
Chapter 7

Demeus walked the length of the small man-made creek the fishermen used for their water source. Up until today he never had a reason to linger at that creek deep in thought but tonight he did have a reason and that reason was in form of a redheaded, hot-blooded woman that made the blood in his vein run hot.

He sat at the bank of the creek with his back towards the village. Everyone was asleep by now and only the sound of the nocturnal insects pierced the night. Usually he would make a quiet exit during the night whenever he was done assisting the fishermen but this night he didn't want to leave. What was it about the free-spirited, fire-spitting Helena that made him feel like a young randy god again? For years he vowed never to be affected by any woman again since the one woman he loved gave herself to another god just before their wedding feast. That woman was the goddess of the waters, Oya, known for her full figure, beautiful smooth skin and tall elegance. He had loved her very much but now he hated her so much it was a wonder he hadn't killed her yet. Ever since her betrayal he vowed never to open his heart again because he couldn't bear the embarrassment of rejection again. And for years since he made his how he lived a life of celibacy, women barely tempted him and he was happy with that. So who was this woman who tempted him so?

The image of her and her blue eyes flashing with fire when she countered his attempt to rescue her from Banjo came to his mind again and with it came the look of gratitude when he laid the damp cloth over her head. She was grateful but the stubborn wench was still tempted to make a big deal of it.

He smiled as he thought about how she had snapped her mouth shut when he gently reprimanded her. She was a temptress, one he needed to get away from as fast as possible. But didn't he already promise to help her see more of Eyrotia? The thought of spending more time with her made his blood run fast and hot in his veins. With a deep sigh that came out as a groan Demeus leaned forward to stare at him reflection in the clear water, his white eyes stared back at him. Running a hand over his bald head he transformed back to his god form. His pure white braided hair fell in a long curl into the water causing a wave in the surface. It still amazed him how humans barely questioned his white eyes, it was the one thing he couldn't change when he transformed to a human and he was grateful no one questioned it. What if Helena did?

Well, he would have to figure out an answer for her if she did.

Helena woke up sore. Her bones ached and her feet were very sore. She groaned as she sat up on the wooden bed, the bed was definitely made for a man. There was nothing on it to soften the wood that dug into her flesh. She swung her leg over the edge and opened her eyes. Her mouth dropped at the amount you of light that streamed in through the window.

How had she slept so long? She was far away from home! Had anyone looked for her at Mount Kpamos and found that she was missing? Her heart flew to her throat as she thought of Robos. What if he was looking for her?

As fast as she could she stood up, adjusted her clothes and was just running out the door when she came in contact with solid muscle. Stumbling back she caught herself before she fell and looked up to see Demeus.

"Ramus!" she exclaimed.

Demeus reached to keep her from but quickly retracted his hand. She looked disturbed.

"Morning, Helena…well you slept late into the afternoon. Were you really that tired?"

She did not crack a smile, neither did she shoot his one of her fiery glare. Instead she shuffled her feet as though impatient.

"I need to go back home," she said. "I am sorry, I should never have stayed long and inconvenienced you like I have. I had no intention to do so," she paused and looked up at him and he could swear he saw worry in her eyes.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes," she said quickly, too quickly. "Everything is fine. I just need to go back to my father, he may be worried about me."

An surprising surge of sadness threatened to make him beg her to stay. He had planned on showing her as much of Eyrotia as he could, but not just that, he wanted to spend some time with her, to see if she really was all fire and storm or if there was a soft side to her. He wanted to know her better but as the look of worry turned to desperation he knew he had to let her go.

"I will show you the way then," he said finally.

Gratitude made her face glow making her look even more beautiful and serene.

"You don't have to bother yourself with following me, I can find my way back to Jamark."

He wanted to argue but soon shrugged it off. No matter what he felt she was a stranger who had come crashing into his life like a whirlwind, he probably wouldn't see her again so why torture himself? With an inward sigh he forced himself to nod then stepped back.

"But you should let me pack some food for you." Before she could say anything he went out and hurried in the direction of what seemed to be a store. Warmth suffused Helena at his kindness. Why was he so kind to her? She was independent but her life with Robos made her realize how much she hungered for affection, Robos couldn't offer that affection but this complete stranger was doing things that made her want to feel…wanted? She shook her head. No wanted wasn't the word, it was something more and she didn't dare dwell on what that something more was.

Contrary to what Helena thought, the fishermen and their families were still in bed. There was nothing else to do since the salt picking was done, all that was left was to gather their things and head back to the main kingdom. As Demeus tied the sack which held the food he packed for Helena he pondered on what that would mean for him. It would mean going back to the realm of the gods of taking the form of a blacksmith or farmer.

Closing the door if the store he headed back to the room where Helena sat and handed the sack to her.

"Stay safe, Helena," he said gruffly trying to keep raw emotions from his voice.

She smiled and said a soft thank you. She took the back and he walked her to the entrance of the small village. She nodded at him in gratitude and started to walk away on her own.