
Curse Of the Dragon

Kate Brown, 23 is a famous lawyer. From setting examples to always having the best she had found herself at the top. And, having the best wedding with her boyfriend Tom Windsor was her obsession. But the moment her life starts going downhill she came across the reality of her life. Everything until now in her life was nothing but a curse. Her doom is inevitable. Accepting this fact was as hard as choosing to grab the only solution she was presented with. But she is ready to do anything even if it takes her ten thousand years back to marry the last dragon.

The_AshlehQueen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

I am Bride

"Oh my God, I can't believe you are getting married," I heard Tania say and turned to give her my raised brows and winked at her excitement.

"You are everywhere…will you believe me? You just got five thousand followers in the last one hour. Bloggers, influencers, and media are going crazy with your wedding," I laughed shaking my head amused. I tried to seem amazed but little did she know that how much work was put into this. My contractual PR team was working to make my high budget wedding event a success.

"I don't know. What do you think Tom would say? Has he arrived?" I asked all the while signalling to stop my hairdresser for a second and leaned into the mirror to look at my lipstick. Of course, I was excited. I was going to marry the most caring man. A kind that was hard to find. And, not to forget I was going to lose my virginity on my wedding day. And, Tom liked this fact about me too.

"I guess so. I think he must be busy too. He has to look his best with you." I laughed again. It wasn't the first time when I heard someone say why I was settling for Tom. Well, I on the other side felt the kind of spark with Tom no one ever gave me. He was caring and a good listener. I always look forward to seeing his smile. And, the best thing? Tom had always been the kind to show a smile on such compliments.

I stared in the mirror. Thinking why everyone found me very beautiful. Ok, yea, I was indeed bestowed with perfect features but like every successful people, I have thrived to be here where I am today.

"Kate Brown is getting married today at aged twenty-three. The woman who does nothing but set examples for everyone. From being an orphan to be a reporter at fourteen and then a model at eighteen she never missed a year and got graduated in law. Kate Brown is the very same person who is defending the corruption charges against Mayer Jones. She is marrying her boyfriend Tom Windsor she is dating for the last three years who is also a lawyer and…" I swear Tania could go on forever if I won't stop her.

"…and, the love of her life." I cut Tania off to say my heart and waved my hand to the camera that was going live. I didn't have any problem with that. I was used to people prying into my life though I have left modelling four years ago. And, I happened to be the miss world too and love getting attention. I didn't know anything about my parents except the fact I was found in a cradle. My features tell me I either had Chinese or Korean ancestors.

"Do you know there are assumptions as to where you will be moving? Why don't you tell all of us now?" Kathy, my other bridesmaid asked.

"I am moving to where I belong…" I laughed in the camera hiding my mouth behind my hand.

"Come on, talk to my viewers," Kathy said and I looked into the camera to say,

"Thank you so much for all the wishes. I can feel this whole energy. I don't know what to say today. I am finally going to have someone I can call family? I will be posting clues on my Instagram. Stay updated." Kathy got the clue and went to talk with her followers while I turned to look at the mirror and smiled.

"I am ready,"

The photographer came in and my eight bridesmaids lined up to take the best shots. Three of them were more into posting everything on their Instagram without a delay while I on the other hand would smile at them and try to revise my speech.

I had spent a half million on the event with my dress costing me around seventy thousand dollars. The rest of the contributions were from Tom. And, he could afford a lot more given he was a born millionaire. I hear what my photographer had to say about my entry and tried to give it the best walk of my life.

I didn't have anyone in my family and Tom only had his mother who is paralyzed and couldn't attend our wedding. His two distant uncles were attending the wedding and I had been going great with both. But then I hardly remember anyone I couldn't go along well. And, sometimes I wonder too.

I walked to the entrance, music started and I took a long breath. I didn't look up until Rick came to hold my arm. He was Tania's father and we just decided on him to walk with me. I looked up to notice Tom standing there and I knew it was my moment. The moment I was going to cherish my whole life. He wore the same tie I gifted him two years ago and couldn't hold my smile. He never told me he would wear this one.

Tom held his hand out that I took and couldn't help my smile. I knew this hand will always be there to hold me. He was the one I was going to trouble a lot.

"We are gathered here to witness the union between Mr Tom Windsor and Miss…"

"Miss. Kate Brown!..." I wasn't the only one to turn around to find the source of the voice. A woman in uniform walked ahead to catch my hand while my eyes got widened in shock.

"We are here to arrest you. You better keep your silence and…" Of course, I didn't let him finish and tried to catch my hand back. But the grip was tight. I turn to look at Tom who too seemed shocked while all of my bridesmaids had their cellphones up in the air to catch the moment. Everyone around me had their phones up in the air. I blinked my eyes and finally found my voice.
