
Candy Paint

Authors note: This is a perspective change, as well as a time jump to the past to flesh out a character that will soon interact with Lilo in the current timeline. If there are any questions, concerns, or confusions, please let me know in the comments.

Candy was not always cursed… But the life of the wife of Lilo certainly felt that way.

Candy had always been a bubble of joy. She was born with glee written on her face.

While other infants cried, her entrance into the world was full of joyful laughter.

Her giggles were contagious and her parents adored her.

She was a precious enlightened spirit amongst the tough husk of the grueling world.

Parents are meant to adore their child, but it wasn't only them that valued her blissful presence.

It was contagious to everyone who encountered her.