
"Forbidden dragon dance of the legion of deadly demons, curse of the fallen, departure from the spiritual plane, darkness hollow ten thousand!"

Lemon's face grew a deep shade of red as Lilo's legs wrapped tighter around her head.

Two strong arms, broke Lilo's grip with ease, peeling back his arms and legs; freeing Lemon from passing out within the next few seconds.

Jawbi patted both of them on their backs with a proud grin on his face.

Lemon coughed up phlegm as she regained her posture and tears brimmed her bloodshot eyes from the intense choke hold she had endured.

Lilo rubbed his bruises on his forearms from catching her furious kicks one too many times, and his limbs shook from exhaustion. He didn't allow his craver powers to kick in yet, too many eyes were on him.

All his expertise in combat and fortified mentality did not mean that his body was in shape. He was still within a twelve year old's frame and there were limits that put a boundary on his capabilities.

"Good match guys. Now it's my turn to face the winner." Jawbi exclaimed with a mortifying enthusiam.

'Oh hell no. Why, god dammit.'

"Winner?" Lemon side eyed Lilo with distain. "I did not pass out or tap out. There was no decisive winner."

Nobody even bothered to react to her comment.

"Ummm Sir? Isn't it considered child abuse to spar someone as little as me? You're way too big and I'm extremely exhausted from everything you've put me through." Lilo tried to plead his case.

'It's not even about the physical advantage. That's a grown ass man, I'm literally a child. He's supposed to teach us, not beat our asses.'

"It's tradition around here to face your masters when you are at your worst. Don't worry, there will be handicaps to level the playing field." Jawbi crossed his arms, flexing them in intimidation.

"Firstly, I will not use my feet, I will stay planted on my knees; remaining immobile for your ease of access."

"Second, I will not use my relic or any supernatural abilities."

"And lastly, I will do this all while blindfolded."

A gasp of admiration washed over the crowd of gathered students, all anticipating the match with bubbling excitement.

'Oh for fucks sake, I'm still extremely outmatched. Him being immobile only forces me to be on the initiative.'

Lilo quickly and discretely used his craver ability to remove the lactic acid within his fatigued muscles and to replenish his loss of breath.

Even his high heart rate leveled out, allowing him to at the very least be of some semblance of what a fresh version of himself would be like to face an overwhelmingly powerful opponent such as Jawbi.

Jawbi's physique was among the best he had ever witnessed. With very little fat coating his chiseled outlines of each muscle fiber striation, and perfect symmetry throughout each portion of his perfectly crafted body.

His physique aside, his combat experience was also formidable. Having to battle gluttons in intimate proximity was nothing a normal person back on earth would ever have the harrowing experience to be conditioned on.

Jawbi was simply surpassing everything and anything Lilo could potentially have an edge on. This was a battle he was going to lose no matter what.

All he really had control over, was in what fashion he would lose by. Would he put up a valiant effort and make Jawbi acknowledge his prowess? Surely the spar with Lemon already proved that. What was Lilo going to try to accomplish during this spar?

'There's literally nothing for me to gain out of this.'

With that thought, Lilo determined to lose as quickly and efficiently as possible.

'Let's not waste time.'

Jawbi got on his knees as he promised and took off his overall straps as blind folds to go over his eyes.

With an inviting motion, he beckoned Lilo on with on outstretched wave.

Lemon watched with apprehensive curiosity, interested to see him lose in spectacular fashion.

'Well if I'm going to lose, might as well make it memorable.'

There was one move that Lilo had never got to use in a real match back in his past life when he fought for a living in a cage.

During his years of training, he had chosen to study all forms of martial arts and traveled the world to deeply understand the culture and background of each respected art.

Several of them turned out to be silly and mostly a formal flashy routine of moves that would prove to be useless if used in real combat.

Never the less, they looked cool and it revealed much about movement and understanding the human body.

Bit by bit, Lilo studied most if not all of any type of martial art invented by all the countries in the world.

