
Prologue Part 3

I opened them...I opened my eyes and what I saw was horrifying...above me was the vast dark sky and within all that darkness hovered an eye. That eye seemed to look at my soul itself, it was as if it could change my fate with a mere thought, then it spoke. "Hmmmm, you're disgusted with yourself huh?" It said and I responded "It is as you say" but I did so in a respectful tone. "Then Evil you shall be!" It yelled and then continued on to say "That is your punishment". I simply looked up in confusion and then it looked at me directly in the eyes, as he did so I could feel my soul change, I could feel Evil flooding in. I collapsed to the ground writhing and it spoke again "My name is Duke von Dutch the 376th overseer of hell and I am crime itself, I am pain itself, I am suffering itself, I am evil itself...and now.....I am you." After it stopped speaking I felt something overpower me and I lost consciousness.

This is the end of the prologue.

Menacing_Daocreators' thoughts