
Chapter Twenty: Weird Yet Pleasant Dreams

In her room Katherine was fast asleep as her mind wandered and danced through dreamland granting her one of the best yet slightly strangest dreams she'd ever had and may ever have. It all started as an influence of the movie which had put her in the show as her very own prancing pony warrior cadet. She was a yellow unicorn filly who oddly wasn't wearing anything as she stood in the commander's office.

Just then the door closed and there was a black male unicorn in a commander's outfit grinning. She then glanced over at the desk to read his name plate which read, Commander Black Kat. Wait hat wasn't a real character of the show besides the only persons she knew who spelled cat with a Kat was her brother. The male unicorn approached her and whispered in her ear, "Ah Cadet Katherine I'm glade you decide to take me up on my offer. Are you ready to get started?"

"Commander?" asked Pony Katherine puzzled. Sometimes she wished dreams would give her more details of what was going on in them.

"Don't you remember? That bump on the head during training must've really messed with you maybe it's best we don't mate then." replied the commander as he stopped removing his uniform. Wait when had he started?

"Sir I'm fine. I was just caught a bit off guard. What if someone walks in on us?" replied Pony Katherine as she placed a hoof on his collar to help him undress.

"Well that's what locks are for." replied Commander Black Kat as his horn glowed black before a set of black magical chains and a huge lock appeared on the door.

"I see." replied Pony Katherine as she'd just finished undoing his shit and slide her hands over his chest and abs feeling the strength within him.

"You like what you see?" asked Black Kat with a grin.

"Yes but I'm hoping to find more wonders with the more I remove." replied Pony Katherine as she undid his belt and pants in one swift move before slowly unzipping them. She then let them fall freely to his ankles and grinned while adding, "It seems someone doesn't like to wear any underwear to potent his most precious assets."

She then rubbed his sheath and ball oh just rightly to make him go full erect at which point she started to suck his huge penis as passionately as possible as well as deep throating it farther then one could ever think possible. The best part was that it tasted just like her brother Kat.

Meanwhile in another part of the dream world it seemed to people had managed to get themselves into a joined dream. The first was a small black haired chubby squirrel who was really confused on why exactly he was a squirrel in his dream but that didn't last long as something shiny caught his attention and off he was.

As for the second dreamer well he was just as confused by why he was an animal but not as much for what animal he was, for he was a silver furred wolf. Yet with a look around he realized that just like in real life he was all alone so even as a mighty wolf he was destined to be all a lone. So with a sigh and his head held low the wolf started to sadly adventure through the woods without a single care in the world.

Just then the scent of the plump little squirrel hit his nose and he was filled with a new sensation as he began to stalk his prey who'd been to distracted by a shinny coin to have noticed him until it was too late. The wolf pounced and had pinned the squirrel to the ground. The wolf had one of his mighty paws on the squirrels back holding his head and face against the ground while its little butt wiggled in the it trying to get free as it feared for its little life.

Now the wolf's first instinct would've normally been to kill the squirrel quickly and put it out of his misery, yet there was another urge there that was stronger then that desire to stay alive or eat. Slowly the wolf repositioned himself over the shivering and scared squirrel before lowering his muzzle down to the squirrel's ear and whispering, "I know I shouldn't play with my food but cum filled squirrel just sounds so delicious."

With that the wolf mounted the plump squirrel thrusting his penis deep in to the squirrel's ass which they both let out a pleasure filled moan. Now neither of them really made the conection to how their voices sounded familiar to each other until the wolf slammed his large knot into the squirrel's tight ass and filled him up with his sweet cum.

Now in another area of the dream world Vixi stood once more in the middle of the ancient town of Sigma as many creatures and beings all walking around her which really scared her. That is until a warm hand took hers in it's own. Looking down at the hand she then followed it to a smiling Kat who's eyes also sparkled despite her having a paw and not a hand.

Wait, she has paws? This started to make her panic more then the whole city filled with scary creatures one would only see in their nightmares. Shaking she began to look at her odd reddish fur paws and arms. Slowly she raised one paw up to feel her face to which she found what felt like a dog's muzzle. Vixi then fell to her furry knees and began to cry, that is until she felt a warm pair of human arms wrap as best around her as possible. Looking up through tear stained eyes she saw Kat's face as he tried to hug her as if she was human still.

Now the Katherine woke up just as Commander Black Kat came in her mouth with a smile on her face as her alarm screamed in her ear, it was morning. As for the other two well realizing who they were kind of shocked them both wake yet to them it was a dream that only they had so Dirt and Val just laid in their beds looking up at the ceiling of their room while fondling themselves. That leaves Vixi who only woke up when her mother came in to check on her and was shaking her because she'd been crying in her sleep.

"Sorry mom, it was a bad dream is all." sighed Vixi as she whipped her eyes dry and sat up on the edge of her bed.

"You want to talk about it dear?" asked her mother concerned as she sat next to Vixi.

"Nah, I'll just go take a bath and get ready for the day if that's okay?" asked Vixi with a smile.

"Okay dear but know you can always talk with me if you need to." sighed her mother as she watched Vixi slowly stand to leave the room.

"Thanks mom." replied Vixi before giving her mother a quick kiss on the cheek.

Well this was the point I had originally planned to go premium and end the volume but I think some of that my change. Seeing as this is an odd area to end a volume I will move that until later and just cut out a volume. As for the premium I will hold off on that as well as soon I will return to Valentine's Night and to Vixi & Kat's moon light scene. So thanks for all of the support and please stay tuned for more yet to come. Oh and happy Valentine's Day my friends and fans.

ShadowFoxx89creators' thoughts