There was one move that was so bizarre and silly that he never even bothered to see if there was a benefit to using it in combat.

Ironically it was a dancing kick move, similar to what Lemon was using during their spar.

Every move was highly exaggerated, accentuating the form of each pose, creating a very visually appealing set of combinations that lead to an impressive strike; but it was simply too impractical.

It took too long to set up and was more of a show boating move rather than a lethal strike with good technique.

All the extra movements were just cause for fatigue and did not add to the power of the move what so ever.

But the masters of this art kept being adamant that it was the most deadly strike any human could even muster up.

Of course, Lilo did not believe them, but he still stuck true to his belief that even the most silliest of martial arts could teach him something new about himself.

It took him two years of dedicated practice to master the art of this move, and yet he never even bothered to utilize it or add it to his arsenal of tools.

This kick was called the forbidden dragon dance of the legion of deadly demons, curse of the fallen, departure from the spiritual plane, darkness hollow ten thousand.

It was always the useless moves that had the longest and most ridiculous names. It was taught in the mountains of Brazil by a forgotten group of nomadic African American monks, and it belonged to a martial art called Capoeira.

Lilo now had the chance to use it. Jawbi was blind folded so he wouldn't know what strike was coming. He was going to remain stationary on his knees so Lilo didn't have to worry about taking his time as well.

It all just made sense. The move itself was surely useless and wouldn't harm the giant muscly man; but it was flashy enough to sell Lilo's efforts in trying to deliver a lethal blow.

After failing to land an effective kick, Jawbi would most likely grab a hold of him and strangle him, prompting Lilo to prematurely tap.

The scenario ran through Lilo's mind and a grin of satisfaction grew on his lips.

'This is a decent plan.'

"I don't know man... what if those monks were right? What if this really is the most powerful move a human from your world could ever deliver?" Soda asked in sarcastic mockery.

Lilo scoffed as well, almost letting out a laugh.

He took his position, leveling out his stance and beginning to move to the ritual of swaying back and forth.

It was a way of balancing his weight beneath his legs and preparing to launch the series of flashing whirling kicks.

It looked and felt like a dance, but hints of its lethality was shown with each devastatingly fast twist of his hips and legs when the motion of kicks spiraled.

Jawbi tensed, anticipating when Lilo would approach and held up his two arms to guard his face.

Lilo was not aiming for the head though. He wanted Jawbi to catch the kick, so he instead chose to target the body.

The liver in particular. If he really wanted to sell his efforts people would notice the malicious intention of targeting that organ.

The crowd ood and awed as Lilo made his way to Jawbi with his series of whirling flashy kicks.

It was similar to a breakdance with the way he would often use his arms to support himself up against the floor while he swirled around.

A gust of a strong wind entered the open doors of the gym, making Lilo's tunic and hair rustle, selling the spectacular set of moves even more.

It was like a movie scene, no not quite... it was more like... an anime.

Lilo was never into such childish things, but his ex wife would often watch them while they shared a meal. He would catch glimpses of the corny one liners, the flashy moves, the catchy opening sound tracks.

He used to be annoyed and didn't bother to enjoy it as much as his wife did, but now thinking back on it in this moment in a new world...

He missed that side of her. He missed the sight of her cheering her favorite characters in a showdown. He missed her shouting the corning lines that the main characters did when dishing out their special moves.

'What if... I did that too?'

"Oh gods... please don't embarrass us both." Soda pleaded.

A giggle escaped Lilo's lips as he spun and remembered his wife's cute expressions when she watched anime at the dinner table.

With a deep breath he shouted at the top of his lungs before his final blow of this silly special move landed Jawbi.

"Forbidden dragon dance of the legion of deadly demons, curse of the fallen, departure from the spiritual plane, darkness hollow ten thousand!"

Just got conracted! Yipee! Working on character sheets today. Very exciting moment for this novel.

Vanilla_Chinocreators' thoughts