
Chapter 2: My birth in the new world...

It is dark and cramped and I hate it. I have been in what I can only assume to be my mother's womb for God only knows how long. While it is nice to just float around and develop into a person it has gotten very claustrophobic in here recently and I am ready to leave and meet the world and my parents. And it seems my wish is about to come true because I can feel myself being aligned with my head facing what I can only assume to be the umm *ahem* entrance to a whole new world. Feeling the walls around me contract and begin pushing me towards the light, I don't mess around and start making my way there as fast as I can. For being a baby who hasn't even been born yet I think I am doing a hell of a job making this job easy on my mom. After what seems like forever but was actually only a few minutes I am pulled out of my mother and hit in the eyes with a bright light.

Focusing and looking around it seems I am in a modern operating room surrounded by nurses, a woman on a bed who is barely sweating, a man to her side looking at me with big doe eyes who I can only assume is my dad, and finally a doctor who is holding me. I hear a nurse say," that has to be the fastest a baby has ever been delivered it has been less than 20 minutes since the mother went into labor. It's like the baby was trying to race out of there." what can I say, I hate small spaces and I was ready to see the world. As I was still investigating the room trying to get a better look at my parents to see if I hit the genetic lottery or not I was suddenly turned over and the doctor began spanking my ass! laying there unable to move since I was just born and have no true motor skills I go to tell the nurse or my parents to get this pedophile in a doctors uniform away from me before he does something I will never be able to forget and will have to go to therapy for the rest of my life for. When instead of speaking all that comes out are cries and then I remember that I was just born and the doctor has to make sure I can breathe and all that. After he the doctor does his preliminary survey of my body I hear a woman's voice say, "Can I hold my baby now doctor?" Looking at her the doctor hands me to her and I get my first good look at both parents as the man I can only assume to be my father leans over my mother who is holding me and smiles for all he is worth.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, with pale skin and a smile that could light up a stadium my mother is quite the looker. I won't comment on her more womanly whiles but let's just say I can see why any man would want her. If I had to guess I would put her at 5'10 maybe taller it is hard to say when she is still laying down after giving birth to me. With a voice like tinkling bells my mother says," he is handsome isn't he darling? what do you think we should name him?"

Looking to my father I see a bear of a man easily 6 foot plus with a large beard and all muscle. he has dark hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes that draw your attention and make you want to trust him. both my parents seem young, maybe mid-twenties? Looking down on me he says," with those looks he has to have an equally amazing name how about JACK D. DANGER! THE D STANDS FOR DANGER!!!"

"You want to name our child, our first child who I love more than anything in the world Jack D. Danger, with the D standing for danger? you want me to name our child Jack Danger Danger?"

my mother looks at my father with the same smile but her aura has shifted from sunshine and rainbows to demons and hell very quickly. I think I can even see the image of a snarling demon behind her back. *shiver* (scary, note to self never piss mom off. You will die. your welcome future self.)

looking properly scolded my father begins to sweat and laughs *haha*"Now that I think about it why don't you come up with his name, our last name isn't even Danger" *haha*

*hehehe* "well if you insist then why don't we name him David D. Braveheart. The D can even stand for Danger so you can't say you had no opinion in our child's name. "

*tears running down his face with how touched he is* " thanks honey, I love you so much."

As my parents kiss I sigh and think (you shouldn't have given in mother now I'm stuck with the middle name Danger. But all things considered David D. Braveheart isn't such a bad name.) I was then handed off to the doctor for the rest of the tests and procedures that will need to be done before I am allowed to be taken from the hospital and before you know it a week has passed and I can now leave the hospital with my two loving parents.

I will try to post 1-2 chapters a day. this will likely be a slower-paced book with more emphasis placed on character interaction than action scenes but I will still try to do my best to keep my readers interested. expect a few chapters before our main character David D. Braveheart begins his body cultivation. though he will begin his Qi cultivation in the next chapter. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.

KingFapcreators' thoughts