
Prologue Part 2

2 years later.

It's been along time since I died and to say the least, it's obviously not pleasant. It's like closing your eyes and never opening them...I can feel the urge to open my eyes but it's like there's something watching me...something waiting to consume me once I open them, as if it's looking for the slightest hint of life in me.

I refused to open my eyes in the face of the horror that surely awaited me if I took even a peek.

3 years later.

It's been hell in it's purest form willing myself to keep my eyes closed...

4 years later.

I play my memories like a movie from the smallest minute detail to the most heart-wrenching moments. Now I'm come to terms with myself...I used to take pride in being evil but now when the things I've done in my life flash through my mind, I'm disgusted with myself and now I've decided to take responsibility for what I've done by opening my eyes...