
Chapter Seventeen: Making Plans - January 30th 2027

Vixi woke up early and was sitting naked on her bed debating on who to call first when she heard a knock on the front door. This made her eyes go wide wondering who it could be. Shortly afterwards as she was struggling to find something to throw on there came a knock at her door.

"Victoria dear, you have a visitor you good for them to come in?" asked Vixi's mom.

"One minute I-" started Vixi only fo the door to swing open leaving her no choice but to rip the sheet off of her bed to quickly wrapped it around her only to realize it wasn't that important seeing as Val was The Who bursted through her door.

Upon realizing who it was Vixi grabbed a nearby pillow and through it right at his face while dropping the sheet glade her curtain was shut and he was gay. He slowly shut the door before tossing the pillow back onto the bed before asking, "What was that for?"

"Did anyone ever tell you it's rude to just barge into someone's room. I'm naked for crying out load." replied Vixi as she started to make her bed which had parts scatter around the room from her trying to cover up and from throwing the pillow.

"Yes but this is important. Besides why are you naked anyways. I think me seeing your discussing girly parts is your fault not mine." replied Val in a sassy girl kind of way.

"Umm, my house and my room I'm allowed to be naked, but if you really must know I was getting ready to go take a bath." replied Vixi with a smile. "Plus your the only guy in school who thinks that they're discussing or one of the only guys."

"Hay I got good news for you that I've been meaning to talk with you about but I also figured he could use a little break from you after all he did seem a bit stressed when I talked with him but Kyles' not gay." announced Val with a smile to which caused Vixi to start jumping with joy and as her breast bounced freely with her jumping he adding, "Can you please put something on"

"Only if you can help me find my pajamas?" teased Vixi with a smile before laying on her bed all seductively like and adding, "Plus I already know that since one of his other crushes had already talked to him and reported back to me."

"So why haven't you been hanging all over him recently?" asked a puzzled Val as he folded the blanket over on her so he wouldn't have to look at her nakedness while he searched for some clothes for her to put on.

"Because I wanted you to have some time to ask him out as well." replied Vixi as she uncovered her face to see his fine ass in some skinny jeans bent over in front of her.

"You know you have a very nice ass and if you were straight I'd fuck you right here and now." teased Vixi with a smile before turning onto her back and sighing, "You want to know a little secret?"

"Let me guess you don't own pajamas." teased Val as he found an oddly large black t-shirt that smelled very manly even with it weird space fox fucking an odd purple alicorn on it to which he turned and held it up and questioned, "Is this yours?"

"Wow you guessed my secret and have found the shirt I stole from Kat." replied Vixi as she snatched it from him before taking a big wiff of its scent before putting it on. It was more then enough to cover everything when she stood up at least.

"And I'm the weird one of the group." teased Val with a smile as he then joined her on the bed.

"I think we are all weird in our own ways. You are just more then the rest of us, well actually maybe Dirt my be tied with you but for different reasons." replied Vixi with a smile as she waited for his next outburst.

"Do you really think me and Derek could actually work as a couple?" softly asked Val almost half distracted or deep in thought.

"Well you both are obsessed with the past. For you it's your family's history and name. You're proud of your heritage and sometimes bullheaded about it. The only real turnoff is that you tend to be too much of a neat freak." explained Vixi with a smile and a sparkle of compassion in her eyes, "As for Dirt well he's obsessed with the history of strange places and things. He tends to get so focused that he forgets to clean himself up. Now if you could see him when he's all cleaned up man you'd fuck the daylights out of him."

"Really?" asked Val more concerned about their similarities then his looks but that's not how she took it of course.

"Yah, I was tempted to fuck him right in front of his mother, but I know that would hurt him more then please him. Just as you'd be if I tried to fuck you right now in my bed." confessed Vixi with a smile before shocking him with a small kiss on the cheek before whispering, "Why don't we work on setting you and Dirt up with a date or two before the Valentine's Day Banquet if not at least for the banquet."

"Only if I get to help you get hooked up with Kyle by then as well." replied Val with a smile as he looked over at her.

"I'm afraid that might just take a miricle and a half for that bock head to realize how bad I want to fuck him." sighed Vixi as she turned to look out the window only to realize that her blinds were still closed.

"Hay over the next fourteen days there will be so much love in the air that even the most devoted nun would be so horny they'd be fucking everyone they saw." encouragingly replied Val with a smile.