
Chapter Seven: February 14th 2027 - Night (Part One)

Later that night Vixi waited in her room for Kat to arrive not even sure what to expect. So with a sigh she sits on her bed looking at the scar on the back of her hand while sipping on a glass of water.

Just then the door bell rang and she about spilled her glass of water as she leaped to her feet. She then set the glass down before dashing down almost knocking her brother down the stairs in the process.

She quickly straightened up her skirt before slowly opening the door with a smile. To her shock it was Kat in his basis get up of black jeans, cowboy boots and dress shirt.

"So you ready?" asked Kat with a smile.

"I've been ready all day." replied Vixi with a smile before asking, "So what do you have planned for us?"

"Oh, little bit of this and a little bit of that." teased Kat as he turned to head for his car, a blue muscle car, he then stopped and called back to her. "Though I figured we could start with dinner unless you already ate that is."

"No I'm starved. I haven't ate all day since I was just too excited waiting for you." replied Vixi as she rushed over to his side with a smile on her face was her dream really about to come true?

"Good." replied Kat as he unlocked the doors and they got into the car before he sped off down the road.

Dinner wasn't too eventful as they'd just went to a simple taco joint which was a let down for Vixi having really hoped for a nice romantic candle light dinner.

She sighed as she waited for her order of spice beef burritos to come out as she looked around to avoid breaking down and crying.

"You want to know why I chose this place for dinner?" asked Kat with his paws in his pockets as he too was waiting for his food.

"Because you didn't want me to get any ideas about us being on an actual date." sighed Vixi on the brink of crying.

"No. I picked his place first because I love tacos and second because every sit down restaurant is bound to be plump full of sappy couples crawling all over themselves as well as the food would take forever to get to us and we'd never have time for the rest of my plans." replied Kat with a smile before leaning in and whispering, "Besides I figured it'd be more special if we did it our first time under the moonlight alone on some hillside."

This made Vixi both blush really badly as well as start to get a wet vagina, and Kat was well aware of it. His smile wasn't helping her especially since she wasn't wearing any underwear which her vagina slowly growing wetter with every passing second finally forced her to dash off for the bathroom to both dry herself up some and regain her composer.

Once in the bathroom Vixi was one cloud nine as she fingered herself a bit before drying her vagina up before sitting there trying to clear her mind in hopes of staying dry long enough to make it at least to this hill side Kat was speaking of.

"Took you long enough I thought you might not have really wanted me and just took care of yourself without my help." teased Kat as he handed her her bag off food before leading the way back to his car.

"Oh you know how much I want you but since I didn't wear any underwear I had to try and clear my head of your plans in order to stay dry long enough to finish this food." replied Vixi as she took the food and got into his car.

"Hay I just cleaned the car so no vaginal fluids on the seat. Understood?" teased Kat as he started the car and drove off toward Luna Hill.