this land, the very space we stand in—they were likely once beings of great name and strength. But they grew too powerful. Now they exist as pure forces of nature, no longer possessing will of their own. We're like parasites, feeding on their remnants."

"...That's a pretty big-picture perspective. But calling yourselves parasites seems a bit harsh. How about 'children of the great mother,' or something?"

I offered my thoughts honestly, and Ante looked taken aback.

"…Hmph, perhaps. But no matter. We've strayed from the topic. Shall we proceed with the contract?"

"Yeah. We've wasted enough time here."

As much as she was starting to feel easier to talk to, I couldn't forget she was still a god. At any moment, she could change her mind or do something unpredictable.

I'd rather get this power and get out of here.

"So, what kind of contract do we make? Obviously, you're the one in the position of power here."

There are two types of contracts with demons.

One involves the contractor offering something to the demon in exchange for power.

The other involves the contractor offering their magical energy to the demon, binding them into service.

Sophia and the imp maid both fall into the latter category. They maintain their physical forms in the mortal world by receiving magical energy from Platifia, performing duties like education or household chores. In their free time, they act in accordance with their own abilities, growing stronger by doing so. Sophia spends her free time reading every book she can find, while the mischievous little imps constantly play pranks.

"I'll provide you with taboos. In return, you'll grant me power. What else is there?"

"The question is, how much? How much of your soul's vessel can I fill with my power?"

Demons' contracts aren't limitless.

In either case, you must accept the demon's power into your soul. Each person's soul has a limit to how much it can handle, meaning you can't simply contract with thousands of demons at once.

"Obviously, the more power I accept, the stronger I'll become. Do I really have a choice?"

"If you want enough strength to defeat the Demon King, then no. In any case, I planned on filling you to the brim with power. I just wanted to confirm."

"...You're not helping me feel better about this."

The thought of my soul being pushed to its limits was no joke. Given that I was dealing with a god with near-limitless power, she could very well be capable of overwhelming me.

"Give me your hand, contractor."

Ante reached out her hand, and I placed mine in hers.

"By the name of Antendeixis, the goddess of taboos, I grant you power, Alexander."

"By the name of Alexander, I offer you taboos, Antendeixis."

Our eyes locked.

"The contract is sealed."

Through our joined hands, the power surged into me.

In that instant, I regretted it.

The power was not one of good or evil, light or darkness. It was something far more dreadful—a festering, corrupted force from the depths of existence, flowing into me like a toxic flood.

"—It's too late now."

Ante's sadistic grin flashed as she watched me.

I didn't even have the energy to respond. I was barely holding on as this power twisted me from the inside out, making me feel as if countless poisonous insects were crawling through my guts.

"Your soul was practically empty. It's absorbing more power than I expected, like a desert soaking up rain."

I could barely breathe—I was drowning.

"Rejoice. No one has ever accepted this much power from a god."

She let go of my hand.

Panting heavily, I collapsed to my knees.

I glanced into the mirror—my soul had changed.

My body was filled out, muscular like it was in my prime. But my skin had turned the same dark color as Ante's. My once-brown eyes now shimmered with chaotic multicolored hues, and horns jutted from my head—eerily similar to the ones that grew from my demonic body.

"Now it's hard to tell if you're human, demon, or something else."

Ante chuckled wickedly.

"When you leave the portal, you'll never be able to return to the Demon Realm. The next time you come, you'll be too fully integrated, and likely unable to leave again."

So this is the first and last time, huh? Honestly, I was relieved.

"…When I return to the mortal world, I won't look like this, will I?"

"Perhaps there will be minor effects… but nothing more than what would be expected from a typical contract with a demon."

What the hell does 'expected effects from a demon contract' even mean…?

"…By the way, would it be a problem if I told people I made a contract with a god?"

Platifia would probably be thrilled, but if anyone asked me what kind of contract I made, things could get tricky. I couldn't exactly tell them I was plotting to destroy the Demon Kingdom.

"It would be problematic. But luckily, you have two names. As long as you don't invoke my powers under the name Alexander, their effect will be 'moderate.' You could make it seem as though you contracted with some low-ranking demon."

"I see."

I hadn't even considered that when I invoked Alexander's name for the contract.

Right—I'm Zilvagias now.

"I guess I'll say I contracted with a demon of restriction, 'Ante,' instead of the goddess Antendeixis."

"A demon of restriction, Ante…? You reduce me to something akin to a mere imp…"

Ante's face fell in apparent disappointment, but soon after, her body began trembling.

"This goddess… reduced to the stature of a lowly imp…♡ How utterly blasphemous…♡"

She really is a pervert…

Also, the second I called her 'Ante,' I felt a slight surge of power. I had apparently committed a taboo by belittling a god…

"Alright, it's been fun, but I think I'll head back now."

Turning away from the panting Ante, I prepared to leave.

"…Indeed. It's time."

Ante rose from her throne as well.

"I'll have to bid farewell to this familiar palace for a while."

"…Wait, what?"

"It's been so long since I've ventured into the mortal realm. How exciting."

"Wait a second, Ante? Are you implying you're coming with me?"

Even Carnival, the god that made a pact with the first Demon King, stayed behind in the Demon Realm while offering his power.

No way a god as powerful as Ante could just casually stroll into the mortal world.

"…Of course, I'm coming with you."

My face went blank.

"It's fine. I'm not bringing my full form. It's just like dipping a finger through the portal. Besides, you've proven to be quite the worthy contractor. Even now, I can feel the power flowing into me. It'll be enough to sustain my form in the mortal realm."


"Additionally, to conserve power, I've made a space for myself inside you. Look."

Suddenly, Ante embraced me.

—And then, she turned translucent and slipped inside me!

'There we go.'

Her voice echoed inside my chest.

"No, not 'there we go!!!"

What did she just do!?

I had felt like I was being changed from the inside, but now she was literally inside me!?

Was I going to be stuck with her, listening to her voice in my head all the time now!?

"Get out!!"

I pounded on my chest, but only ended up hurting myself.

Ante's laughter echoed endlessly within me.